Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC

Weighted Average Report for Monday Nov 14, 2016

***NO SALE November 21, 2016 THANKSGIVING***

Cattle Receipts: 747 Last week: 703 Last year: 820

Compared to last week feeder cattle were 4.00-7.00 higher. Slaughter

cows and Bulls were steady. There was an average offerings of average

conditioned cattle with moderate buyer participation.

Slaughter cows made up 12 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent,

replacement cows 7 percent, other cows 1 percent, and feeders 78 percent. The feeder supply included 27 percent steers, 43 percent heifers, and 29 percent bulls. Near 25 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.***This report reflects prices of the majority of cattle with a USDA grade, weight, and sex on this sale date. This report does not represent all animals at the sale on this date.

Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

2 245-245 245 155.00-162.50 158.75

3 250-280 263 140.00-150.00 143.16

13 305-345 329 142.00-154.00 148.59

16 350-395 368 135.00-145.00 139.62

5 405-425 415 130.00-139.00 136.06

7 450-495 479 114.00-125.00 118.76

13 500-545 524 110.00-121.00 114.43

16 555-590 582 105.00-114.00 107.89

8 600-630 619 101.00-112.00 108.62

5 650-675 660 102.00-118.00 108.13

3 700-720 708 103.00-110.00 107.02

10 750-795 768 105.00-115.00 111.90

Small 1 - 2

4 280-295 286 115.00-120.00 118.08

2 300-330 315 102.50-110.00 106.07

7 355-395 376 100.00-115.00 106.33

Medium 2

3 200-240 223 125.00-135.00 129.78

5 255-295 275 125.00-137.50 130.21

9 300-345 319 125.00-138.00 130.68

10 355-395 371 120.00-130.00 124.42

3 430-440 433 115.00-125.00 120.04

2 570-590 580 97.00-98.00 97.49

2 655-680 668 89.00-98.00 93.42

Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

3 205-230 218 135.00-140.00 137.46

6 255-295 282 120.00-130.00 125.55

9 300-345 317 115.00-126.00 120.99

10 350-365 358 115.00-125.00 120.27

14 405-445 425 105.00-119.00 112.36

12 450-490 468 100.00-109.00 103.81

29 500-545 523 88.00-99.00 91.90

18 550-595 572 85.00-96.00 90.42

21 600-645 621 82.00-93.00 85.53

11 655-695 671 78.00-89.00 81.78

10 700-745 736 94.00-96.00 94.29

5 750-790 772 85.00-94.00 87.96

4 800-835 820 86.00-93.00 88.52

2 905-910 908 85.00-87.00 86.00

Small 1 - 2

6 355-385 368 85.00-95.00 90.41

6 430-445 435 79.00-85.00 81.84

3 550-595 577 63.00-72.00 68.32

2 600-615 608 60.00-65.00 62.47

Medium 2

3 250-290 265 103.00-110.00 106.18

6 300-335 323 100.00-110.00 105.19

11 350-390 377 100.00-110.00 104.03

8 400-440 423 90.00-100.00 94.86

20 450-495 476 86.00-97.00 92.61

9 500-545 512 75.00-85.00 81.27

4 560-585 576 78.00-82.00 80.74

3 605-615 612 77.00-78.00 77.67

2 700-745 723 70.00-78.00 74.12

Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

12 400-445 421 120.00-133.00 126.08

12 455-485 467 114.00-126.00 119.40

19 500-545 521 104.00-115.00 107.97

17 550-595 571 95.00-105.00 100.40

8 600-625 613 93.00-103.00 97.71

7 650-685 664 90.00-96.00 93.28

3 715-745 728 85.00-86.00 85.33

3 815-835 827 75.00-84.00 80.66

Small 1 - 2

3 405-425 413 85.00-95.00 88.31

5 455-495 481 85.00-95.00 90.47

5 510-540 521 80.00-87.00 84.17

2 560-565 563 70.00-75.00 72.49

2 710-725 718 60.00-65.00 62.53

Medium 2

10 405-445 425 105.00-115.00 109.82

8 450-495 475 100.00-110.00 104.60

10 500-545 529 92.00-100.00 96.21

8 550-595 574 80.00-92.00 87.77

7 600-645 620 80.00-90.00 84.65

7 665-695 681 75.00-85.00 79.45

2 710-710 710 77.00-78.00 77.50

4 785-795 789 70.00-80.00 75.00

3 875-885 880 69.00-74.00 71.34

Bred Cows Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

2 1310-1330 1320 850.00-900.00 875.19 Per Hd 4-6 Months Bred

2 1245-1295 1270 1075.00-1150.00 1113.24 Per Hd 7-9 Months Bred

Medium and Large 3 Middle Aged

4 1055-1180 1110 530.00-660.00 611.35 Per Hd 4-6 Months Bred

2 1255-1390 1323 600.00-685.00 644.67 Per Hd 7-9 Months Bred

Medium and Large 3 Aged

2 1020-1060 1040 425.00-470.00 447.93 Per Hd 4-6 Months Bred

Small 1 - 2 Middle Aged

2 825-850 838 475.00-625.00 551.12 Per Hd 1-3 Months Bred

Small 3 Middle Aged

2 740-825 783 550.00-570.00 560.54 Per Hd 4-6 Months Bred

3 920-940 927 500.00-675.00 600.54 Per Hd 4-6 Months Bred

Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

4 1180-1370 1308 47.00-54.00 50.60

8 1440-1690 1536 46.00-54.00 50.24

2 1505-1535 1520 40.00-42.00 40.99 Low Dressing

Boner 80-85% Lean

55 1005-1390 1190 47.00-59.00 53.65

4 1015-1260 1114 35.00-44.00 38.77 Low Dressing

7 1445-1670 1494 52.00-59.00 54.70

Lean 85-90% Lean

2 745-760 753 46.00-47.00 46.50

2 620-780 700 35.00-40.00 37.21 Low Dressing

2 860-940 900 39.00-40.00 39.48 Low Dressing

Other Cows Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

2 1255-1340 1298 935.00-1010.00 973.73 Per Head

Small 1 - 2 Middle Aged

3 655-795 713 490.00-550.00 515.35 Per Head

4 910-955 925 550.00-600.00 569.09 Per Head

Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2

Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price

2 1190-1475 1333 75.00-82.00 78.87

9 1505-2065 1820 76.00-81.00 78.00

Hogs Receipts: [30] Last week: [37] Barrows & Gilts: us 1-3

250-300 lbs 50.00-63.00,300-350 lbs 41.00-52.00. Sows: US 1-3

300-400 lbs 36.00-52.00, 400-450 lbs 40.00-59.00, 450-500 lbs

one @ 40.00, 500-600 lbs 33.00-47.00, 600 lbs & up 40.00-46.00.


Goats: [86] Last Week: [117] Slaughter and replacement classes sold

on a per head basis and weights are estimated: Kids: sel 1 under 20

lbs 27.50-37.50, 20-40 lbs 70.00-80.00, 40-60 lbs 90.00-100.00,60-80

lbs 120.00-135.00. Does/Nannies: Sel 1 50-70 lbs 85.00-110.00, 70-100

lbs 120.00-135.00, Sel 2 50-70 lbs 42.50-65.00, 70-100 lbs 70.00-80.00.

Bucks/Billies: 70-100 lbs 105.00-135.00.

**4H/FFA show (35)wethers 80-125 lbs 145.00-300.00***

Source: SC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Columbia, SC