EDUC 871


You will write a review of literature focusing on curriculum and/or curriculum leadership issues. This paper may be useful later in your program in forming a base for a dissertation proposal. Since this assignment should pattern an actual literature review, it should be written as such.

Choose 1 of the following perspectives or theories to write your Literature Review on:

  • High School, Middle School, or Elementary School Teacher
  • High School, Middle School, or Elementary School Administrator
  • College Administrator
  • College Professor
  • Learning Theory
  • Special Education Theory
  • Curriculum Theory
  • Leadership Theory (as a Christian Change Agent)
  • Other perspectives permitted with instructor approval

You are to identify the particular perspective or theory from which you are writing your literature review on, in the title of the cover page. This paper is to be between 10 - 15 content pages in length not including cover page, abstract page, and reference page – all of which are required. This assignment should be written in proper APA format and should incorporate headings and subheadings as much as possible.

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Literature Review Grading Rubric

Student’s Name:

Instructor comments:















Lit. Review Topic

/ Original, well thought out / Good--not as engaging or original / Uninterestingly stated or inherently weak or trite / Confusing, poorly thought out / No evidence of main idea / _____


/ Develops topic in engaging manner / Good development of topic / Repetition of details, minimal appropriate (or irrelevant) details / No evidence of maturity or persuasiveness / Very little or no development of ideas / _____


/ Substantial support for lit. review topic / Good support for lit. review topic but not as substantial / Inadequate support for lit. review topic—too few quotes or summaries / Little support for lit. review topic—what there is, is irrelevant or poorly incorporated / No supporting quotes or summaries / _____


/ Properly handles APA format, in-text citations, headings/subheadings, references, etc / In-text citations & references correct--1-2 things incorrect about overall format / 1-2 incorrect things in overall format, & either incorrect in-text citations or references / Missing 1 element: APA format disregarded or no in-text citations or no references / APA format disregarded, no in-text citations or references / _____

Grammar & Mechanics

/ No glaring errors, no accumulation of minor errors / No glaring errors, relatively free from minor mechanical errors / At least 1 glaring error & an accumulation of minor errors / Accumulation of glaring errors &/or minor errors / Numerous glaring & minor errors make paper difficult to understand / _____

Diction & Style

/ Smooth & readable--effective word choice, broad vocab, aptly uses figures of speech / Good--may contain rare colloquialism or unidiomatic phrase-- vocab not as broad as “15” / Style is fair—lack of sentence variety, short, choppy sentences / Inappropriate informality due to awkward syntax & unidiomatic phrasing, lacks sentence variety / Unreadable due to awkward syntax, unidiomatic phrasing, & lack of sentence variety / _____



/ At least 15 credible outside sources. / At least 15 outside sources, although a few are not research oriented sources / Less than 15 outside resources or many articles that are not research oriented / Less than 10 sources listed / No outside sources listed / _____


/ Clearly discernable intro, body, & conclusion with appropriate transitions / Discernable intro, body, & conclusion. Might have 1 paragraph out of place or missing transitions. / Somewhat discernable intro, body, & conclusion. It might be that intro blends into body or body consists of only one paragraph / Intro & conclusion not evident, organization does not reveal distinction between ideas, paragraphs overly long. / Indiscernible intro, body, or conclusion. No paragraph breaks or no transitions between them / _____

Internal coherence

/ Has an appropriate balance among body paragraphs, coherent internal organization in paragraphs / Good balance among paragraphs, sentences within paragraphs may not flow with desired smoothness or necessary sequential sense / Forced, mechanical coherence due to stilted transitions, lack of balance among body paragraphs, paragraphs may lack coherence / Paragraphs are incoherent--few, if any, transitions. Does not use transitions within paragraphs / No transitions between ideas, complete lack of coherence in paragraphs / _____

Intro & Conclusion

/ Intro engages reader-- conclusion mirrors intro & sums up paper / Intro may not be as engaging as the “10” paper. The conclusion is good--does not bring up any new info / Intro and conclusion are present & clearly divided from rest of paper; however, they are weak or uninteresting / Has either no intro or no conclusion. If included, intro is weak & conclusion may bring up new information. / Has no intro or lead in, missing conclusion / _____

Possible Points: 300

If the answer to any of the following questions is NO, then the assignment will receive additional deductions or possibly zero points:

  • Was the assignment posted late or beyond the lateness deadline? YES / NO
  • Was the page count parameters met? YES / NO

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