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AT 7.00pm

Present: Cllr Jury (Chairman), Mrs Bennett, Gill, Harris, Hockin, Jones, Mrs McCormack-Hole, Piper, Silver, C Turner, G Turner and Wood

Clerk Mrs Mills

Services Officer Mrs Badcock

In Attendance: Members of the public


The Chairman led the Council in prayers.

0711/02Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Brailey and Miss Thomas.

0711/03Declarations of Interest

Cllr C Turner declared a prejudicial interest in application 45433 as the applicant is a director of the company where he works. Cllr Harris declared a personal interest in application 45494 as a neighbour and Cllr Hockin declared a personal interest in application 45430 as his parents are neighbours of the applicant.

0711/04Chairman’s Announcements

  • The Chairman announced that copies of the Parish Plan were available to the new Councillors
  • He reminded Councillors about the Social Evening on 17th November, which would start at 7.30pm
  • The Devon County Council Minerals Framework is available in the office to look at and make comments
  • The document from South West Water “Clean Sweep and beyond” is available in the office to read and make comments on
  • A reminder was given about returning the electoral forms to the Parish Office
  • The Chairman announced the need for some work to be done on the drains at the Parish Council Office and it was agreed to go ahead with this.
  • The Chairman asked that a vote of thanks be recorded to the youngsters of the Parish for their attendance at the Remembrance Service

0711/05 To agree the agenda between Part A and Part B (confidential information)

It was resolved to agree the agenda as published.

Part A

0711/06Police Report

PC Hodgson gave a crime report (attached) and took questions.

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0711/07To receive questions and/or deputations or petitions from parishioners. All deputations or petitions to be referred without discussion to the Clerk for action, or to the next Council Meeting for discussion as appropriate. Any question requiring an answer at the Meeting to be submitted at least five working days before the Meeting

Written questions had been received from a parishioner. Standing Orders were suspended to enable members of the public to speak. Questions asked related to the way forward at Tews Lane and its future usage. Standing Orders were re-instated. The situation was clarified and the parishioner advised that he had been given incorrect information (letter attached to the minutes).

The further queries regarding repairs to pavements and maintenance were passed to County Councillor Cann, who advised he would respond directly to the parishioner.

0711/08To confirm and sign the minutes of meetings previously circulated

- Fremington Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8 October 2007 at 7.00pm

- Supplementary & Planning Meeting held on Monday 22 October 2007 at 7.30pm

0711/09To consider and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees previously circulated

- Fremington Quay Landlord Committee Meeting held on Friday 12 October 2007 at 6.45pm

- Parks & Playing Fields Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 16 October 2007 at 9.45am

- Finance & Personnel Meeting held on Monday 22 October 2007 at 6.45pm

0711/10To receive reports on matters of policy or major decisions affecting North Devon and this parish in particular from the County Councillor and District Councillors

  • County Councillor Cann gave a report (attached)
  • District Councillor Jones had nothing to report
  • District Cllr Mrs McCormack-Hole had nothing to report
  • District Councillor Gill had nothing to report

0711/11 Highways issues – update

Street cleaning

Complaints regarding street cleaning had been received and these issues were passed to County Councillor Cann to investigate. It was re-iterated that cleaning now usually takes place only where required. Cllr Cann advised that people should take more responsibility for litter adjacent to their properties.

0711/12Flooding issues – update

No problems had been reported. There was a discussion about the possibility of the lack of street cleaning resulting in debris and plant growth blocking the drains and this will be looked at.

0711/13To consider attendance at meeting arranged by North Devon District Council to discuss “Affordable Housing the Way Forward” - to be held on 27 November 2007

District Councillors advised they will all be attending the above meeting and Cllr Harris and Hockin also wish to attend.

There was some discussion regarding the issue of affordable housing for local people and Ward Councillors will investigate further.

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0711/14To consider parish Council Representative – vacancy on North Devon District Council Standards Committee

A number of Councillors expressed an interest and were advised to contact the District Council for an application form.

0711/15To discuss ‘Detox for Devon’ campaign

The Chairman advised Councillors to contact the Parish Office if they felt it appropriate for the Council to organise an event, this could then be taken forward appropriately.

0711/16To discuss proposed Devon County Council (Various Roads, Fremington) – (Control of Waiting) Order

It was resolved to write strongly in support of the above Order to the District Council.

0711/17To consider pursuing the purchase of the field adjoining Tews Lane sports area

After some discussion it was resolved with one vote against to pursue the issue of purchasing the field adjoining Tews Lane provided that it would be suitable and is not affected by contamination or poor quality soil.

0711/18To consider House to House Collection Licence on behalf of Barnstaple & District Round Table

It was resolved to recommend to the District Council that this collection be permitted.

0711/19To consider Street Collection Permits for Rotary Club of Barnstaple and Barnstaple & District Round Table

It was resolved to recommend to the District Council that this collection be permitted.

0711/20Request for information from Devon County Council regarding ownership of land between Shieling Road, Bickington and Muddlebrook

County Councillor Cann advised that he would contact the County Council

to confirm this information regarding ownership.

0711/21Matters to Note

-North Devon District Council Community Consultation on Local Development Framework to be held on Tuesday 13 November 2007 at Beechfield Community Centre

-RD&Express Newsletter - October 2007 & Annual Report 2006/07 (held in office)

-Devon Association of Parish Councils Newsletter – November/December 2007

-National Association of Local Councils Review – November 2007 (held in office)

-Taw Torridge Estuary Forum Newsletter Update (4 November 2007)

-Letter from Miss J M Kerr re development in Merrythorn Road, Fremington (20 October2007)

It was resolved to note the above matters.

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0711/22North Devon District Council – Planning Applications

North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Parish Council on the following planning applications:

It was formally noted that participation of the Councillors who are also members of NDDC in both the debate and subsequent vote (in respect of any of the above, were preliminary taking account of the information matters) was on the basis that the views expressed made available at the time to the Parish Council. The District Councillors were reserving their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.

45355Proposal: Outline application for erection of dwelling

Location: 13 Chilpark, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr H W Richardson

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED on the same grounds as the previous refusal, ie because of the adverse impact on neighbours and the inability of the site to support a property on it.

45417Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to warehouse

Location: Troy (UK) Ltd, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Unit Build Ltd

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45420Proposal: Extension to dwelling (amendments to planning permission 44663 to allow alternative first floor design)

Location: 143 Yelland Road, Yelland, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Wright

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45430Proposal: Extension to dwelling & erection of detached double garage

Location: 44 Allenstyle Drive, Yelland, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Langmead

Cllr Hockin declared a personal interest.

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45433Proposal: Erection of chalet bungalow & double garage

Location: West plot land to the rear of 71 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs J Sharman

Cllr C Turner declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting.

Standing Orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak

And were then re-instated.

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to concerns on surface water drainage being resolved

Cllr Turner returned to the meeting.

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45460Proposal: Erection of 1 dwelling, provision of 4 additional car parking spaces & alterations to vehicular access (amendment to planning permission 43916) (amended description)

Location: Garden of Fremington Lodge, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Fremington Homes Ltd

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45473Proposal: Outline application for erection of 1 dwelling (amended site area to that of outline permission 44111)

Location: Land adjacent 49 Lynhurst Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Snell

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45494Proposal: Extension to dwelling

Location: 23 Beechfield Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Cope

Cllr Harris declared a personal interest and left the room.

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse impact on neighbours.

45495Proposal: Erection of 2m high boundary fence

Location: 27 Merrythorn Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Lake

See letter under Matters to Note

Standing Orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak and then re-instated.

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to highways issues and impact on neighbours being resolved.

45496Proposal: Erection of dwelling

Location: Adjacent to 2 Merrythorn Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Ager & Sons Ltd

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED because of lack of parking, impact on neighbours and highways issues.

Cllr Hockin left the meeting.

45497Proposal: Change of use from office (use class B1) to dental practice (use class D1)

Location: Unit 2, Lauder Lane, Roundswell, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Dr G Sultan-Darmon

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45521Proposal: Extension to dwelling to include integral garage

Location: 16 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs J Bull

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

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45532Proposal: Extension to dwelling together with conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation

Location: Lindfield, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Thorne

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

45483Proposal: Proposed extension, porch & conservatory

Location: 27 Heal Park Crescent, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr K O Chivers

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

The following application has been WITHDRAWN and will no longer be considered:

45166Proposal: Extension to dwelling & erection of detached double garage

Location: 44 Allenstyle Drive, Yelland, Barnstaple

0711/23North Devon District Council - Planning Decisions

It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has APPROVED the following applications with conditions as filed:

43630Proposal: Erection of dwelling with integral garage (amended scheme to approved planning permission 42053) (amended plans)

Location: land adj 70 Lynhurst Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Martin Scott

44017Proposal: Extension to & conversion of outbuilding to form additional living accommodation (amended plan)

Location: Bickleton Farm, Bickleton, Instow

Applicant/Agent: Peregrine Mears Architecture & Planning

45033Proposal: Conversion of 1 unit of holiday accommodation to form 4 letting rooms together with extenal alterations

Location: Lower Yelland Farm, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: P Day

44736Proposal: Erection of 1 free-range chicken shed & 1 feed silo

Location: Field O.S. 5131SE field near Lydacott Cross, Lydacott, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs P Bament

45062Proposal: Retrospective application for erection of first floor balcony

Location: 12 Cross Close, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mrs M Shand

45147Proposal: Erection of 2 dwellings together with formation of new vehicular access & car parking

Location: Garden of Catherines Cottage, Pottery Lane, Yelland, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: D & J May Architectural Services

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45180Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission 37814 to enable alterations to car park layout and recycling area

Location: J Sainsbury plc, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

45187Proposal: Erection of garage

Location: 90 Taw View, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: RAW Design

45202Proposal: Siting of 1 replacement internally illuminated totem sign

Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

45204Proposal: Siting of 58 non-illuminated car park signs (amended description)

Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

45213Proposal: Erection of conservatory

Location: 49 Lynhurst Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Snell

45258Proposal: Erection of greenhouse

Location: Vine Lodge, Mill Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr N Chadburn

It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has REFUSED the following applications with conditions as filed:

45077Proposal: Conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation

Location: 23 Littlemoor Close, Yelland, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mrs A Perry

45121Proposal: Extension to dwelling

Location: Lindfield, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: John Stromski & Associates

45168Proposal: Erection of garage

Location: 62 Lynhurst Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: John Stromski & Associates

45203Proposal: Siting of 1 replacement internally illuminated totem sign

Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

45248Proposal: Erection of garage

Location: 4 Barn Park Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Laurence Shelley
