District Five Schools of Spartanburg County
Perkins, Work-based Learning, and State Equipment
Local Plan Requests FY 2014-15– Instructions
Instructions: The request form must be completed electronically and received, as an email attachment, by Dr. Scott Smith at the District Office no later than 4 PM on Thursday, April 3, 2014. You will be notified once your request has been received.
Perkins and State Equipment funds are limited for the 2014-15 school year. Funding priority will be given to activities which improve/expand programs, are new,and/or have a proven record of success.
Please be sure to provide a description that fully describes the intended use of these funds, how they will impact Career and Technology Education students, and how they address the Perkins IVIndicators. Make a separate request for each activity (different use of funds).
Form Help: (An entry must be made in each column that you are requesting funds from.)
Course Code: List the first four (4) digits of the official course code (as listed in your school’s course registration guide). This code must be on the approved South Carolina State Department of Education list. Courses that are local board approved (the third and fourth digits will be a “99” – i.e. 3299_ _) do not meet the qualifications for any of these funds. If the activity involves students from multiple approved courses (including RDA students) then enter N/A for the course code.
CIPcode: This is used only by high school completer programs in Business Education.
Describe the Proposed use of Funds: Please provide a descriptive narrative that indicates how these funds will be used. Note that these funds MAY NOT be used for consumable materials, to pay for services that are provided to all other students using state or local funds, or for services that carry out state law requirements (i.e. EEDA).
Participant: A secondary student enrolled in a state-approved CATE course.
Concentrator: A secondary student with an assigned CIP Code who has earned 3 or more units of credit in a state-recognized CATE program.
Completer: A CATE concentrator who has earned all of the required units in a CATE program identified by the assigned CIP Code.
Perkins IV Indicator(s) Addressed: Mark the appropriate indicators.
Academic Attainment – English/Language Arts – total number of 12th grade concentrators who scored proficient or advanced (Score of 3 or 4) on the ELA HSAP administered 2 years prior to the reporting year as required by NCLB divided by the total number of 12th grade concentrators who took the ELA HSAP administered 2 years prior to the reporting year as required by NCLB.
Academic Attainment – Math – total number of 12th grade concentrators who scored proficient or advanced (Score of 3 or 4) on the Math HSAP administered 2 years prior to the reporting year as required by NCLB divided by the total number of 12th grade concentrators who took the Math HSAP administered 2 years prior to the reporting year as required by NCLB.
Technical Skill Attainment–total number of concentrators who completed a CATE program and who passed technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate, during the reporting year plus concentrators who achieved a final GPA of at least 2.0 averaged over the year for all the CATE courses taken during the year for those program areas that do not have other valid and reliable assessments divided by the total number of concentrators who completed a CATE program.
Secondary School Completion – total number of 12th grade concentrators who completed a CATE program and who attained a South Carolina high school diploma, a state certificate, or GED divided by the total number of 12th grade concentrators who completed a CATE program.
Student Graduation Rate - total number of CATE concentrators who, in the reporting year, were included as graduated in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as defined in SC’s Consolidated Accountability Plan divided by the total number of CATE concentratorswho, in the reporting year, were included in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as defined in SC’s Consolidated Accountability Plan.
Student Placement Rate – total number of concentrators who completed a CATE program and who are placed in postsecondary education, military service, or employment over a three-year period divided by the total number of concentrators who completed a CATE program and are available for placement over a three-year period.
Nontraditional Participation* – total number of concentrators of the underrepresented gender enrolled in CATE programs identified as leading to nontraditional training and employment divided by the total number of concentrators enrolled in CATE programs identified as leading to nontraditional training and employment.
Nontraditional Completion* – total number of concentrators of the underrepresented gender who have completed CATE programs identified as leading to nontraditional training and employment divided by the total number of concentrators who have completed CATE programs identified as leading to nontraditional training and employment.
* - Nontraditional refers only to programs, not courses (see
Describe how this activity helps the district meet Perkins IV Indicator(s): Be sure to include how you are addressing the Perkins IV Indicator(s) that you chose.
Supporting Information: Provide any supplementary information that can support your request.
Equipment or Supplies: If you are requesting funds to purchase equipment or supplies, complete the list of that equipment or those supplies in the table provided.
Program: Refers to the subprogram listed below.
Sub-Program / Uses of FundsIntegration - 01 / Strengthen the academic and career and technical skills of students participating in CATE programs by strengthening the academic and CATE components of such programs through the integration of academics with CATE program through a coherent sequence of courses such as a CATE Program of Study to ensure learning in the core academic subjects and career and technology education subjects.
Work-Based Learning Activities - 02 /
- To provide students with strong experience in and an understanding of all aspects of an industry.
- To provide students in grades 7-12 with work-related experiences, such as internships, job shadowing, cooperative education, school-based enterprises, and entrepreneurship, that are related to CATE programs.
- For local education and business partnerships.
- For industry experience for teachers and faculty.
Technology Training - 03 /
- To develop, improve, or expand the use of technology in CATE programs, which may include:
b)providing CATE students with the academic and CATE skills that lead to entry into the technology field; or
c)encouraging schools to collaborate with high technology industries to offer voluntary internships and mentoring programs to include programs that improve the math and science knowledge of students.
- To support FIRST Robotics and FIRST Vex with the following guidelines:
b)A maximum of $1,000 per team can be spent for FIRST Vex;
c)The majority of team members (FIRST Robotics and FIRST Vex) are required to be CATE Students;
d)Perkins funds can be used for purchasing the kit and competition registration ONLY. Travel is not an allowable expenditure;
e)Participation in a Regional competition is required to claim funds for reimbursement. Regional competition participation will be verified.
f)Funding for LEGO league will not be approved.
Professional Development -
04 / To provide professional development programs to secondary and postsecondary teachers, faculty, administrators, and counselors who are involved in integrated CATE programs including:
a) in-service and pre-service training in state-of-the-art CATE programs and techniques, in effective teaching skills based on research, in effective use of scientifically based research and data to improve instruction and in effective practices to improve parental and community involvement;
b) support of education programs for teachers of CATE courses/programs in public schools and other public school personnel who are involved in the direct delivery of educational services to CATE students, to ensure that such teachers and personnel stay current with all aspects of an industry;
c) internship programs that provide relevant business experience;
d) programs designed to train teachers specifically in the effective use and application of technology to improve instruction.
Improve Programs - 06 /
- To initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality CATE programs.
- To improve or develop new CATE courses.
Program of Study - 07 /
- Activities that link career and technology education at the secondary level and postsecondary level by offering the relevant elements of a CATE Program of Study which:
(ii) may include the opportunity for secondary education students to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs or other ways to acquire postsecondary education credits; and
(iii) will lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.
Special Populations – 08 /
- To provide activities to prepare special populations students, who are enrolled in CATE programs, for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency.
- To provide programs and additional assistance for special populations students.
(A) individuals with disabilities;
(B) individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children;
(C) individuals preparing for non-traditional fields;
(D) single parents, including single pregnant women;
(E) displaced homemakers; and
(F) individuals with limited English proficiency.
You will need to identify which types of individuals you will be addressing.
Placement – 09 / To provide career guidance and academic counseling through the use of graduation and career plans for students participating in CATE programs that will:
- lead to improved graduation rates;
- provide information on postsecondary and career options including baccalaureate degree programs for secondary students
Student Organizations – 10 / To assist career and technology student organizations by paying for travel, lodging and registration to state and national conferences. Recognized CATE organizations are: DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FEA, FFA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA.
NOTE: For Student Organizations, include the number of members that the organization officially had for the 2013-14 school year and list, by office, any state or national offices that the organization’s members will hold for the 2014-15 year in the “Supporting Information” section.
Equipment – 11 / To lease, purchase, upgrade, or adapt equipment, including instructional aides designed to strengthen and support academic and technical skill achievement.
Family and
Consumer Sciences – 12 /
- To provide support for family and consumer sciences programs (Fashion Design and Apparel Construction, Interior Design, Early Childhood Education, Introduction to Teaching, Family and Consumer Sciences, Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management and Operations, Food Science and Dietetics, and 7th and 8th grade FACS courses).
- To purchase/upgrade equipment, support professional development activities, and promote integration initiatives.
Nontraditional Activities - 14 / To support nontraditional training and employment activities.
Equipment - 19 / For purchasing CATE equipment
NOTE: State Equipment funds may not be used below 9th grade. Any item purchased with equipment funds must be at least $100 (per item) and have a life expectancy of over one (1) year. An inventory MUST be maintained and submitted to your administration for all equipment purchased with State Equipment funding.
Function: Refers to how the funds will be used. Choose either instructional (direct to the student in the classroom) or support (non-instructional/non-classroom).