Jordan Arnold Vogel MemorialScholarship
May 16, 1990–August 24, 2013
Intent: This scholarship is intended to preserve the memory of Jordan Arnold Vogel.
Jordan touched so many people during his short life and we wanted to be sure we could properly describe what he meant to all of us.He was a 2008 graduate of Jefferson High School. Jordan loved life and loved being among family and friends. He had a personality that could light up a room, and a sense of humor that could have you on the floor laughing within seconds. You never really knew what to expect when he walked into the room, but that was half the fun of having Jordan around. Jordan was an avid outdoorsman. He loved to hunt, trap and spend time outdoors with his dad, his family and his friends. When winter came, Jordan shifted into snowmobile mode and spent as much time as he could hitting the trails.
Jordan loved working hard and making a difference. He worked full time for Two Guys Trimming in Jefferson. The owner Jim, Becki his wife and their kids soon became family. Jordan’s big personality along with his ability to talk and make friends with everyone, allowed him to interact with the community and help many people. Part of Jordan’s job was plowing St. John’s Catholic School parking lot where his sister was employed as a teacher. He always made sure her car was cleared of snow and shoveled out. Whenever anyone saw him in the company truck he was sure to get a honk and they would receive a big Jordan wave.
Jordan found his true calling when he joined the fire department back in 2009. He joined the department at the age of 19, ready to take on the challenge of becoming a firefighter. Right from the start, Jordan jumped in and became active in everything related to the department. If something needed to be cleaned or painted, Jordan was there. If therewas an event that needed coverage, Jordan was there, and most importantly,when the tones went off, Jordan was there. Jordan understood the commitment necessary to be a firefighter. For him it wasn't just about wearing the jacket and showing up for a call, it meant gaining the skills, maintaining the equipment, and most important, building relationships with the men and women of the department. Learning to work with 45 different personalities can be difficult, but Jordan had the right personality to accomplish this. Jordan quickly became a member of the JFD family, and they were happy to have him.He matured into a fine young man that made a difference in many people’s lives.
We spent some time thinking about what word or phrase that would best describe Jordan's philosophy on life, and came up with one- and that word is "PAYBACK".
Payback to his family- Making them proud for all he accomplished in his life and for the support they gave him growing up.
Payback to the community-Giving of his time to protect life and property as a member of the Jefferson Fire Department.
Payback to the Jefferson Fire Department- He gave his all to support our family of firefighters, giving us his love and laughter unselfishly.
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide one $1,000.00 scholarship to a graduatingseniorthatintendstocontinuetheireducation at the college or vocational/technical school of his/her choice pursuing a career in one of the following fields: Firefighting, EMS, or Law Enforcement.
We will also provide three $1,000.00 scholarships to graduating seniors that intend to continue their education at a vocational/technical school of their choice pursuing a career of their choice.
The recipient shall be a graduating student from Jefferson High School, Johnson Creek High School, Fort Atkinson High School or Cambridge High School and must have attended that school for four semesters.
One scholarship per school will be given out.
1) A committee comprised of:Jane Vogel, Jeff Viola and Matt Eske will determine the selectionofthe recipients.
2) The selected students will be presented with a letter at the school’s annual awards assembly in May.
3) The financial award of $1,000.00 will be forwarded directly to the student.
Disposition of the funds will be made after the student has successfully completed the first school semester and is enrolled in good standing for the second semester classes. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to provide the necessary information that will initiate the payment ofyour scholarship.
1) The student must have obtained at least a grade point average of 2.50 in seven semesters of coursework.
2) The student must have shown leadership qualities through their involvement in what would be defined as a volunteerismtype, extracurricular activity in the community. These can be school related, civic promotion or church activities for example.
3) The student shall have high moral character and have set high standards for him/herself.
4) In the event the student selected, for any reason, fails to attend the college of his/her choice, or fails to complete their first semester or be enrolled in good standing for the second semester, all monies dedicated to them will be returned to the scholarship fund.
Jordan Arnold Vogel Memorial Scholarship Application
Student Applicant: Date of Birth:
Applicant’s Address:
Telephone Number:
What High School did you attend?______
What college/tech. school will you be attending?
Major field of study?
List and describe your high school volunteerismextracurricular activities and the year(s) in which you participated. Include any offices held and honors/awards or recognition that you received for your contributions. : (ifadditionalspaceisneededattachaseparatepage,orifyouwishtojust attachaseparatepagetoanswerthe question, pleasedoso).
List any appropriate references that would have first-hand experience with you in the activities that you have listed above that can provide verification to your efforts and your commitment. : (ifadditionalspaceisneededattachaseparatepage,orifyouwishtojustattachaseparatepagetoanswerthe question,pleasedoso).
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
(Student employment) List any jobsthat you have held or are now holding.
Briefly explain your future educational and career plans:(ifadditionalspaceisneededattachaseparate page,orif youwishtojustattachaseparatepagetoanswerthequestion,pleasedoso).
Please submit 3 letters of recommendation, non-family members.
Student’s Authorization:
I have completed this form to the best ofmy ability and all questionsareanswered accurately and honestly.For a fair evaluationas a scholarship candidate, I hereby release all academic records to the scholarship committee.
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate