Math 8
Mrs. Cox
Smart’s Mill Middle School
2012 – 2013
InMath 8, the focus of mathematics is to:
- Review and extend the concepts learned in the previous grades;
- Prepare students for the more abstract concepts they will find in algebra and geometry;
- Gain proficiency in computation with rational number and use proportions to solve a variety of problems;
- Engage in discourse about mathematics with teachers and other students;
- Identify real-life applications of mathematics.
We will use calculators, computers, and other appropriate technology tools to assist in teaching and learning.
Daily Materials
- Textbook (you will be issued a textbook to keep at home for the school year. I havea few textbooks in the classroom for use in the classroom).
- Interactive Student Notebook (5 subject college ruled spiral)
- 3-pronged folder (I will provide)
- Pencils, erasersand lead (You need at least 2 everyday)
- Pen
- Agenda
- Silent reading book
- A positive attitude!
Class Outline
- Agenda (students will write down assigned homework and any upcoming assignments)
- Warm – Up (kept in your 3 prong folder and turned in for a grade every 2 weeks)
- Review homework
- Lesson or Quiz/Test (when scheduled)
- Group work, independent practice and exploration
- Closure
We will use many manipulatives in the classroom such as white boards, Promethean Board, calculator, 3-D shapes, Versatiles, games, and puzzles.
- Show respect for yourself and others at all times, including school and personal property.
- Be on time – you must be in your seat at the bell to be considered on time (not walking in the door as the bell is ringing!)
- Be prepared – bring all materials each day to class.
- Be on task – you are expected to do all assigned work and be on task the entire class period.
- Do not have cell phones or electronic devices in this classroom!!!!!! They will be turned over to your dean.
- Refer to the “what to do when” for other situations.
Grading for Mastery
I will be giving you 100% every day and I expect you to do the same!
Your Final grade will consist of the following:(The category weight is represented by the percentage.)
- Warm Ups – 10%
- Problem Sets – 10%
- Tests – 30%
- Quizzes –30%
- Quizzes are announcedare announced and dates are posted in Clarity, and on the board.
- Homework – 10%
- In class activities – 10%
- Probes – 0%
Re-Take Policy
A Student may retake any quiz or test. If a student wants to retake a test, they must make mathematical corrections to their errors, and give a written explanation of the error made. The corrections must be made on loose-leaf paper and stapled to the original assessment. The student must turn in the corrections no later than the following block from the time they receive their graded test. Mrs. Cox will check the corrections and return them to the student as soon as possible. If any correction is not correct, Mrs. Cox will return the corrections back to the student. Corrections must be 100% correct. If the corrections are correct they will be returned to the student and the retake will be placed in resource the following day. The retake will need to be completed within the student’s next two resource blocks. Extenuating circumstances may arise, and adjustments may be made at Mrs. Cox’s discretion.
Scientific Calculators will be used this year in Math 8. I have a class set of scientific calculators for student use in class. These calculators may not be taken out of the classroom. You should purchase your own scientific calculator to use at home. Scientific calculators may be used on the Math 8 SOL in May. Not all homework assignments and tests/quizzes will permit calculator use. Most assignments will be part calculator on and part calculator off.
SMMS Website:
The link to my SMMS Website src="C:\ExportImg\c6d481e077d6c1558481ba023fe2d405\Aspose.Words.3f0bf4b3-f758-4671-9c9d-087dc6873aae.007.png" width="66" height="70" alt="" style="margin-top:17.4pt; margin-left:453.5pt; -aw-left-pos:453.5pt; -aw-rel-hpos:column; -aw-rel-vpos:paragraph; -aw-top-pos:17.4pt; -aw-wrap-type:none; position:absolute">All class notes, homework assignments, ISN worksheets, study tips, problem sets and notes on what we did in class can be found on my webpage. I keep it up to date daily! Especially useful when the student is absent!!!
Math Textbook and Online Materials
There is an online textbook available for the students to use at home, as well as extra practice and review for quizzes and tests. I encourage all students and parents to check them out@
book) Username: PREAVA05 Password:6AjuNusP
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or call the school. Please stay up-to-date with Clarity, we hope for it to go live in the first quarter, and don’t forget about my website. I look forward to a very exciting and math-filled year!
Share this handout with your parent or guardian. When you both have read this information, please sign your names below and return to Mrs. Cox.
Parent SignatureStudent Name(printed)
Email me from an email account that I can reach both the parent and the student.
Procedures and Routines for Mrs. Cox’s Math Class
What to do when …
1.I am on my Get your math book, 3-ring binder, silent reading book, and agenda.
way to class?Go to the bathroom and/or get a drink of water. No passes for the first
or last 10 minutes of class.
2. I enter class?You may not enter the classroom until the teacher instructs you to do so.
Sharpen your pencil if needed. Take your seat and begin the warm-up.
Today’s objective and homework will be on the board. Copy the homework down in your agenda. When the bell rings, you should be working on your warm up and homework should be out on your desk.
3. I am tardy?Show the teacher your pass from your previous teacher. Take your seat
immediately. If homework has already been checked, show it to the teacher.
4. I am absent?My website and/or Clarity will have the work of the day posted.
You are allowed one extra day for every day you are absent to make up the missed assignment(s). If you are absent the day before a test/quiz, you will still be expected to take it since tests and quizzes are announced in advance (but please talk to me before class if you feel you are not!).
5. There is a fire Line up single file. The first person will lead the group.
drill?Last person out, please turn out the lights and shut the door. Without talking, proceed to the designated area. Our line stays together. When the signal has been given the signal to return to the school, the last person in line will lead the class back into the building. You are to remain silent and in line.
6. An announcement Stop talking immediately and listen to the announcement.
comes on?
7. Mrs. CoxYou will see Mrs. Cox’s hand raised. You will:
wants my 1. Stop what you are doing. Put your pencil down.
attention?2. Look at the teacher
3. Listen for instructions.
8. I’m unsure ofSay“Pass”.
the correctAfter the next student gives the correct answer, you will
answer?then be asked to give the correct answer.
9.Working We will work in different groups of different sizes all year.
togetherYou are responsible for your own work and behavior. You must help anyone who asks for your help. Only ask the teacher for assistance after checking with your group.
“Ask 3 before me”.
10. I am taking a Place your name, block and date on your paper. Use pencil
quiz or test?only and always use a test “shield”. Do not talk. If you talk, you will receive a zero, a phone call home, and a note to the dean. Always check your work before turning in your paper in the designated area. Show all work on all calculations. The math department policy is “NO WORK – NO CREDIT”!
11. I finish a quizDouble check your answers! Turn it in, and get the next
early?assignment and quietly begin working on it. Always have
your silent reading book just in case!
12. I was absent on You will have two calendar days to make up assessments for each block
the day we you miss. You may make it up during resource, before/after school or
took a quiz/test?during lunch – but you must get a pass from the teacher.
13. I need See me immediately! Extra help is available before and after school
extra help?by appointment. My website has resources you may find helpful.
14. I have a Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
15. Class is dismissed?The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell, announcements nor clock!
Be sure your homework assignment is written in your agenda correctly. Check your area to be sure it is clean. Return the room to its original condition before leaving. 3rd and 8th period classes must stack the chairs on top of the desks before leaving the class. FOCUS will take down all chairs when they enter the classroom.