Application for the Shamanic Soul's Path Program

Please e-mail your completed application to me at
or mail it to me: Mary Rooker, 804 Larch Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912-5828 Rev. 1/23/18



City, State, Zip:

Phone Number(s):

Your chosen sliding scale amount—$960 ($120 per class) to $400 ($50 per class): $______

How did you learn about this program? ______

Are you considering attending the next Shamanic Practitioner (Healers) Path program to pursue the shamanic healing arts?

Yes Maybe No Not Sure

Emergency Contact (name & phone number): ______

1. Have you read the Instructions for filling out this form? (If not, please do so before proceeding. They are on my website, on the main Shamanic SoulPractitionerspage.)
Yes No

2. Please indicate your acceptance of the following statements: "I understand that, if I wish to keep open the option to attend the Practitioner (Healers) Path program, I need to satisfactorily complete every class in the Soul's Path training. I understand that it is expected that I will book other events around this one and to sacrifice other commitments as they arise if need be to keep this one." (Note: up to one absence is permitted but not recommended.)

Yes No

3. Please indicate your acceptance of the following statements. "I understand that this program is designed to support me in facing my wounds and transforming my self. I further understand that this is likely to be uncomfortable at best and may be painful or disturbing. I accept full responsibility for this process."
Yes No

4. Do you meditate or journey [note: neither is required]? If so, how well do you usually understand the guidance or insights you receive? Do you act on those insights or is doing so difficult for you?

5. No prior training is required, but if you have taken any workshops on shamanism or other spirituality, please list the topic, the teacher, and when (approximate year is fine).

6. In any past groups or workshops on shamanism or other spiritual disciplines, what have been the main problems?

7. Why do you want to take this training?

8. What needs, hopes, or fears do you have about this training?

9. Please describe your own spiritual practice, if any. How often do you use spirituality in your life?

10. What have been the greatest difficulties in your life?

11. Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Thanks for taking the time to send in this information.