An Outline of The New Testament


Chapter 1. The Birth of Jesus Christ

Son of David
Son of Abraham

I. The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

  1. patriarchs Form the Nation
  2. Kings Establish the Kingdom
  3. Royalties Ruin the Kingdom

II. Four Gentile Women

  1. Tamar and Rahab
  2. Ruth of Moab
  3. Uriah's Wife

III. The Birth of Jesus Christ

  1. Joseph, a Just Man
  2. Mary, with Child by the Holy Spirit
  3. Immanuel

Chapter 2. Wise Men Worship the King

King in Heaven
King on Earth

I. Led by the Star in the East

  1. Inquiry in Jerusalem
  2. Heavenly Enlightenment
  3. Return by Another Way

II. Present Three Gifts

  1. Gold - Divinity
  2. Frankincense - Resurrection
  3. Myrrh - Crucifixion

III. The Escape of Baby Jesus

  1. Flee to Egypt
  2. The Killing of All Boys
  3. Life at Nazareth

Chapter 3. John the Baptist

Prepare the Way of the Lord
Make His Paths Straight

I. The Ministry of John the Baptist

  1. John's Duty
  2. John's Life
  3. John's Message

II. Three Kinds of Baptism

  1. Cleansing of Water
  2. Fulfillment of Spirit
  3. Judgment of Fire

III. Jesus Humbles Himself to be Baptized

  1. Testimony of John
  2. Descending of the Holy Spirit
  3. Pleasure of God

Chapter 4. Triumph over Temptation

Got by the Lord
Get for the Lord

I. Temptation from the Devil

  1. Stones Become Bread
  2. Thrown Down from the Pinnacle of the Temple
  3. Seduction of Worship

II. Jesus Begins His Ministry

  1. John Put in Prison
  2. A Great Light Dawns
  3. Urge Men to Repent

III. Calling of the First four Disciples

  1. Casting a Net into the Sea
  2. Mending Nets in a Boat
  3. Follow Jesus

Chapter 5. Sermons on the Mount

Extrinsic Goodness
Intrinsic Motivation

I. The Secret of the Beatitudes

  1. Disciples Go up on a Mountainside
  2. Eight Circumstances
  3. Eight Blessings

II. Four Parables of Function

  1. Salt and Light
  2. City on the Hill
  3. Light in the House

III. The Cost of Holiness

  1. Holy and Righteous
  2. Transcending and Triumphant
  3. Perfect in Love

Chapter 6. See in Secret

Store up Treasures on Earth
Store up Treasures in Heaven

I. Rewards for Secret Service

  1. Charity to Man
  2. Prayer to God
  3. Fasting to Oneself

II. The Lord's Teaching of Prayer

  1. Pray for God's Things
  2. Pray for One's Own Need
  3. Harmony Between God and Men

III. Do Not Worry about Life

  1. Worry About Life
  2. Worry About Body
  3. Worry About Tomorrow

Chapter 7. Answer to Prayer

One Sin Vulnerable to Commit
One Thing Vulnerable to Forget

I. Do Not Judge Others

  1. Not to Let Yourself Be Judged
  2. First Remove the Plank
  3. Then Take out the Speck

II. Ask and It Will Be Given

  1. Ask by Mouth
  2. Seek with Eyes
  3. Knock by Hands

III. Hear the Word and Do the Word

  1. Two Gates
  2. Two Trees
  3. Two Foundations

Chapter 8. Miracles of Faith

Only Speak a Word
My Servant Will Be Healed

I. Healing of Every Disease

  1. Cleanse Leprosy
  2. Heal Paralysis
  3. Peter's Mother-in-law

II. Different Kinds of Following Jesus

  1. Out of Human Enthusiasm
  2. In Response to the Calling of the Lord
  3. Walking with the Lord

III. Cast Demons into a Herd of Pigs

  1. Rush down the Steep Bank
  2. Into the Sea
  3. Doom to Its Own

Chapter 9. Rise and Walk

Outer Effect
Inner Reality

I. Bring a Paralytic

  1. Their Faith
  2. Authority to Forgive Sins
  3. Power to Walk

II. Call Matthew to Follow Jesus

  1. Sitting at the Tax Office
  2. Follow Me
  3. Rise and Follow

III. Go on Healing Diseases

  1. Heal Two Women
  2. Open the Eyes of Two Blind Men
  3. Cast out Demons of Dumbness

Chapter 10. Sermons on Sending out

Freely You Have Received
Freely Give

I. Choose Disciples and Send Them out

  1. Twelve Disciples
  2. As Teacher and Disciples
  3. Go and Preach

II. Difficulties of Serving the Lord

  1. Warn Disciples
  2. Teach Disciples
  3. Comfort Disciples

III. Rewards for Serving the Lord

  1. Give the Cost
  2. Receive Life
  3. Received by People

Chapter 11. The King Rejected

Find Rest
Enjoy Rest

I. John Sends His Disciples to Ask the Lord

  1. Doubt in Prison
  2. Come to Ask Jesus
  3. Strengthen by Enlightenment

II. Follow the Example of John

  1. Greater than Everyone
  2. Like Elijah
  3. Simple and Plain Life

III. Rebuke Unrepentant Cities

  1. more Intolerable Woe
  2. Thanks and Praise
  3. The Calling the Rest

Chapter 12. The Lord Is Rest

A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break
Smoking Flax He Will Not Quench

I. Dispute over Sabbath

  1. Pluck Heads of Grain to Eat
  2. Healing of a Withered Hand
  3. Secret Plot to Kill Jesus

II. Refute the Pharisees

  1. Healing of a Demon-possessed Man
  2. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
  3. Judgment on Every Careless Word

III. Rebuke the Asking for Signs

  1. The Sign of Jonah
  2. Empty Inside
  3. All Believers Are Families

Chapter 13. Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven

A Prophet in His Own Country
Without Honor

I. Parable of the Sower

  1. Four Kinds of Heart Soils
  2. Reason of Using Parables
  3. Meaning of the Parable

II. Parable of Weeds

  1. Pretend and Mingle
  2. Suspend Uprooting
  3. Meaning of the Parable

III. The Other Parables

  1. Mustard Seed and Yeast
  2. Hidden Treasure and Pearl
  3. Dragnet Cast into the Sea

Chapter 14. Five Loaves and Two Fish

Jesus Walks on the Sea
Peter Sinks into the Sea

I. The Martyr of John the Baptist

  1. Birthday Dance
  2. John Beheaded
  3. Tell Jesus

II. Feed Five Thousand

  1. Five Loaves and Two Fish
  2. Break and Pass on
  3. Take up Fragments

III. Jesus Walks on the Sea

  1. Fear the Strong Wind
  2. Lord, Save Me
  3. Stretch out and Catch

Chapter 15. Men's Traditions

Honor Me with Their Lips
Far Away from Me Are Their Hearts

I. Point out the Source of Defilement

  1. Not the Appearance
  2. But the Heart
  3. Pay Attention to the Lord's Word

II. Begging of the Canaanite Woman

  1. Answer No Word
  2. Refer to Her as a Dog
  3. Yes, Lord

III. Feed Four Thousand

  1. Abundance on the Land
  2. Abundance in the Sea
  3. Abundant Supply

Chapter 16. Who Is the Son of Man

Gain the Whole World
Lose the Soul

I. Signs of the Times

  1. The Pharisees
  2. The Sadducees
  3. The Sign of Jonah

II. Confess Jesus Is the Christ

  1. Two Points of View
  2. Two Rocks
  3. Two Authorities

III. The Way of the Cross

  1. Hindrance from Satan
  2. Hindrance from Men
  3. Hindrance from Self

Chapter 17. Transfiguration on a High Mountain

The Faith of a Mustard Seed
Move a Mountain

I. Glorious Appearance of Christ

  1. Transfiguration
  2. Make Three Tabernacles
  3. See No One But Jesus Only

II. Healing of an Epileptic Boy

  1. Deep Water and Hot Fire
  2. Rebuke the Demon
  3. Prayer and Fasting

III. Take Money from the Mouth of a Fish

  1. Catch the Fish First
  2. Open Its Mouth
  3. Find a Coin

Chapter 18. Humbleness and Forgiveness

Two or Three Are Gathered
The Lord Is with Them

I. Converted and Become as Little Children

  1. Be Humble to Learn
  2. Receive in Love
  3. Do Not Despise Little Ones

II. Partaking Is Better than One Alone

  1. Advise Together
  2. Pray Together
  3. Gather Together

III. Forgive One Another

  1. Refuse to Forgive Others
  2. Forgive Others
  3. Abundant Forgiveness

Chapter 19. Follow Jesus

First Will Be Last
Last Will Be First

I. Forbid Divorce

  1. Man and Wife Become One Flesh
  2. God Joins Together
  3. Not to Let Man Separate

II. Little Children Enter the Kingdom of heaven

  1. Bring Children
  2. Disciples' Rebuke
  3. Put Hands on Them to Pray

III. The Rich Young Man Leaves in Sorrow

  1. Sell What You Have First
  2. Then Come and Follow Me
  3. Choose Possessions

Chapter 20. Blind Men Receive Sight

Many Are Called
Few Are Chosen

I. Parable of the Vineyard

  1. Go out to Hire Workers
  2. Receive Their Own Wages
  3. Out of Grace

II. Seek Spiritual High Positions

  1. The Right and Left of the Lord
  2. Drink the Lord's Cup
  3. Give Life as a Ransom

III. Two Blink Men Receive Sight

  1. Seize the Opportunity
  2. Disregard Hindrance
  3. Ask Directly

Chapter 21. Ride into Jerusalem on a Colt

A House of Prayer
A Den of Thieves

I. A Colt Ridden by the Lord

  1. Virgin Offering
  2. Joyful Praise
  3. Clean the Temple

II. Curse the Fig Tree

  1. Jesus Is Hungry
  2. Nothing but Leaves
  3. Use up the Ground

III. Parable of the Tenants

  1. Two Sons
  2. Leased to Farmers
  3. Destroy Wicked Men

Chapter 22. The Wedding Feast

Caesar's to Caesar
God's to God

I. Parable of a Prince's Wedding Feast

  1. All Things Are Ready
  2. Invite Many Quests
  3. Without a Wedding Garment

II. Wise Reply to Tricky Questions

  1. Whom to Pay Tax
  2. The Truth of Resurrection
  3. The God of the Living

III. The Essence of the Greatest Commandment

  1. Love God with All Heart
  2. Love Neighbors as Yourself
  3. The Lord of David

Chapter 23. Eight Woes to Hypocrites

Bound by What Is Trivial
Neglect What Is Really Important

I. The lord's Judgment on Religion

  1. Practice Against Preaching
  2. Hypocritical Goodness
  3. vain Glory

II. Sins of the Pharisees

  1. Block the Way
  2. Mistake the Means for the End
  3. Seek Publicity

III. Lament for Jerusalem

  1. Kill Prophets
  2. Left to Desolate
  3. Christ comes Again

Chapter 24. Prophesy of Distress

One Taken
The Other Left

I. Foretell the Ruin of the Temple

  1. Boast of the Temple
  2. Absolute Destruction
  3. Abundant Revelation

II. Signs of the End of the Age

  1. the Beginning of Distress
  2. Celestial Change
  3. The Coming of the Son of Man

III. Be Alert and Get Ready to Be Taken

  1. Summer Is Near
  2. The Days of Noah
  3. Faithful and Wise

Chapter 25. Ten Virgins

Good and Faithful
Wicked and Lazy

I. Parable of the Pursuit of Life

  1. Five Wise
  2. Five Foolish
  3. Watch and Get Ready

II. Parable of Three Kinds of Servants

  1. Five Talents
  2. Two Talents
  3. One Talent

III. Parable of Sheep and Goats

  1. Judge All the Nations
  2. Two Flocks
  3. Two Ends

Chapter 26. Gethsemane

All Stumble
I Will Never Stumble

I. Test the people

  1. Plot to Kill Jesus
  2. Pour Fragrant Oil on the Lord
  3. Judas betrays Jesus

II. The Feast of Unleavened Bread

  1. A Certain Man makes Preparation
  2. Reveal the Wicked Scheme
  3. Take Bread and Drink Cup

III. Final Rejection of the King

  1. Weak Disciples
  2. Arrested and Tried
  3. Peter's Denial

Chapter 27. Suffering on the Cross

Save Others
Cannot Save Himself

I. Pilate's Sentence

  1. The Blood of Judas
  2. Release Barabbas
  3. Take Responsibility for the Blood

II. Forsaken by God and Men

  1. Beat and Mock
  2. Crucified by Men
  3. Forsaken by God

III. Laid in a New Tomb

  1. Buried with Rich Men
  2. Detained by Death
  3. Seal the Stone and Set the Guard

Chapter 28. Resurrect and Reign

Not in the Tomb
Risen from the Dead

I. Final Victory of the King

  1. Women Seek the Lord
  2. Angels Preach the News
  3. The Lord Grants Peace

II. Magistrates Spread Rumors

  1. Consult a Wicked Plan
  2. Confuse and Misguide
  3. Bribe the Soldiers

III. Preach the Good News to All Nations

  1. Go
  2. Baptize Them
  3. Teach Them to Observe


Chapter 1. Jesus' Baptism and Preaching

The Beginning of the Gospel
Fishers of Man

I. Preach the Gospel of God

  1. John the Baptist
  2. Baptism and Temptation
  3. Calling of the First Disciples

II. Power to Cast out Unclean Spirits

  1. An Unclean Spirit Possesses a Man
  2. The Spirit Knows Jesus
  3. The Spirit Obeys Him

III. Power of Healing

  1. Fever
  2. Leprosy
  3. Various Diseases

Chapter 2. Heal a Paralytic

Able to Speak and Eat
But Unable to Walk

I. Fellowship in Saving a Man

  1. A paralytic
  2. Brought by Four Men
  3. Rise and Walk

II. Call Levi the Tax Collector

  1. Sitting at the Tax Office
  2. Follow Me
  3. Follow Together

III. Parable of New and Old

  1. Do Not Sew Old Garments
  2. Do Not Put into Old Wineskins
  3. New Wine in New Wineskins

Chapter 3. The Appointment of Apostles

In Name Only
A Cake Not Turned

I. A Man with a Withered Hand

  1. Jesus Comes to the Man
  2. Step Forward
  3. Stretch out Your Hand

II. Appoint the Twelve

  1. Be with the Lord
  2. Send Them out to Preach
  3. Grant Power to Cast out Demons

III. All Believers Are Families

  1. Who Is My Mother?
  2. Who Are My Brothers?
  3. Whoever Does the Will of God

Chapter 4. The Parable of the Sower

Listen by the Sea
Ask in the House

I. Four Different Grounds

  1. Fall by the Wayside
  2. Stony Ground and Thorns
  3. Good Ground Yields a Crop

II. The Other Three Parables

  1. Parable of a Lamp
  2. Parable of a Growing Seed
  3. Parable of a Mustard Seed

III. A Great Windstorm Arises

  1. Two Waves
  2. Two Kinds of Sleep
  3. Two Kinds of Fear

Chapter 5. Three Amazing Signs

Only Believe
Do Not Be Afraid

I. Deliver a Demon-possessed Man

  1. Live Among the Tombs
  2. Get Clothed
  3. Proclaim Jesus

II. Deliver a Bleeding Woman

  1. Spend All She Has
  2. Touch His Garment
  3. Testify Jesus

III. Deliver Jairus' Daughter

  1. Beg Jesus Earnestly
  2. Take Her by the Hand
  3. Give Her Something to Eat

Chapter 6. Five Loaves and Two Fish

Many Are Coming and Going
Rest a While

I. Offended by the People of His Own Country

  1. Six Questions
  2. Two Amazements
  3. Send out Disciples

II. The Death of John the Baptist

  1. Birthday Feast
  2. Careless Vow
  3. Bring forth Death

III. Feed Five Thousand

  1. Jesus Breaks the Loaves
  2. Bring forth Life
  3. Cross the Sea in the Night

Chapter 7. Argue about Defilement

Enter a Man from Outside
Come out of a Man from Inside

I. Cling to Men's Traditions

  1. Ritual Defilement
  2. Defilement in Heart
  3. Listen to the Word of God

II. The Reward of a Woman's Faith

  1. Cannot Be Hidden
  2. Beg for Her Daughter
  3. Cast out the Demon

III. Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man

  1. Aside from the Crowd
  2. Ear Opened and Tongue Loosed
  3. Proclaim More Widely

Chapter 8. Feed Four Thousand

Send Hungry People Home
Satisfy the People

I. Supply the Needs

  1. Seven Loaves and a Few Small Fish
  2. People Eat and Are Filled
  3. Seven Baskets of Leftover Fragments

II. A Blind Man at Bethsaida

  1. Lead Him out of the Town
  2. Jesus Spits
  3. Put His Hands on the Man Twice

III. Ask Disciples "Who I Am"

  1. You Are the Christ
  2. Rebuke Peter
  3. Deny Himself and Follow Me

Chapter 9. Up on a High Mountain

If You Can Believe
Help My Unbelief

I. Jesus Transfigured on a High Mountain

  1. Three Disciples
  2. Prophets of the Law
  3. Here Is so Good

II. Possessed by a Mute Spirit

  1. The Spirit Seizes Him
  2. Brought to Jesus
  3. Disciples Ask in Private

III. Disciples Argue about Who Would Be the Greatest

  1. First Be a Servant
  2. Do Not Cause to Sin
  3. Cast into Hell

Chapter 10. The Rich Young Man

God Joins Together
Not to Let Man Separate

I. One Thing You Lack

  1. Sell Whatever You Have
  2. Give to the Poor
  3. come and Follow Me

II. the Cross and High Positions

  1. Sit on Your Right and Left
  2. Bitter Cup and Fire Baptism
  3. Give Life as Ransom

III. Healing of Bartimaeus

  1. Grasp the Opportunity
  2. I Want to See
  3. Follow Jesus

Chapter 11. Clean the Temple

Believe That You Have Received
It Will Be Yours

I. Never Been Ridden

  1. A Colt
  2. The Lord Needs It
  3. Share the Glory of the Lord

II. Not the Season for Figs

  1. With Leaves but Without Fruit
  2. Curse and Dry up
  3. The Power of Faith

III. Authority from Heaven

  1. Authority of Tradition
  2. Authority of the Spirit
  3. The Wisdom of Jesus

Chapter 12. The Wicked Tenants

The Rejected Stone
the Chief Cornerstone

I. Parable of the Wicked Tenants

  1. Beat and Kill Servants
  2. Destroy the Tenants
  3. Give to Others

II. Enemies Question by Trickery

  1. Pay Tax to Caesar
  2. Belief in Resurrection
  3. The Greatest Commandment

III. Put in Her Whole Livelihood

  1. People Put in Money
  2. Many Are Rich
  3. Two Mites

Chapter 13. Foretell Tribulation

Heaven and Earth Will Pass Away
God's Word Will Never Pass Away

I. Signs at the Return of the Lord

  1. The Temple Will Be Thrown Down
  2. Take Heed of Deception
  3. Subjected to Persecution

II. Disasters at the Return of the Lord

  1. In Those Days
  2. Hard to Escape
  3. Come in Glory

III. Watch at the Return of the Lord

  1. Watch in Prayer
  2. Watch in Keeping Door
  3. Watch, everyone

Chapter 14. Anointment and Covenant


I. Pour Costly Fragrant Oil

  1. Break the Jar
  2. Pour on His Head
  3. A Good Work

II. The Feast of Unleavened Bread

  1. Make Preparations for the Lord
  2. Set the Communion
  3. Gethsemane

III. Jesus Arrested and Tried

Chapter 15. Tried and Crucified

Ask for Barabbas
Reject Jesus

I. Pilate Tries Jesus

  1. The King of the Jews
  2. Answer Nothing
  3. Given to the Crowd

II. Suffering on the Cross

  1. Bear His Cross
  2. Evil Doings of the Soldiers
  3. Bear men's Sin and Forsaken by God

III. Laid by a Tomb

  1. Joseph Loves Jesus
  2. Sacrifice Everything
  3. Bury Jesus

Chapter 16. Risen and Ascended

Lay Hands on the Sick
They Will Recover

I. Jesus Risen from the Dead

  1. Women Anoint Jesus
  2. Stone Rolled Away
  3. Angels Console Them

II. Appearance After Resurrection

  1. Remember Peter
  2. First to Mary of Magdalene
  3. Comfort two Disciples

III. Preach the Good News to All Nations

  1. Go into All the World
  2. Taken up into Heaven
  3. The Lord Words with Them


Chapter 1.

Glorify the Lord
Rejoice in God

I. The Zechariah Couple

  1. Both Are Righteous
  2. Have No Child
  3. Your Prayer Is Answered

II. Mary of Nazareth