EngineerMahmoud Baligh

Minister of the Ministry of Public Works

EngineerMahmoudBalighwasborn in1350 in Daikundi Province.He is graduated from EngineeringDepartment of Tehran University with the highest score and accomplished MScin Geo-Technique fromAmirkabir University of Technology by authoringthethesis on "Design and Stability Analysis of Tunnels Using theInstruments". During his academic life, He with some other students initiated to found Feda Students Association and served as the president of this association. Furthermore, Mr. Baligh has extended his support in terms of design and construction of the tunnel which connects Tehran with the north part and worked as Geotechnical Engineer in one of the most leading engineering company in Iran.

Mr. Baligh, after accomplishment of MSc, returned to his homeland in 1381.As the first steps, he served as Editor-in-Chief of Eqtedar Millie Newspaper as well as professor of Kabul Polytechnic University in 1381. Also, he has worked as the expert for the Commission on Constitution Clarification.

In1383, Mr. Baligh in collaboration with a group of engineers established an engineering, construction and road-building company and entered into specializedarea of activities. He has also served as Deputy Director and Office-in-Charge of the largest Construction and Engineering Company for eight years (1383 – 1391) and at the same time, he was the board member for many specialized engineering companies. His engagements resulted the productive management and implementation of major road construction projects, haunts of water transfers, a large military camp for Afghan National Army and the civilian facilities. These companies are the most leading and prestigious companies in the areas of environment, water and sanitation facilities, Geo-Technique studies, design and implementation of various types of road building and construction projects that Mr. Baligh had a very remarkable role in management and development of stated companies.

Mr. Baligh co-founded the Mehrgan-e-Umran Charity Foundation in 1392 to provide cultural, education and social services and served as the president as well. During this period, provision of scholarships for more than 500 students, building of the schools, printing of a number of books and educational materials and funding the cultural activities are the significant activities that he has undertaken. Furthermore, he was the professor for engineering department of Ibn-e-Sina University and served as the dean of this department from 1392 – 1394.