All users under the age of 16 must have a Parent or Carer sign

this form at the library to register for Internet and Word Processing use.

  1. All users must produce a valid Kirklees Library Ticket.
  1. Access to the Internet is free for a maximum of two hours per day. All printing must be paid for at the current approved rate.
  1. Pre-booked sessions will only be held for 15 minutes and the library reserves the right to re-allocate the session after this time. Internet users arriving late, but before the 15 minute limit, will only be allowed the remaining time of their session.
  1. Internet users must not access material that is considered by the Council to be offensive, violent or obscene, or to distribute such material. The library may monitor access in connection with this clause.
  1. Parents or Carers of young people under 16 years of age must sign this form to authorise their use of the Internet. Parents or Carers are responsible for monitoring material accessed by their children.
  1. Internet users must abide by any relevant legislation and regulations covering copyright.
  1. Access to the Internet is on a self-service basis only. Library Staff cannot do Internet searches for users.
  1. Internet users must not interfere with equipment, amend or delete existing software or install any new software on the computers.
  1. The library cannot be held responsible for slow responses, the non-availability of any web site or a communication failure, or any other matter in connection with Internet access.
  1. Kirklees Libraries do not accept responsibility for the validity of information found on the Internet.


I agree to accept the Terms and Conditions above and understand that if I fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions, the Library Staff have the authority to terminate my use of the Internet.

Member's Name: ______Signature: ______

Address: ______


Telephone No: ______Library Ticket No: ______

Parent/Carer's Signature: ______Date: ______