Unity in the Rockies,1945 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Auto-Tithing Enrollment Form

I (we) wish to enroll in the Unity auto-tithing contribution program. I hereby authorize Unity in the Rockies or its agents to initiate debit entries from my (our) bank account and I (we) authorize my (our) bank to transfer to Unity in the Rockies as indicated below. This authority is to remain in full effect until Unity in the Rockies has received written notification from me (or either of us) of its termination or change in such time and manner as to allow Unity in the Rockies to act on it.

I would like my direct debit added to the General Fund each month as follows:

2nd of month $______16th of month $______

Please activate this program for me beginning ______

My Gift Information (please print)

Name ______

Telephone ______

Address w/ ZIP ______

E-Mail ______

Signature ______

Staple voided check here OR fill in savings account information

Bank Name______Bank phone number ______

Savings Account # ______Savings account routing # ______

I authorize Unity to keep my bank information on file in a secure manner.

Divine Love though me blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive…

Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God!

How the program works:

When you sign up by turning in the completed form on the back of this sheet, our bank will electronically withdraw your choice of contribution from your bank on the 2nd and/or the 16th of each month. If the transfer day falls on a weekend or holiday, the transfer will take place the next business day. Your withdrawal will appear on your bank statement. The amount you choose to contribute will be consistent, and can be changed or discontinued at any time with five business days of notice.

How you enroll:

  1. Return the completed form by the 20th of the month to begin the withdrawal next month.
  2. Staple a voided check to the form if you choose to use your checking account, or obtain the routing and account numbers from your bank and list them on the form if you choose to use your savings account.
  3. Drop off the form in the office or mail it (complete with voided check or savings accounts numbers) to Unity in the Rockies, 1945 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80904.

How to change your giving once you are participating:

Simply notify Unity’s Bookkeeper, in writing or send an email to . Verbal requests cannot be accepted; change requests must be in writing. Changes will take effect 5 days after your request is received.