Pikes Peak Regional
Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
Saturday, 23 February 2008
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. /
The focus of this annual conference is to give undergraduate mathematics students an opportunity to present their work in a professional, supportive setting. It is also an occasion for students to become acquainted with other students from the region, and to learn more about the mathematics profession, including graduate school and career opportunities.
Undergraduates from throughout the RockyMountain region are encouraged to attend, and especially encouraged to make a presentation. Presentation topics could include the results of classroom, independent study, REU or other research projects. Both research and expository topics are welcome.
Registration is free for all participants, and includes a buffet lunch. Participants traveling from outside the Colorado Springs region will be partially reimbursed for travel expenses.
Location:ColoradoCollege is located just north of downtown Colorado Springs, and a little to the South-East of Exit 143 Uintah on Interstate 25.
Preliminary Conference Schedule8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks
9:20 - 10:05Keynote Address: Professor David Bortz, U. of Colorado at Boulder.
10:15 -11:50Student Presentations in Parallel Sessions (15 minutes each, with 5 minutes between talks)
12:00 -1:15Lunch in Gaylord Hall (free for all registered participants)
1:15–2:15Panel Presentation
2:30 - 4:00Student Presentations in Parallel Sessions (15 minutes each, with 5 minutes between talks)
4:15Closing Remarks
More information, including directions and parking information, may be found at the conference web page at (information will be updated as registration proceeds).
5th Annual Pikes Peak Regional
Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
Advance registration is highly encouraged, though same-day registration is possible. Please indicate your intent to attend no later than February 15, 2008. Electronic registration via email is desired, but this form may be printed and mailed to
Dr. Jane McDougall
Department of Mathematics
14 East Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado CollegeCO80903
Electronic registration should be emailed to . Please include all the following information in electronic correspondence:
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
School:______FACULTY - STUDENT (indicate one)
Address: ______
Phone: ______E-mail: ______
Do you anticipate requesting reimbursement? MILEAGE - LODGING (indicate one or both)
Presenting? YES NO (indicate one)
If you wish to give a presentation, please include the following information:
Title: ______
Faculty advisor: ______
Abstract (no more than 150 words):
Specific questions or comments may be sent to the conference organizers: Dr. Jane and Dr. David Brown
Funding for the PPRUMC provided by NSF grant DMS-0536991 through the MAA Regional Undergraduate Conferences Program,