
PPT Presentation – The preterite tense


  1. Un viaje muy interesante (an interesting trip)
  2. Una vacación divertida ( a fun vacation)
  3. Un fin de semana (a weekend)
  4. Tu mejor cumpleaños (your best birthday celebration)

Describe a past event using the preterite form of the verbs you have learned in class. Prepare a power point presentation about the event. You may choose one of the topics below or come up with your own. (Check with me if you choose a different topic)

See rubric on the back side.

**** You must use the preterite form of the verbs ser(to be), estar (to be) and ir (to go)

Also, include the preterite form of other verbs you have learned. Remember that some verbs are regular and have an accent: comer=comí, comiste, comió, comimos, comieron etc. and some are irregular and do not have an accent: hacer=hice , hiciste, hizo etc.

Answer the following questions in your presentation:

1. ¿Cómo te preparaste para este día? ¿A qué hora te levantaste? (3-4 reflexive verbs p.166, 167, 168)

  1. ¿Adónde fuiste?
  2. ¿Cómo fuiste? En auto, en avión, en tren, en un crucero, etc? Fui/fuimos en……
  3. ¿Con quién fuiste? Fui con….
  4. ¿Por cuánto tiempo estuviste allí?
  5. ¿Qué hiciste? Use several verbs to talk about what you did. Use the “yo” or “nosotros” form of the verb. You may also talk about what others did using the “él/ella” or “ellos” form.
  6. ¿Qué viste? What sights did you see. Describe in detail with adjectives.
  7. ¿Qué comiste y bebiste? Describe what you ate and drank, especially if it was something unusual.
  8. ¿Qué compraste? What did you buy? ¿Recuerdos? Souvenirs
  9. ¿Qué tal lo pasaste? ¿Te gustó, te gustaría hacerlo otra vez? lo pasé bien, mal, me divertí, me aburrí, me encantó, fue un desastre , fue un día alegre, fue todo un éxito etc. (see ecprésate sections of your book. For example pg.127
  10. ¿Adónde te gustaría ir en el futuro?
  11. Add your own details

You need to include at least:

1) 7-10 slides

2) A title page with your name, date, and period.

3) 3-4 reflexive verbs that tell how you prepared for your trip. P. 166, 167, 168

4) 2-3 forms of the verb “ser” (to be) in the preterite tense. See pg.134

5) 2-3 forms of the verb “estar” (to be) in the preterite tense. See pg. 134

6) 2-3 forms of the verb “ir” (to go) in the preterite tense. See pg. 66

7) 2-3 different possessive adjectives (mi(s), su(s , nuestro(s)(as). See pg. 174.

8) 3 different expressions from the Exprésate section of your book describing the event.

9) Descriptive adjectives. See pgs. R8-R18

10) Print a hard copy of your presentation.

You will be working on this project in class as well as at home.

I will grade a final copy so if you need questions answered ask me in class.

Rúbrica – 50 puntos El reporte tiene que ser COMPLETO, CORRECTO, CLARO Y LÓGICO

0-10 pts / 11-20 pts / 21-30 pts / 31-40 pts / 41-50 pts
followed directions and prompt requirements / little to no directions were followed / few directions were followed / some directions were followed / most directions were followed / all directions were followed
verbs / little to no required verbs were used / few required verbs were used and/or many errors / some required verbs were used, and/or some errors / most required verbs were used and/or very few errors / all required verbs were used with no errors
grammar / way too many grammar errors / many grammar errors / some grammar errors / few grammar errors / no grammar errors
vocabulary / no required vocabulary used / little required vocabulary used / some required vocabulary used / most required vocabulary used / all required vocabulary used
understanding of concepts / the student has been on another planet / does not demonstrate understanding of concepts learned in class / demonstrates some understanding of concepts learned in class / demonstrates understanding of concepts learned in class / demonstrates complete understanding of concepts learned in class
effort / no effort was put into writing this / little effort was put into writing this / some effort was put into writing this / effort was put into writing this / great effort was put into writing this
Oral Presentation
0- 20 points / Did not practice speech at all, no eye contact, frequent starts and stops, low energy/enthusiasm / practiced the speech a bit, little eye contact, many starts and stops, a bit of energy/enthusiasm / some effort was put into practicing the speech, some eye contact, some starts and stops, some energy/enthusiasm / effort was put into practicing the speech, lots of eye contact, few starts and stops, energy/enthusiasm / great evidence that the speech was practiced all, lots of eye contact, no starts and stops, lots of energy/enthusiasm
Choose something to write your speech about. Look for pictures for your slides . / martes
Brainstorm what you will be writing about. Look for pictures for your slides. / miércoles
Bring 7-10 pictures to class / jueves
Work on your speech. / viernes
Work on your ppt and speech.
work on your ppt & speech
/ martes
Practice saying your speech in front of someone or in front of the mirror. / miércoles
Be ready to give your speech
+ / martes
Be ready to give your speech
 / viernes
Be ready to give your speech