Prairie View United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 143

Oelrichs, SD 57763





Greeters: Derrick and Nancy Sletto

Ushers: Randy and Kathy Meyers

Liturgist: Bob Edgar

Acolytes: Kadan Sletto, Zoey Osmotherly

Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker

Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Sandy Osmotherly, Kari Sanders, Patti Schommer

Media: Devon Trent, Rita Bell, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire



Greeters: Jim and Harriett Ginsbach

Ushers: Ron Trent, Steve Alexander

Liturgist: Joel S Rickenbach

Acolytes: Kyle Sanders, Megan Sanders

Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker

Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Darla Elshire, Sue Olofson, Colleen Bowker, Avis Jennings

Media: Devon Trent, Rita Bell, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire



Greeters: Dollie Spencer, Helen Anderson

Ushers: Russ Sanders, Jerry Stombaugh

Liturgist: Sue Olofson


Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker

Accompanists: Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Diane Westby, Debra Frahm, Leona Dryden

Media: Devon Trent, Rita Bell, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire

Flowers: Willie Miller

WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for January 25______

Greeters:Anna Speaect, Colleen Bowker

Ushers:Loren and Patricia Seegrist

Liturgist:Debra Frahm


Children’s Time:Joel S Rickenbach

Accompanists:Cindy Trent, Ron & Sue Olofson, Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Cathy Nelson, Pam Myers, Debra Frahm

Media:Devon Trent, Rita Bell, Linda Colson, Glen & Darla Elshire

Flowers: Cathy Nelson

Lectionary Readings for January

4th - Bob Edgar11th - Joel Rickenbach

Isaiah 60:1-6Genesis 1:1-5

Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14Psalm 29

Ephesians 3:1-12Acts 19:1-7

Matthew 2:1-18Mark 1:4-11

18th – Sue Olofson25th – Debra Frahm

1 Samuel 3:1-10Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18Psalm 62:5-12

1 Corinthians 6:12-201 Corinthians 7:29-31

John 1:43-51Mark 1:14-20

Administrative Assistant Office Hours:8:00am – 12:30pm

Wednesday, January 7th and Thursday, January 8th

Wednesday, January 14th and Thursday, January 15th

Wednesday, January 21st and Thursday, January 22nd

Wednesday, January 28th and Thursday, January 29th

Contact numbers for interim Pastor Morris are 745-3073 or 890-1696.

Be sure to check out our website at .


Bruce Larson tells this story in his book, "Faith for the Journey." Once there was a successful factory that made drills. One day the owner told his corporate officials that he was going to retire and that he had chosen his son as his successor. At the next board meeting the son asked his four vice presidents, "What are your goals for the company for the next five to ten years?"

One vice-president replied, "Well sir, we're looking at new sizes and shapes for different drills."

The son then dropped his bombshell. "I have news for you - there is no market for drills." One could feel the tension in the air. He continued, "From now on we will not think drills. We will not sell drills. We'll sell holes! People don't want to buy a drill; they want to make a hole!"

As they began to think of other ways to create holes they developed, among other methods, lasers for hole drilling. This attitude change and other innovations keep this company in business while its competitors lost large shares of the market and some even went bankrupt.

An attitude favoring change brought four small congregations, meeting in old, outdated church buildings to establish a single, larger congregation that now meets in a new, paid-for church building. Instead of four small congregations slowly dying, this new single congregation has grown. 141 people came to see the children’s Christmas program, and 150 people attended the last Christmas Eve worship service.

The First Saturday Breakfast began in the Buffalo Gap UMC. When the four churches consolidated into one church, the new church took on this ministry to the community by continuing the First Saturday Breakfast at the new church. Where once a few dozen came for breakfast, now 150-200 regularly come for breakfast on the first Saturday of each month.

Where there were once limited or no Sunday Schools or Youth Group, now there are both. And having a dozen children for the Children’s Time in the worship service is a common occurrence. Children are one of the measures of a church involved in ministry to the community.

I believe there is something happening at the Prairie View United Methodist Church because I have seen the changes in the 3 ½ years I’ve attended this church. The primary focus for the church has changed from survival to increasing ministry effectiveness.

The company making drills recognized that people wanted the ‘holes’, not the drills. In our world, people don’t want the same old church programs. They want the results. They want help in raising their children, strengthening their families, building better relationships, and living a more abundant, productive life. They want the results that give them a more fulfilling life. How do we help them do that?

I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that this demands continuing change in a church that has already changed and is even now evolving into something new. Churches that do the same old things are stale, static, and dying. Thank God, we are not one of them!

The people of this church have changed in the past few years, and they will need to continue to change as this church continues to start and grow new ministries to the community. It has been said that the only constant in life is change. That is doubly true of the growing church.

And growing means there will always be some degree of change.

Don’t be scared of change; embrace it wisely. What types of ministry does this community need that we can offer? May the Holy Spirit lead us as we bath each new ministry opportunity in prayer.

We’re not selling drills; we’re selling the holes.

-Pastor Morris

Notes from the Staff / Pastor Parish Committee for November & December.

These two meeting have been almost entirely devoted to the pastors salary for 2015 & 2016. We came to a consensus that $50,000.00 per year would give us the best chance at having a good choice of pastors. The congregation agreed at the Church Conference on the 14th of December.

The new pastor will start at Prairie View on the first of July, 2015. Pastor Nelson will go back into retirement.

Beyond pastoral salary we completed the annual pastor’s assessment. This year was really just a practice session, as Pastor Nelson is an interim pastor and going back to retirement.

Steve Alexander

S/PPRC Chair

Administrative Council.

The December 10, 2014 Administrative Council meeting was called to order at 7:46 by Chairperson, Deborah Russell. Pastor Morris Nelson opened the meeting with a devotional from the Upper Room and a prayer. The following people were in attendance: Deborah Russell, Pastor Morris Nelson, Lay Leader Ruth Pourier, Lay Leader JT Rickenbach, Vice Chair Randal Meyers, Treasurer Nancy Hussey, Willie Miller, Steve Alexander, Pam Myers, Todd Heck, Cindy Trent, Ron Rickenbach, Linda Colson, Glen Elshire, and Secretary Avis Jennings.

November 12th minutes were presented. Nancy Hussey moved to approve the minutes. Todd Heck seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was given by Nancy Hussey with a balance of $57,998.05, total receipts were $12,344.79, and total expenses $10,147.79. Steve Alexander moved to approve the treasurer’s report. Willie Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

Education Committee

Ron Rickenbach reported the education committee is in need of someone to be Sunday School Superintendent. They are looking at curriculums for Sunday school. They may use Mary Kate Warner curriculum. Youth auction is put off until spring. The youth group under the supervision of Bonnie Rickenbach will be having a Valentines Dinner with the youth serving from 4-8 p.m.

Finance Committee

Cindy Trent presented the finance committee’s motions:

MOTION #1: The Trustee Committee of the Prairie View United Methodist Church is authorized to enter into a contract for the purchase of the property at 13289 N. Angostura Rd, Hot Springs, SD, for $180,000, plus the expenses associated with closing to complete the purchase. The Trustees are also authorized to purchase lawn/snow equipment, and any other materials deemed necessary to make the parsonage ready for the Pastor’s move in. The Finance Committee recommended and the Administrative Board approved a $100,000 down payment and a loan be obtained for the remainder of the purchase cost.

MOTION #2: The annual base cash salary for the Pastor will be set at maximum of $50,000.

Lay Leader

JT Rickenbach reported: continue to work with the pastor. They would like to thank Pastor Morris for all his work on the Elder pool.


Nancy Hussey reported on the coat drive and food drive. Motion was made to have the Christmas Eve offering go to the Ministerial Society. Motion passed. Everyone is encouraged to bring a can of food for the Christmas Eve Program.

Solar Ovens may be a project in the New Year.


No report

Nurture & Outreach

No report

Pastor -Staff Relations

Steve Alexander reported they are working on a new pastor salary.


Steve Alexander reported the committee is continuing on getting the Smithwick Church advertised. A solar light is not working.


Cindy Trent reported: UMW will meet Saturday, December 20th with a light lunch and cookie decorating. Cookies will be distributed to individuals in nursing homes. Christmas program practice.


No report


Pam Myers reported the batteries are in. Thank you for all the poinsettia donations. Three volunteers are needed for the Christmas Eve Service. Todd Heck and Nancy Hussey volunteered. If someone cannot complete their signed up duty, please call the Church (424-2080) and leave a message so another volunteer can be found to complete the duty.


We appreciate the youth helping with services and first Saturday Breakfast. Bonnie Rickenbach is doing a great job.

Pastor’s Report

Pastor Morris Nelson reported: he continues visiting families. He complimented Steve Alexander and Deb Russell on all they have done. Pastor Nelson and Deb Russell will meet and compose a letter that includes the two motions for the All Church Conference. The letter will be e-mailed to the congregation. Handouts will be available for those that do not get email. Lent starts mid-February. Easter is the 1st Sunday in April. We will explore John Wesley’s life through a course written by Adam Hamilton.

The new battery operated candles will be used at the end of the Sunday school program.

Other Business

A new committee member workshop will be planned for January 11th. A light lunch may possible be served.

Linda Colson reported that the Hospitality group would provide bars after funerals for free or meals at $4.00 a plate at the Church.

Linda Colson requested that children sit on the dais during the Children’s sermon and to pass the microphone to the children if they are requested to speak.

The secretary’s computer has been taken to Best Buy and is fixed.

Randy Myers moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Linda Colson and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully Avis Jennings, Administrative Council Secretary

Unapproved proceeding of the Administrative Council of the Prairie View United Methodist Church

All Church Conference.December 14, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Pastor Morris Nelson at 10:53 a.m.

Two issues will be discussed and voted upon: 1) the purchase of a parsonage for the Pastor’s residence; 2) setting the maximum salary that the church will pay to the Pastor who is appointed and begins his/her pastoral duties on July 1, 2015.

The following motion from the Administrative Board was displayed on screen:

MOTION #1: The Trustee Committee of the Prairie View United Methodist Church is authorized to enter into a contract for the purchase of the property at 13289 N. Angostura Rd, Hot Springs, SD, for $180,000, plus the expenses associated with closing to complete the purchase. The Trustees are also authorized to purchase lawn/snow equipment, and any other materials deemed necessary to make the parsonage ready for the Pastor’s move in. The Finance Committee recommended and the Administrative Board approved a $100,000 down payment and a loan be obtained for the remainder of the purchase cost.

Debra Russell presented a report on the process the parsonage committee followed in the search for a parsonage. The floor was open to comments and questions. After some discussion a voice vote was taken. Many members voted yes in favor of Motion #1. One member voted no, not to approve Motion #1. Motion #1 carried based on a voice vote.

The following motion from the Administrative Board was displayed on the screen:

MOTION #2: The annual base cash salary for the Pastor will be set at maximum of $50,000.

JT Rickenbach reported on how the salary amount was determined. JT thanked Pastor Nelson and Steve Alexander on the work they did to project a fair salary for a Full Time Elder or a Full Time Provisional Elder for a Church the size of Prairie View. The floor was open to comments and questions. After some discussion a voice vote was taken. Motion #2 carried based on a voice vote.

The All Church Conference was adjourned at 11:28 a.m.


Basic Lay Servant Ministries/Certified Lay Ministry Entry PointMinistry Discernment Retreat.

The Ministry Discernment Retreat is a one-day event that combines the best of the Lay Servant Ministry introductory course and the Certified Lay Ministry discernment process. Even if you have already taken the Basic LSM course in the past, this event would be worth your while. If you have no idea what Lay Servant Ministry or CLM or any of these terms mean…then the Ministry Discernment Retreat is the perfect event for you!
The goal of the retreat is to help you:

1. Identify your spiritual gifts (and the gifts of those around you)
2. Understand the ways God might be calling you to use those gifts in your context
3. Contemplate the ways the United Methodist Church can help to equip you for living out your ministry in your community (from the local level to the global!)

Because this is a new way of using the resources, there are bound to be questions. Please feel free to contact Dakotas/Minnesota UMC Equipper for LSM/CLM Steve Trefz (605-251-5316) with any questions about whether or not the retreat is right for you!
Upcoming Ministry Discernment Retreats (formerly the Basic Course and CLM Module 1 retreat). All events run from 9:00am – 4:30pm local time.

January 31 - 1st UMC Rapid City @ Rapid City, SD
January 31 - Dakotas UMC Conference Office @ Mitchell, SD
January 31 - UMC @ Redwood Falls, MN
February 28 - Wesley UMC @ Grand Forks, ND
February 28 - 1st UMC St. Cloud Area @ Sartell, MN
February 28 - 1st UMC Aberdeen @ Aberdeen, SD
February 28 - 1st UMC Watertown @ Watertown, SD
February 28 - NDSU Research Extension Center @ Hettinger, ND

Registration cost: $30 (this includes noon meal on-site plus materials)
Registration contact: Please contact Bea Stucke by clicking here. Upon registration we will mail you a short book to read, and will give you a short photograph assignment. Once at the retreat, we will share in different styles of discernment within the Biblical texts, the Basic Lay Servant book, and the photos. Because the book and another pre-retreat photograph assignment are vital to the experience, we do ask that you register at least 10 days in advance of the retreat.

Breakthrough Prayer Workshop--Save the date

January 17, 2015 Mitchell, SD

January 18, 2015 Jamestown, ND

Being a vital congregation is all about prayer and opening up to the Holy Spirit. This workshop will focus on creating a breakthrough prayer initiative in each congregation. Pastors should plan to attend with a team of 5 lay members from their church. Watch for details at the Dakotas Conference website or contact Bea Stucke by e-mail.

First Saturday Breakfast. The Youth Group will assist with serving at the First Saturday Breakfast on January 3rd. Funds raised over and above the cost of the breakfast will help defray expenses to send the youth to the mission trip in June.

Coat Drive. The Missions Committee is sponsoring a coat drive for the Cornerstone Mission in Rapid City. Please bring coats, hats, scarves, gloves, etc., for both adults and children.

Women’s Thursday Night Bible Study. The Thursday night Women’s Bible Study Group will resume on January 22, 2015 with the Beth Moore study “To Live in Christ”. This 11-week study is on the book of Acts and Letters of Paul. Workbooks are $17.00 each. Anyone wishing to participate and order a workbook can contact Cindy Trent at 535-2745 or e-mail by January 11th.