IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / IEEE802.15 WG minutes
Date Submitted / 19 July, 2004
Source / [Pat Kinney]
[Kinney Consulting, LLC]
[Export, PA] / Voice: [1.724.575.2469]
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Re: / 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Portland, OR
Abstract / IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes
Purpose / Official minutes of the Working Group Session
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #31

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower

921 SW Sixth Avenue

Portland, OR 97204


Monday, 12 July 2004

1:38 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, 802.20, and 802.21 Chairs called the joint meeting to order.


§  The 802.11 chair called for any IP statements (letters of assurance) for 802.11, 802.15, 802.19, 802.20, and 802.21; there were none.

§  Al Petrick reviewed IEEE, 802 LMSC, 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, 802.20, & 802.21 Policies and Procedures (IEEE802.11-04/424r2)

o  Al Petrick read the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards to the attendees

1:53 Approve or modify joint Working Group Agenda

o  Agenda approved by unanimous consent following neither discussion nor objections (11-04-592-04-0000-802.11-WG-Tentative-Agenda-July-2004)

o  Minutes for the Anaheim session were approved by unanimous consent following neither discussion nor objections

1:55 Summary of key working group / 802 events / activities

o  Review Interim meetings (IEEE-04/336r0)

§  12 – 17 September 2004

·  Estrel Hotel and Convention Center, Berlin ($700 early, $900 regular, $1100 late)

§  16 - 21 January 2005

·  Hyatt Monterey , CA

§  15 – 20 May 2005

·  International event –Sydney

§  18 – 23 September 2005

·  Park Plaza, Boston proposed

§  Future Sessions

·  Straw poll as to Jan 16 – 20 2006:

o  Hawaii-175, Mexico (Cancun)-116, S California-26, Florida-26

·  15 -19 May (China, Turkey, Japan, Korea)

·  18-22 September 2006 NA

§  Wireless and Attendance Information (802.11-04-422r4) by Al Petrick

2:20 Financials/Anaheim Interim meeting (IEEE802.15-04-0333-01):

o  $82,735.23 surplus

o  bank balance is $138,670.54

o  available reserve is $68,670.54

2:26 ExCom report by 802.15 Chair (04-332-00)

·  Orlando was a break-even session

·  Reserve is about $300K

·  Working with the SA on P&P issues

·  No progress on IEEE Indemnification policy

·  Bill Quackenbush has stepped down from serving as treasurer. Replacement is John Hawkins

·  An Architecture group was established to look at 802 issues. WGs to nominate two people to participate on Sunday afternoons of Plenary sessions.

2:31 PARs for comment and approval by 802 ExCom

o  802.3ar Frame Expansion

o  802.11p: Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment

o  802.11T: Wireless Performance Prediction

o  802.16e modification

o  802.16f MIB

o  802.16g Management Plane Procedures and Services

o  802.18 TV Band from 802.18 SG1 (Proposed as P802.22)

2:33 Working Group Summaries

Voting members (IEEE802.11-04/511r1) for 802.11 is 350 voters, 146 nearly voters.

2:37 Policies and Procedures update (802.11-04/750r0) by Al Petrick

Motion: that document 04/510r0 becomes the policies and procedures for IEEE 802.11 WG and be posted on the IEEE 802.11 WG website after the close of the IEEE 802.11 July 2004 plenary.

Moved by Al Petrick and seconded by Colin Lanzl. There was no discussion. The voting result was 137/0/0, motion passes.

2:42 Documentation update by Harry Worstel

2:43 802.11 Working Group Status

Task Group e - MAC enhancements (QoS) by J Fakatselis: Results from Sponsor ballot have been received and will be addressed. TGe will ask for a PAR extension.

Task Group j - 4.9 - 5 GHz operation IN JAPAN by Peter: 78 votes received 88% affirmative. Comment resolution will be followed by recirculation.

Task Group k – Radio Resource Measurements by Richard Paine They will be working toward letter ballot by end of week.

Task Group m – standard maintenance by Bob O’Hara: No interpretation requests have been received.

Task Group n – High Throughput by Bruce Kraemer: CFP is complete, presentations will start in September. TGn requested candidates to come forward for vice chair and technical editor positions.

Task Group r – fast roaming by Clint Chaplin: working on framework documents that will lead to the CFP.

Task Group s - Mesh Network by Don Eastlake

Standing Committee WNG- Globalization and Harmonization of 5 GHz by TK Tan: update on Darpa XG project, etc.

Motion that the WNG SC recommends that the IEEE 802.11 WG form a study group to determine how to formally describe

Motion: to reaffirm the decision of the 802.11 session that approved by unanimous consent AP functional description study group and forwarded to 802 ExCom for approval. Move by TK Tan seconded by Clint Chaplin. Following no discussion the vote was taken with the results: 122/1/1, motion passes

Study Group Wave – formerly DSRC by Broady Cash: Studying the draft submissions and comments to the PAR and 5C.

Study Group WPP by Charles Wright. Resolving any comments on the PAR and 5C

WG Chair's Ad-hoc committee - 5 GHz Regulatory by Al Petrick: plan is to complete by end of week and move into WG18.

3:04 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Chair announced that there were 234 voters and 80 nearly voters

Rules and procedure proposed changes by J Allen

15.1a Task Group: - Siep. TG1a is in the process of instituting its first Sponsor Ballot

15.3a Higher Rate Task Group: In the process of down-selection from two to one

15.3b MAC changes - Barr: Listening to proposals for changes.

15.4a Alt PHY – Kinney: Will be issuing CFI and CFP this session.

15.4b TG Revision by R Poor: Looking at proposals this session for down selection next session.

15.3c mmW SG- Reed Fisher: will be working on PAR and 5C

15.5 Mesh TG by J Boot: Limited response from CFA so this week will be spent on working on a way to proceed.

3:11 PC by Al Petrick: review of wireless alliances and press releases

3:13 802.18 RADIO REGULATORY TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP ACTIVITIES & PLAN by C Stevenson. (18-04-027-00-0000)

3:17 802.19 by S Shellhammer: (19-04-0023-01-0000) Collecting comments on 802 P&P changes from EC members.

3:23 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Working Group activities & plans by Jerry Upton (20-04-00xx). WG20 is working on finishing the requirements documents.

3:27 802.21 by AJ Rajkumar

3:31 Adjourn joint meeting and recess for WG meetings

Wednesday, 14 July 2004

10:34am WG chair called the meeting to order.

WG Chair made announcements concerning Meeting Objectives and Agenda. WG chair reminded the attendees of the patent policy.

The agenda was amended to update the person’s responsible for reporting. Motion to approve the agenda (15-04-0288-03-0000) was made by John Barr with Robert Poor seconding. Hearing neither discussion nor objection the agenda passed by unanimous consent.

Motion to approve the minutes (15-04-0225-00-0000) was made by I Gifford with J Gilb seconding. Hearing neither discussion nor objections the minutes were approved.

10:43 802.19 by S Shellhammer (19-04-0010-06-0000)

Steve talked to the proposed rule changes for IEEE 802. Steve noted that the WG19 voted to move this change to the 802 ExCom. Rick Roberts asked that WG19 add terms to this document that requires them to assist the WGs with the writing of the coexistence assurance document. J Zyren spoke against this requirement suggesting that this requirement puts additional burdens on the WGs and could stifle new technology. J Gilb asked to clarify this document to indicate that the WG19 gets only one LB and SB vote. The EC will evaluate this rule change between now and November.

11:13 TG1a status by Tom Siep

TG1a has not met this week; they’ll meet on Thursday afternoon. The Sponsor Ballot will start after this session.

11:15 TG3a status by Bob Heile

No updates were reported

11:16 SG3b by Jim Allen

This group is looking

10:17 TG4a by Pat Kinney

The TG is working on working towards understanding the implications of location awareness, listening to technology presentations, working on channel models, and getting ready to issue a CFP.

10:18 TG4b by Robert Poor

This revision has been categorized as MAC cleanup, security, and sub one GHz modulation. Yesterday’s main focus was on the MAC; today’s effort will discuss PHY proposals.

11:19 TG5 status update by John Boot

Due to poor response from the first CFA this TG has reopened the call for applications until September. This group adjourned until September.

11:20 SG4c by Reed Fisher

This SG is listening to submissions on applications.

11:21 PC committee status by Gregg Rasor

Nothing to report, first meeting this session is tomorrow.

11:22 Report from ITU-R TG1/8 Meeting in Boston by Kai Siwiak (15-04/0316r1)

11:41 New Business

Anuj Batra made a motion that we close all 802.15 email reflector to voting members only. Chair asked Vice Chair of 802 LMSC, Mathew Sherman as to the WG’s capability to fulfill this motion. Matthew was not certain on the legality of this motion but suggested thinking about this before voting. Ian suggested that the WPAN voting member reflector is restricted but 3a is not restricted. Yongsuk Kim seconded this motion. Anuj postponed this motion until Friday’s meeting after the chair noted that an internet search would show these messages. Chair will investigate this matter.

No further new business

11:52 WG recessed

Friday, 16 July, 2004

8:03 WG chair called the meeting to order

Chair reviewed the agenda.

8:04 802.19 liaison from S. Shellhammer (no document was displayed)

Revision 7 of the proposed 802.19 rules document is now available. Will be setting up a liaison with 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16. Steve presented a tutorial on Tuesday evening which is available at the URL printed on the back of your badge ( The chair stated that Tom Siep has volunteered to be liaison from 802.15 to 802.19. The chair asked if there were any objections to appointing Tom Siep as liaison to 802.19, No objections were made.

8:09 Regulatory Report by C. Stevenson (no document was displayed)

There was only one document for our review this session. According to Carl this document should be a total don’t care to 802.15. The document, a document to the ITU-R working party 9B is from 802.16. This document was delivered to 802.18 yesterday afternoon where it was approved, and was approved in 802.16 last night. Carl asks that we trust him and give him 802.15 Work Group approval on this document. A motion was made by C. Stevenson, to approve this document, Seconded by Ian Gifford.

Discussion: Do you know which bands this document refers to? Basically this document refers to frequency bands referred to in the 802.16 standard. Motion passed with no objections.

An NPRM is out from FCC on the use of TV channels, 802.18 did go through it and will work via conference call and correspondence between now and the September NPRM due date for response comments.

8:15 Closing report for TG1a by Tom Siep (15-04-0396-00-001a)

TG1a did meet this week and worked on the paper work necessary for moving the TG1a draft toward sponsor ballot.

A TG1a Sponsor Ballot is expected before the Berlin meeting in September. Recirculation Sponsor Balloting is expected to take place between the September o4 and November 04 meetings. TG1a expects to enter hibernation in January 05.

Ian asked if this text will be normative. Tom stated that this document will be normative.

Rick Roberts asked is there any value to this TG1a work, and if the TG1 standards are being used by anybody. Tom responded that he is aware of people in the university environments who use the IEEE 802.15.1 standard for various legal reasons, and there are international users of the standard who also use it.

8:20 Closing report for TG3a by B Heile (no document was displayed)

The DS-UWB proposal was selected in the down-select process but failed in the confirmation vote process. DS-UWB “no” votes are still being collected until the end of this meeting and will be responded to by the DS-UWB proposers at the September 04 Berlin meeting.

8:21 Closing report for TG4a by Rick Roberts (no document was displayed)

Reviewed a contribution of documents primarily on ranging, and a contribution on viable waveforms and what they could be. TG4a worked on the selection criteria document and had a Channel model work session. The Call for Proposal was worked on but the release date has slipped back to November. Document number 04/369r0 is the TG4a closing report.

8:23 Closing report for TG4b by Robert Poor (15-04-0398-004b)

TG4b is on schedule to go out to letter ballot this coming November.

8:25 Closing report for TG5 by John Boot (15-04-0-00-0050).

Had only one meeting this week due to a low response to their CFA. CFA period has been extended.

8:26 SG3c closing report by Reed Fisher (15-04-0393-00-003c)

Had five time slots to meet in this week, used four of them. Attendance was represented by 16 companies. Reviewed SG3c work plan, listened to responses to CFA and extended the CFA period.

Motion: To approve the renewal of the Study Group 3c charter through the next plenary meeting.

Motion: M. Dydyk,

Seconded: I. Gifford.

Carried by unanimous consent

8:31 Closing report for TG3b by J Barr (15-04-0395-00-003b)

TG3b completed review of all submissions and have created an initial draft of TG3b draft document. They have also previewed the comment submission process with the WG letter ballot process expected following the September meeting. They are hoping this standard will be complete in mid 2005.

8:39 TGe liaison report by J Bain (15-04-0397-00-0000)

TGe’s Sponsor Ballot started 7 April and was scheduled to end 8 May. It actually closed on 30 May since the initial return rate did not meet IEEE SA requirements. The final tally of this Sponsor Ballot after extending the closure date was 91 “yes” and 16 “no” yielding an 85 percent affirmative. Going forward 802.11 TGe is trying to work toward two re-circulations each with a 15-day duration.