Incomplete applications will not be processed.


Please Print or Type

Applicant #1 full legal name Soc Sec #

Other name(s) used within the past 3 yrs Date of birth

Home phone Work phone Cell phone

Email address Length of desired occupancy?

Applicant #2 full legal name Soc Sec #

Other name(s) used within the past 3 yrs Date of birth

Home phone Work phone Cell phone

Email address

Have you applied for residency or leased from us in the past? If so, when?

What is the best way for us to contact you regarding this application?

List your last four years residence history & at least your last two addresses

Current address City State Zip

Type of property (apartment, duplex/4-plex, townhouse, condo, mobile home, house, etc.)

How long at present address? Occupancy dates Monthly Rent or Mortgage

Landlord or Mortgage Company Phone

Loan # (if applicable) Why are you moving?

Former address City State Zip

Type of property (apartment, duplex/4-plex, townhouse, condo, mobile home, house, etc.)

How long at former address? Occupancy dates Why moved?

Former Landlord's Name Phone

Former address City State Zip

Type of property (apartment, duplex/4-plex, townhouse, condo, mobile home, house, etc.)

How long at former address? Occupancy dates Why moved?

Former Landlord's Name Phone

List your vehicles that will be parked at the property Driver’s License # _ State

Vehicle Make/Model/Year License No./State




Drivers License – Number and State:

Applicant #1: ______

Applicant #2: ______

List your employment history for the last four years (Please include titles or military ranks, etc. Note: If you are self employed you will be required to substantiate your income with copies of tax returns, 1099s and/or other relevant data.)

Applicant #1 Current Employer Dates Phone

Address City State Zip

Position / Job description Monthly gross pay

Mo take-home Superior's name & position Phone

List any additional monthly income you wish to be considered in qualifying your application (child support, SS, etc.)

Former Employer Dates Phone

Address City State Zip

Position / Job description Monthly gross pay

Superior's name & position Phone

Former Employer Dates Phone

Address City State Zip

Position / Job description Monthly gross pay

Superior's name & position Phone

Applicant #2 Current Employer Dates Phone

Address City State Zip

Position / Job description Monthly gross pay

Mo take-home Superior's name & position Phone

List any additional monthly income you wish to be considered in qualifying your application (child support, SS, etc.)

Former Employer Dates Phone

Address City State Zip

Position / Job description Monthly gross pay

Superior's name & position Phone

Former Employer Dates Phone

Address City State Zip

Position / Job description Monthly gross pay

Superior's name & position Phone

List bank accounts

Bank Name Checking/Savings Approx. Balance



Credit References - Credit Cards & Loans What are your approximate scheduled monthly payments?

Name Purpose $ Limit Balance Mo Payment



List nearest relatives (for Emergency Contact and/or Reference)

Name Address Phone Relationship



List two personal / professional references

Name Address City / State / Zip Phone #



List all occupants under the age of 18 that will reside in the premises.

1. 3. .

2. 4. .

List all pets that you desire to have live on the premises. No dangerous breeds accepted.*

Pet’s Name Type/Breed/Size/Age Sex/Neutered/Spayed Indoor/Outdoor/Both



*Dangerous breeds defined by insurance companies as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, American Staffordshire terriers, Wolf-hybrids, Chow

Personal Skills: ¨ Plumbing ¨ Carpentry ¨ Painting ¨ Electrical ¨ Mechanical


Tools You Own: ¨ Tool Box ¨ Mower ¨ Yard tools ¨ Snow shovel ¨ Hoses/Sprinklers

Please answer the following questions (explain your answers on additional page(s) as necessary)

1. Have you ever been evicted or asked to move from any tenancy? ¨ Yes ¨ No

2. Have you ever broken a rental agreement or lease? ¨ Yes ¨ No

3. Have you ever willfully and intentionally refused to pay rent when due? ¨ Yes ¨ No

4. Do you know of anything that might interrupt your income or ability to pay rent? ¨ Yes ¨ No

5. Are there any outstanding judgments against you? ¨ Yes ¨ No

6. Have you had property foreclosed upon or given title or deed in lieu of foreclosure in the past 7 years? ¨ Yes ¨ No

7. Have you ever filed a petition of bankruptcy? (If yes, please note when and where, if the bankruptcy has

been discharged and date of discharge.) ¨ Yes ¨ No

8. Are you a named party to a criminal proceeding, lawsuit or unlawful detainer filing? ¨ Yes ¨ No

9. Have you ever initiated or been the defendant in a lawsuit? ¨ Yes ¨ No

10. Have you or anyone in your household ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor? ¨ Yes ¨ No

11. Rent is due on the first business day of each month. Are you able to fulfill this requirement? ¨ Yes ¨ No

12. Are you obligated to pay child support, alimony or separate maintenance? (If yes, how much?) ______ ¨ Yes ¨ No

13. Do you plan to conduct any commercial business from the residence? ¨ Yes ¨ No

14. Do you smoke? ¨ Yes ¨ No

List any additional info you think will help us process your application (attach additional pages if necessary)

Applicant agrees to pay a non-refundable fee of $35 per adult to Broadmoor Bluffs Realty for the processing of this application and credit check. Processing will not begin until this fee has been paid. The credit authorization form is attached.

Please make check or money order payable to Broadmoor Bluffs Realty. Cash is acceptable.

Applicant understands that any false statements or deliberate misrepresentation of facts will automatically disqualify this application and cause any subsequent rental contract to be null and void and of no effect.

How did you hear about this rental? Referral Sign BBR website AHRN Zillow

Disclosure: Pursuant to Commission Rule-E-35, Applicant is advised that Landlord is an agent for the owner and not an agent of the applicant.

Initial below:

1. ______Broadmoor Bluffs Realty requires applicant(s) to have income equal to 3 times rent.

2. ______Broadmoor Bluffs Realty’s policy is all monthly rent be paid by Automatic Bank Deposit (ACH) and the Authorization Form is hereby attached and due upon approval of application and receipt of Security Deposit.

3. ______Furthermore, if for any reason tenant becomes delinquent in rents, fees, deposits, charges, or costs, Broadmoor Bluffs Realty is hereby authorized to debit this amount using the ACH mentioned above.

4. ______I hereby certify that the answers I have given in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false answers or statements made by me will be sufficient grounds for eviction and loss of any security deposits.

Applicant's Signature Date

Applicant's Signature Date

Broadmoor Bluffs Realty

(719) 579-9211

EFax (888) 692-2707


Date ______

In connection with the application, I/we authorize all corporations, former landlords, former/current employers, credit agencies, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, city/county/state/federal courts, and military services to release information they possess about me/us to the company or person with which this form has been filed or their agent.

Furthermore, I/we authorize a credit report and/or criminal history report be obtained for me/us containing information on employment, residence, and credit history. I/we understand this report may contain negative information about my/our background, history of residence, character, or personal reputation. This authorization, or a copy or fax, shall be valid for this request and any future updates that may be requested/required.


Signature Date


Signature Date

A photocopy of each applicant’s driver’s license must accompany the application. A fee of $35 per adult must also be included.