2010 Manzi Fellowship Essay Application Questions and Instructions for Uploading onto NaviGATE
Please click on the Manzi Fellowship Application link on the Career Services’ webpage to apply for either or both the Jim Manzi ‘73 Fellowship and the Jim Manzi ‘73/BMC Fellowship.
Applicants are expected to reflect on the following questions and submit well-thought-out responses that have been thoroughly proofread.
To proceed to the next step in the application process, you must view the "Get Cleared for NaviGATE" workshop, sign the Code of Conduct, and have your resume approved. You can find the online workshop on Career Services' homepage under the "Internships and Jobs" box.
Completed applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 8. If you have questions regarding the Manzi Fellowship please contact Nancy Marshall at .
Essay questions required of applicants for the Jim Manzi ’73 Fellowship:
1)Please articulate your interest in two of the Manzi Fellowship sponsoring organizations. What can you offer these organizations?
2) Briefly describe one example of campus or community involvement that exemplifies your interest in--and commitment to--community service.
3) If selected, what do you hope to learn through your participation in the Manzi Fellowship experience?
Essay questions required of applicants for the Jim Manzi ’73/ BostonMedicalCenter Fellowship:
1) Please articulate your interest in BostonMedicalCenter's Emerging Leaders in Healthcare Program. What can you contribute to BMC through this internship?
2) Briefly describe one example of campus or community involvement that exemplifies your interest in--and commitment to--community service.
3) If selected, what do you hope to learn through your participation in the Manzi Fellowship experience?
Essay questions required of applicants pursuing both the Jim Manzi ’73/ BostonMedicalCenter Fellowship AND Jim Manzi ‘73 Fellowship:
1)Please articulate your interest in BostonMedicalCenter's Emerging Leaders in Healthcare Program and one additional Manzi Fellowship organization. What can you offer these organizations?
2) Briefly describe one example of campus or community involvement that exemplifies your interest in--and commitment to--community service.
3) If selected, what do you hope to learn through your participation in the Manzi Fellowship experience?
After your Survey Monkey Application is Complete:
You must view the "Get Cleared for NaviGATE" workshop, sign the Code of Conduct, and have your resume approved. You can find the online workshop on Career Services' homepage under the "Internships and Jobs" box.
Once these steps are completed please upload your approved resume and unofficial transcript to naviGATE. Transcripts can be found on the Registrar's page off the portal. Please follow the instructions below for uploading to naviGATE:
1) Open a new window and go to
2) Clink on the "for students/alumni"
3) Log in with your Colgate email and NaviGATE password. If you do not remember your password, click "Forgot Password".
Build a personal profile:
1) Build a personal profile by clicking on the “my profile” tab. Update your email address and contact information. Ensure your graduation date, declared major, preferred industries, abroad status, and other school information to accurate.
Upload Your Resume/Unofficial Transcript:
1) Select the “my documents” tab.
2) Click "Add New" to upload each document.
3) Insert a label (i.e. JohnDoeresume) to name your document--your name and the type of document should appear in the title.
4) Click Browse to search for your resume from your hard drive, disk or flash drive.
5) Click Submit.
6) Click on the document once it is uploaded to ensure the formatting and content were maintained.