7th Grade Science Course SyllabusLife/Physical Science


I hope you are as excited as I am to begin the new school year. This year you will be studying a wide variety of science topics. During this year, we will accomplish our study of these two sciences utilizing a combination of in-class lectures and hands-on activities. I hope you find it as fascinating and enjoyable as I do.


McGraw Hill – Integrated Science

-Every student will have a book while in class and access to an online book while at home.

-More information on how to access the online book will be given out at a later date

Materials to bring to EVERY class:


Writing Utensil

AR book



Students will be graded using a point system. Each assignment will be assigned a particular point value. At the end of each quarter the number of points possible will be added up, as well as the number of points achieved for each student. The points earned will then be divided by the points possible to determine each student’s quarter grade. For


Points Earned Points Possible

10 10

10 10

87 100

32 50


Total 151 / 185

Quarter Grade: 82%

Students will be evaluated through unit tests, quizzes, laboratory reports, homework, notebooks and projects. A progress report will be sent home at midway through each quarter. Grades will be updated regularly on the MMS Portal.


The amount of homework, as well as the number of points per assignment will vary. Homework assignments will range from getting a paper or progress report signed to completing questions on a worksheet to finishing a lab assignment. The number of points each assignment is worth will range from 5 points for smaller assignments like getting a paper signed to 50 points for larger assignments such as a lab report. All homework will be written in student planners. Homework assignments are also posted on the internet at

Laboratory Reports:

Labs are very important to the learning process. Each lab will have data that needs to be collected and/or questions that need to be answered. Labs will then be turned in and graded. All questions need to be answered in complete sentences for full credit.


Students will be required to keep a binder. The binder should include all the notes and handouts given in class. All worksheets required for the binder will be posted on my website ( may print out these worksheets if they lose their copy, but printed copies will only be half credit. A complete list of items found within the binder can be found online or on the board in the classroom. I expect the binder to be kept in order. Students will be given a day in class to organize their binders before they are due, therefore any binders out of order will be dropped a letter grade. Also, any binders turned in late will be dropped a letter grade. A sample binder is also kept on the windowsill in the classroom. binders will be collected and graded at the end of each quarter. They will be worth 100 points, which is equivalent to a test grade.


It is very important that you come to class on time every day ready to participate. If you do have to miss class it is your responsibility to get missed work. Previous notes and handouts are located in the black bin on the windowsill. It is up to you to pick up the handouts and copy any missed notes. They will be available for one week after they were given for you to pick up. After that you will need to print them offline.


This seventh grade course focuses on all aspects of science. This year we will be looking at integrated science, which is the study of biology, anatomy, chemistry, earth/solar system, ecology, genetics, and physics. These topics are integrated, showing how all things work together to sustain life.