(1 Data Item) / OMB No. 0704-0188
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 110 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding thus burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection o f information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of these addresses. Send completed form to the Government Issuing Contracting Officer for the Contract|PR No. listed in Block E.
CLIN 0004[bg4] / A[bg5] / TDP / TM / OTHER / X
AN/TRC-220 Secure Radio / F19628-03-C-1197 / ACME Corporation
1. DATA ITEM NO.[bg7] / 2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM[bg8] / 3. SUBTITLE[bg9] / 17. PRICE GROUP
A001 / Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) / N/A
4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.)[bg10] / 5. CONTRACT REFERENCE[bg11] / 6. REQUIRING OFFICE[bg12] / 18. ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE

DI-CMAN –81639C

/ SOO Para 3.1 / ESC/XYZ
7. DD 250 REQ[bg13] / 9. DIST STATEMENT REQUIRED[bg14] / 10. FREQUENCY[bg15] / 12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION[bg16] / 14. DISTRIBUTION[bg17]
N / C / ASREQ /


Y / N/A / N/A / Reg / Repro
16. REMARKS[bg21] / ESC/XYZ / 0 / 0 / 1
Ref Block 4: DI-CMAN-81639C is modified as follows: (1) Value ECPs
must meet the requirements of FAR Part 48. (2) The contractor shall
State the date by which approval is required.
Ref Block 14: ECPs shall be submitted electronically in formats
Compatible with Microsoft Operating System Windows 95 or later.
Government preference is Microsoft Word for text documents and
Microsoft Excel for cost data. No harmful scripts, macros, or
Executables will be embedded in any ECP submittals. Documents shall
be virus scanned prior to transmission.
Email ECPs to: Mailto:
15. Total / 0 / 1 / 1
Jane Doe, GS-12, ESC/XYZ / 26 Oct 2002 / Amanda Hugnkiss, SES, ESC/XYZ / 26 Oct 2002
DD FORM 1423-1, JUN 90 (EG) / Previous editions are obsolete / Page / 1 / of / 1 / Pages
(See DoD 5010.12-M for detailed instructions.)
Item A. Self-explanatory / Item 17. Specify appropriate price group from one of the following groups of effort in developing estimated prices for each data item listed on the DD Form 1423.
Item B. Self-explanatory
Item C. Mark (X) appropriate category: TDP - Technical Data Package; TM - Technical Manual; Other - other category of data, such as “Provisioning”, “Configuration Management”, etc. / a. Group I. Definition - Data which is not otherwise essential to the contractor’s performance of the primary contracted effort (production, development, testing, and administration) but which is required by DD Form 1423.
Item D. Enter name of system/item being acquired that data will support
Item E. Self-explanatory (to be filled in after contract award.
Item F. Self-explanatory (to be filled in after contract award.
Item G. Signature of preparer of CDRL. / Estimated Price - Costs to be included under Group I are those applicable to preparing and assembling the data item in conformance with Government requirements, and the administration and other expenses related to reproducing and delivering such data items to the Government .
Item H. Date CDRL was prepared.
Item I. Signature of CDRL approval authority.
Item J. Date CDRL was approved. / b. Group II. Definition - Data which is essential to the performance of the primary contracted effort but the contractor is required to perform additional work to conform to Government requirements with regard to depth of content, format, frequency of submittal, preparation, control, or quality of the data item.
Item 1. See DoD FAR Supplement Subpart 4.71 for proper numbering.
Item 2. Enter title as it appears on data acquisition document cited in Item 4. / Estimated Price - Costs to be included under Group II are those incurred over and above the cost of the essential data item without conforming to Government requirements, and the administration and other expenses related to reproducing and delivering such data item to the government.
Item 3. Enter subtitle of data item for further definition of data item (optional entry).
Item 4. Enter Data Item Description (DID) number, military specification number, or military standard number listed in DoD 5010.12-L (AMSDL), or one-time DID number, that defines data content and format requirements. / c. Group III. Definition - Data which the contractor must develop for his internal use in performance of the primary contracted effort and does not require any substantial change to conform to Government requirements with regard to depth of content, format, frequency of submittal, preparation, control, and quality of the data item.
Item 5. Enter reference to tasking in contract that generates requirement for the data item (e.g. Statement of Work paragraph number). / Estimated Price - Costs to be included under Group III are the administrative and other expenses related to reproducing and delivering such data item to the government.
Item 6. Enter technical office responsible for ensuring adequacy of the data item. / d. Group IV. Definition - data which is developed by the contractor as part of his normal operating procedures and his effort in supplying these data to the Government is minimal.
Item 7. Specify requirement for inspection/acceptance of the data item by the Government. / Estimated Price - Group IV items should normally be shown on the DD Form 1423 at no cost.
Item 8. Specify requirement for approval of a draft before preparation of the final data item.
Item 9. For technical data, specify requirement for contractor to mark the appropriate distribution statement on the data (ref. DoDD 5230.24).
Item 10. Specify number of times data items are to be delivered.
Item 11. Specify as-of date of data item, when applicable.
Item 12. Specify when first submittal is required. / Item 18. For each data item, enter an amount equal to that portion of the total price which is estimated to be attributable to the production or development for the Government of that item of data. These estimated data prices shall be developed only from those costs which will be incurred as a direct result of the requirement to supply the data, over and above those costs which would otherwise be incurred in performance of the contract if no data were required. The estimated data prices shall not include any amount for rights in data. The Government’s right to use the data shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of the contract.
Item 13. Specify when subsequent submittals are required, when applicable.
Item 14. Enter addressees and number of draft/final copies to be delivered to each addressee. Explain reproducible copies in Item 16.
Item 15. Enter total number of draft/final copies to be delivered.
Item 16. Use of additional/clarifying information for Items 1 through 15. Examples are: Tailoring of documents cited in Item 4; Clarification of submittal dates in Items 12 and 13; Explanation of reproducible copies in Item 14; Desired medium for delivery of the data item.

DD Form 1423-1 Reverse, Jun 90


[bg1]1The Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) is the number assigned to data deliverables in the Schedule, section B, of the contract. This number is assigned by the contracts manager or Contracting Officer (CO).

[bg2]1The Exhibit designation is usually alphabetical and is assigned by the Data Manager. For example, Exhibit “A”, “Data for PME”; Exhibit “B”, “Data for Spares”; Exhibit “C”, “Technical Data Package.”

[bg3]1Category is designated according to the nature of the information product being ordered. “TDP,” Technical Data Package, refers to the documents that describe the functional and physical characteristics of the system or item being developed or purchased. Such information products as drawings, parts lists, specifications, manufacturing instructions, special manufacturing processes, software source code, etc, can be part of the TDP. “TM,” Technical Manuals, refers to documents that describe how to operate and maintain the system or item. “Other” is every other information product that is being ordered. For example, financial reports, schedules, analyses, test plans and procedures, etc.


[bg5]1The Exhibit designation is usually alphabetical and is assigned by the Data Manager. For example, Exhibit “A”, “Data for PME”; Exhibit “B”, “Data for Spares”; Exhibit “C”, “Technical Data Package.”

[bg6]1The name of the system, item, or service to which the information product relates. For example, C5-B Galaxy Transport Aircraft, War Readiness Spare Kits (WRSK) for Command, Control, Communications System, Engineering Support Services, etc.

[bg7]1Data Item Number is usually four digits and is alphanumeric. For example, Exhibit A Information Products would be numbered as -A001, A002, A003; Exhibit B Information Products would be numbered as B001, B002, B003.

[bg8]1Title of Data Item is usually taken directly from block 1 of the Data Item Description (DID) DD Form 1664

[bg9]1Subtitle may be used to add to the basic DID title. For example, if the basic DID title were Production Drawings, a subtitle could be “Production Drawings for Radio Spares.”

[bg10]1Authority is usually the DID number taken from block 2 of the DD Form 1664.

[bg11]1Contract Reference refers to where in the contract or request for Proposal the data item requirement originates. Usually this is either the Statement of Objectives (SOO) or the Statement of work (SOW).

[bg12]1Requiring office refers to the organization that requested the information product.

[bg13]1DD Form 250 is usually only required for expensive information products such as Technical Orders, Engineering Drawings, and Software Products. In bloc 7, a “Y”=Yes, while an “N”=No

[bg14]1Distribution Statements refer to DoD Directive 5230.24, “Distribution Statements on Technical Documents”. Using this Directive as a guide, a distribution statement must be displayed on the cover page of the information product. For example, “DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT “C.” Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies and their contractors

(Reason: Critical Technology) (Date of determination: 2002 Oct 26). Other requests for this document shall be referred to the controlling DoD office: HQ ESC/XYZ.”

[bg15]1Frequency refers to how many times the information product must be delivered. The 1423 Form Instructions contain the codes. Usually products are delivered either one time (OTIME), monthly, (MTHLY), or as required (ASREQ). Basically, “as required” is an indefinite quantity.

[bg16]1The date or time when the first information product must be delivered. This can be a date, 15 Nov 2005; an event, such as “15 Days prior to Production testing.”; or can be indefinite, such as “as required”.

[bg17]1Distribution is where your office specifies who is to get how many copies of each information product delivery. Copies may be initial drafts, final copies, or reproducible copies. Usually reproducible copies are delivered in a medium other than paper.

[bg18]1APP Code refers to whether or not the information product must be formally approved/accepted by the Government. In this block “Y” = yes & “N” = no.

[bg19]1As of date refers to the date to which the information must be current. For example, a financial report might have to be current as of the end of the preceding month. Thus, a financial report due 10 August 2002 must be current and reflect actual costs as of 31 July 2002.

[bg20]1This is the date/dates when subsequent submittals are due. For example, the initial financial report might be due on the tenth day of the third month of contract and then due monthly thereafter by not later than the tenth of each subsequent month.

[bg21]1The remarks block is where your office can modify the format/content requirements of the applicable Data Item Description or add additional remarks pertaining to any of the other blocks of the DD Form 1423.

[bg22]1The prepared by and approved by blocks should be signed by the Data Manager or other person who prepared the 1423s and approved by the designated approving official. This could be the Program Manager, the Chief of Configuration & Data, etc.