Get your copy of my new Kindle ebook, Stop Premature Ejaculation Now,
for free!
AND YOU CAN GET a free mp3 with hypnosis to hypnotise yourself
for sexual success as a bonus!
Get your copy of my new Kindle book for free, for two days only -
Thursday, November 28 and Friday 29th.
Here's the link to get the ebook,
If you don't have a Kindle, that's okay. You can get a Kindle reader for your PC, MAC, smartphone, tablet, or online reading - and read Kindle books on those devices and sync all of your reading together too..
Once you get to the page, please click on Like button before you order it and also click one or more of the Social Share buttons. And after you give it a read, please give it a great five or four star review and say a few nice words about it too (thanks in advance).
Here's the link to get the ebook,
Remember: The ebook is only available for free on Thursday, November 28 and Friday 29th.
P.S. AND YOU CAN GET a free mp3 with hypnosis to hypnotise yourself for sexual success as a bonus!
Just put a review on the amazon page, then send me an email to with the name your review is under and I'll send you your Thank You Bonus mp3.)
In this PPS is Dr Jan now being funny?…
This is the first time I have done this free promotion and I looked at how others have done it. An example is below – the funny thing is to imagine that someone would send a book called Stop Premature Ejaculation Now to a friend! Or would they?
“If you haven't downloaded our FREE Kindle book yet, you'll want to run, not walk, to to download it.
We would like one favor, please...
We had a friend review our book, and he had a great idea. He suggested that we ask you to forward this offer to anyone you know who might want to make money online. He thought we could ask you to even put something on Facebook - especially if you have friends who like super valuable things for free... And if your friend takes the time download the book and leave feedback, they will be eligible for the same special "Thank You Bonus" we're offering you (the one that's valued at $9.95) that we are sure they will totally love.
(Just be sure they know that once their comment is posted, they need to send us an email to with the name their comment is under and we'll send them back their Thank You Bonus.)
To your success,
Dr Jan
Join me on the web!
/ And my other websites:
- My blog
- Richmond Hill Psychology
- Sex Therapy
- Bedwetting & Parenting Solutions
- Hypnosis Secrets
This message is copyright, but you are encouraged to forward it to anyone who would be interested, provided you send the whole message with this information intact.
Dr Janet Hall, Clinical Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Author
ASC, 111 Hoddle St Richmond, Melbourne, 3121, AUSTRALIA
ABN: 32 006 893 830 Phone +61-3-94193010 Fax +61-3-94193030