AIACC Emerging Professional Awards

Call for Nominations

To advance local and regional excellence, the AIACC Academy for Emerging Professionals developed an awards program to recognize those who contribute in assistingEmerging Professionals and their colleagues in pursuing their personal and professional goals. These individuals recognize the importance of Emerging ProfessionalAIA members and their contribution to the current environment and future of architecture, and are also an excellent source of information and inspiration for components elsewhere, looking for new ideas and programming for their Emerging Professional members. The AIA California Council (AIACC),Academy for Emerging Professional (AEP) Council of Advisors (COA), has created the following award categories open for nominations:

Firm Mentorship Award: The highest award given by the AIACC AEP to an AIA firm that has made an extraordinary effort to mentor Emerging Professionals in their firm through the implementation of specific programs.

Chapter Award: The highest award given by the AIACC AEP to an AIA chapter for the development of superb programming and fostering the highest qualities of leadership within the emerging professional membership.

AssociatesAward: The highest award given by the AIACC AEP to an individual Associate AIA member who best exemplifies the highest qualities of leadership and has demonstrated unparalleled commitment to his/her chapter or region’s membership, in the community, in professional organizations, and/or in the design and construction industries.

Young Architects Award: The highest award given by the AIACC AEPto an individual Young Architect who has shown exceptional leadership and made significant contributions to the profession in an early stage of his/her architectural career.

Requirements for nomination:

  1. Nominee must meet eligibility requirements for specific award.
  2. Nominator must be an Associate AIA or AIA member.
  3. The deadline for submitting nominationsisJune 17, 2011.

Award winners will be announced at the AIACC AEP Statewide Forum in July and will be profiled in the AEP newsletter, Emergence.

For additional information contact Marian Clark via email at or by phone at (916) 642-1719.


In order to ensure the fair and thorough evaluation of all nominees for the AIACC AEP Awards, the following materials must be submitted in the manner described below. All entries submitted without the required nomination materials will be disqualified.

Submitting nomination materials:

  • Entries are to be submitted in PDF 6MB (or less) format and uploaded to the following FTP site:

Username: aiaccPublic

Password: 2011aiacc

Please name your award submissions as follows: First_lastname_AwardCategory.pdf

  • Limited to no more than the page specifications stated in each award submission requirements.

Please note: the use of photos, invitations and other materials is strongly encouraged within the required format.


June 17, 2011Nomination Submissions Due by 5:00 p.m.

June 27, 2011Winners Announced

July30, 2011Winners recognized at AEP Statewide Forum

The AIACC AEP Award Winners will be invited to present at the annual Statewide Forum and will be recognized at the annual AIACC Awards/ Installation Dinner.

AIACC Firm Mentorship Award

The AIACC Mentorship Award is the highest award given by the AIACC AEP to a firm in California that has made an extraordinary effort to mentor emerging professionals.


All firms in California that have an AIA member as a principal are eligible for this award.

  • Providing consistent support and mentorship opportunities for emerging professionals within and outside of the practice.
  • Actively support Interns in the pursuit and IDP, ARE, and licensure.
  • Promote a professional environment of mutual respect and continuous opportunities for interns to progress professionally.
Submission Requirements
  • Completed AIACC Firm Mentorship Award Application;
  • A one-page nomination letter or statement by the AIA or Associate AIA member initiating nomination.
  • A one-page letter of support by an AIA or Associate AIA member.
  • Supporting exhibits of a maximum of 15 pages, possibly including the following:

­Summaries of mentorship programs undertaken

­Mentorship materials used within the firm

­Additional support letters from Emerging Professionals within or outside of the firm

  • Entries are to be submitted in PDF 6MB (or less) format and uploaded to the following FTP site:

Username: aiaccPublic

Password: 2011aiacc

Please name your award submissions as follows: First_lastname_AwardCategory.pdf

AIACC Firm Mentorship Award

We would like to nominate the following AIA member firm for the AIACC Firm Mentorship Award, for their extraordinary effort in mentoring Emerging Professionals.

Name of Chapter ______

Nominee Information

Name of Nominee______

Address of Nominee______




Nominator Information

Name of Nominator______

Nominator Address______





(Telephone)(E-mail Address)

The information provided on this and the accompanying materials is a true and accurate representation of the merits and accomplishments of the nominee.


Signature, NominatorDate


Signature, Chapter PresidentDate

AIACC AEP Chapter Award

The highest award given by the AIACC AEP to an AIA chapter for the development of superb programming and fostering the highest qualities of leadership within the emerging professional membership.


All AIACC Chapters are eligible for this award.


  • Outstanding accomplishment in the creation, development and delivery of creative programs for its Emerging Professional mentorship.
  • Exemplary involvement of the chapter mentorship in community and professional organizations, as well as local business, the design and construction industries, and others.
  • Active, consistent, and involved Emerging Professional mentorship throughout the year.
  • Effective chapter executive committee, providing consistent leadership and chapter representation on issues affecting Emerging Professionals in the chapter, community and National AIA levels.
  • Recognition within the chapter regarding the value of Emerging Professional members.
  • Promotion of the Intern Development Program, mentoring, and continuing education for Associate members.

Submission Requirements (not to exceed 25 pages)

  • Completed AEP Chapter Award Application.
  • One letter of nomination from the AIA or Associate member initiating nomination.
  • One letter of support from an AIA or Associate AIA member.
  • Supporting documentation, possibly including:

­Copies of any news articles, fliers, or photos from Emerging Professional programs

­Copy of chapter newsletter and other publications

­Additional letter(s) of support (limit three)

­10 pages (double-sided) to exhibit the character and atmosphere of the chapter.

  • Entries are to be submitted in PDF 6MB (or less) format and uploaded to the following FTP site:

Username: aiaccPublic

Password: 2011aiacc

Please name your award submission as follows: First_lastname_AwardCategory.pdf

AIACC AEP Chapter Award

We nominate the following AIA chapter for the 2011AIACC AEP Chapter Award, for its development of superb programming and fostering the highest qualities of leadership within the Emerging Professional membership.

Name of Chapter ______

Nominee Information

Name of Nominee______

Chapter Address______





(Telephone)(E-mail Address)

Chapter President ______

Percentage of Chapter Budget Directed to Associate Programming: ______

Percentage of Chapter Membership at the Associate Level: ______

Nominator Information

Name of Nominator______

Nominator Address______





(Telephone)(E-mail Address)

The information provided on this and the accompanying materials is a true and accurate representation of the merits and accomplishments of the nominee.


Signature, NominatorDate


Signature, Chapter PresidentDate

AIACC AssociatesAward

The highest award given by the AIACC AEP to an individual Associate AIA member who best exemplifies the highest qualities of leadership and has demonstrated unparalleled commitment to his/her chapter or region’s membership, in the community, in professional organizations, and/or in the design and construction industries.


Associate members of the AIA who are not licensed to practice architecture by the submission deadline are eligible to be nominated. Any chapter president, member of the AIACC Board of Directors, or amember of the College of Fellows may nominate one or more individuals.


  • Motivated, energetic, and involved with AIA membership
  • Exemplifies the values of Associate membership within the profession
  • Exhibitsexceptional skill and leadership within his/her chapter and/or office.

Submission Requirements

The following materials should be submitted in the order listed not to exceed 25 pages.

  • A one-page nomination letter from any chapter president, member of the AIACC Board of Directors, or amember of the College of Fellows that summarizes the contributions made
  • A biography of the nominee, not to exceed two pages, including a list of offices, positions, honors, publications, and presentations that relate to the purpose of the award
  • A statement of contributions not to exceed two pages that illustrates the effect of the work
  • Exhibits of a maximum of 15 pages with images and/or drawings or other materials that best demonstrate the outstanding accomplishments
  • Five one-page letters of support that are explicit in their recommendation and contain specific reasons for support (the one page letter is to be written on company letterhead containing an original or electronic signature)
  • Entries are to be submitted in PDF 6MB (or less) format and uploaded to the following FTP site:

Username: aiaccPublic

Password: 2011aiacc

Please name your award submission as follows: First_lastname_AwardCategory.pdf

AIACC AssociatesAward

We would like to nominate the following AIA member for the AIACC Associates Award. The Nominee has aspired to the highest qualities of leadership and an unparalleled commitment to the chapter’s membership and the profession, and has made extraordinary efforts to promote the advancement of Associate members.

Name of Chapter ______

Nominee Information

Name of Nominee______

Chapter Address______




Nominator Information

Name of Nominator______

Nominator Address______





(Telephone)(E-mail Address)

The information provided on this and the accompanying materials is a true and accurate representation of the merits and accomplishments of the nominee.


Signature, NominatorDate


Signature, Chapter PresidentDate

AIACC Young Architects Award

The Young Architects Award is given to individuals who have shown exceptional leadership and made significant contributions to the profession in an early stage of their architectural career.


Architect members of the AIA who have been licensed to practice architecturefewer than 10 years by the submission deadline are eligible to be nominated; the term young architect has no reference to the age of nominees. Any chapter president, member of the AIACC Board of Directors, or a member of the College of Fellows may nominate one or more individuals.


  • Motivated, energetic, and involved with AIA membership
  • Exhibits cooperative skills and a desire and ability to present successful programs
  • Exhibits exceptional skill and leadership within his/her chapter and/or office

Submission Requirements

The following materials should be submitted in the order listed not to exceed 25 pages.

  • A one-page nomination letter from any chapter president, member of the AIACC Board of Directors, or amember of the College of Fellows that summarizes the contributions made
  • A biography of the nominee, not to exceed two pages, including a list of offices, positions, honors, publications, and presentations that relate to the purpose of the award
  • A statement of contributions not to exceed two pages that illustrates the effect of the work
  • Exhibits of a maximum of 15 pages with images and/or drawings or other materials that best demonstrate the outstanding accomplishments
  • Five one-page letters of support that are explicit in their recommendation and contain specific reasons for support (the one page letter is to be written on company letterhead containing an original or electronic signature)
  • Entries are to be submitted in PDF 6MB or less format and uploaded to the following FTP site:

Username: aiaccPublic

Password: 2011aiacc

Please name your award submission as follows: First_lastname_AwardCategory.pdf

AIACC Young Architects Award

We nominate the following AIA member for the AIACC Young Architects Award. The Nominee has aspired to the highest qualities of leadership and an unparalleled commitment to the chapter’s membership and the profession.

Name of Chapter ______

Nominee Information

Name of Nominee______

Chapter Address______




Nominator Information

Name of Nominator______

Nominator Address______





(Telephone)(E-mail Address)

The information provided on this and the accompanying materials is a true and accurate representation of the merits and accomplishments of the nominee.


Signature, NominatorDate


Signature, Chapter PresidentDate