Texas History Syllabus
Teacher: Byron Skaggs
Room: 410
Course Overview: Students will study the history of Texas from early times to the present, including eras of mission building, colonization, revolution, republic, and statehood, and reconstruction.
Text used: Prentice Hall’s Lone Star- The Story of Texas, 2003
Required Materials:
1. Textbook 6. one set of dividers
2. 1 ½” binder 7. Map pencils
3. Pen or Pencils 8. Scissors
4. Notebook paper 9. Glue (stick or bottle)
5. 1 Composition book
Classroom Conduct, Policies, and Expectations: To ensure a productive learning environment the following rules and policies must be followed.
A. Class Rules
See attached sheet
Class Policies
B. Detentions
All detentions will be served at 7am in Mr. Lykin’s room. One day notice will always be given.
C. Tardies and late arrivals
A student who is not in the classroom when the bell sounds is considered tardy or late. A student is tardy if they are without a pass after the bell. A student is late if they arrive with a pass after the bell. There is no penalty for arriving late with a pass.
1st tardy- Student receives a warning and tardy is recorded in grade book.
2nd tardy- Call home to parents and tardy is recorded in grade book.
3rd tardy- turns into an unexcused absence.
D. Academic Honesty
It is expected that students will not cheat on homework, tests, quizzes, or projects. Cheating will result in a zero for all those involved and phone calls will be made to parents.
E. Attendance
Regular class attendance and punctuality are required and strongly encouraged. Unexcused absences and excessive tardiness will be dealt with according to the Carlisle ISD handbook.
F. Late work
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Assignments turned in late will automatically lose 20 pts. Assignments more than 2 days late will not be accepted.
G. Make-up tests and late work
After an excused absence, students are responsible for getting any work or notes they missed. Students should check the absence folder on the back table for missed work. Any assignment that was due on the day of the absence is due the day the student returns unless otherwise noted. Students are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher to make up tests. If you are absent on test day you have 1 week to make up the test.
H. Extra Help
Extra help is available to students who are absent or experiencing difficulty in assignments. I will be available every morning from 7:30-7:55 unless I have a faculty meeting, teacher duty, or if I am absent. I will not be available Thursday mornings due to Student Council meetings.
I. Grading Scale
90-100 = A 69 = F
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
Classroom Procedures
1. Entering the classroom: a. Quietly get your binder.
b. Sit down at your assigned desk.
c. Complete the posted warmup without talking.
2. Daily Schedule: Every day I will have the day’s academic
schedule posted on the whiteboard for your
reading pleasure.
3. Paper Headings: For all assignments, the following heading will
need to be at the top right hand corner of your paper:
First and Last Name
Texas History 7-__
4. Ask a question or get up: Unless we are participating in an activity that
requires movement, please raise your hand and
wait for my response.
5. When finished with work: Read your library book
6. Pair or group work: When getting in pairs or groups, collect the
materials that you will need and quietly assemble.
If desks are moved, they must be replaced before
class is over.
7. Turning in Classwork: When you complete daily work, turn it in the tray
for your period. When we take quizzes or test and
you are finished, turn it face down on your desk
and I will come to pick it up.
8. Leaving from Class: The bell does not dismiss you from class…I do. At
the end of class stay seated until I dismiss you. If
the previous class has not been dismissed please
quietly wait in the hall.
**** I look forward to another exciting year with each of you and anticipate a great year learning all about our great state, Texas! *****