Devon LNP Board meeting

18th November 2016


Present: Suzanne Goodfellow (Chair), Harry Barton, Robin Milton, Corinna Woodall, John Holmes, Lyn Winter, Professor Martin Attrill

In attendance: Peter Chamberlain, Tom Whitlock

Apologies: Nicola Bulbeck, Alison Kohler, David Weatherly, Dr Virginia Pearson, Sarah Jennings

1.  Welcome and actions to carry forwards from previous meetings.

No actions carried forward.

2.  River Catchment Partnerships Presentation – Laurence Couldrick (Westcountry Rivers Trust)

Laurence gave an update on Catchment Partnership work across Devon. CPs take forward the LNP’s Resilient Wetland theme in terms of the Water Framework Directive. Board agreed that the LNP network should be used to help promote CP work and key messages.

·  LC to provide an update on Catchment Partnership work for the next LNP newsletter.

·  Presentation to go on the LNP website

3.  North Devon Landscape Pioneer Project – Jo Traill-Thomson (Natural England)

Jo gave a presentation on the Government’s “Pioneer Project” based in North Devon. North Devon has been chosen as the ‘landscape’ pioneer, Cumbria as the ‘catchment’ pioneer and Greater Manchester as the ‘urban’ pioneer. The North Devon Pioneer is based on the Biosphere area (although there are no fixed boundaries) and is being led by Natural England. The project is being driven by the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan and aims to test new tools and methods of applying a natural capital approach in practice.

·  JTT to provide the project outline in order for Board members to provide feedback on outcomes etc.

·  Presentation to go onto the LNP website.

4.  Natural England Conservation Strategy – John Holmes

JH provided an update on Natural England’s conservation strategy. Key changes include: NE actions are currently defined by legislation but are working towards being defined by their outcomes, NE believes wildlife gains will be enhanced with a stepped back, flexible approach to licensing.

·  JH to circulate the strategy when produced and Board members to send through ideas / comments.

5.  SWEEP update

Professor Martin Attrill provided a brief update on the South West Partnership for Environment and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP) Programme which has just received funding. The programme aims to put natural capital at the heart of SW business and regional policy making and provide a national exemplar for natural capital-led economic growth. The project is led by Exeter University, Plymouth University and Plymouth Marine Labs with Exeter University focussing on terrestrial/freshwater input, Plymouth University focussing on the coastal environment and Plymouth Marine Labs leading on the value of marine ecosystems.

·  Prof Ian Bateman to be invited to a future meeting to discuss SWEEP in more detail. Briefing paper to be placed on the LNP website.

6.  LEP/LA Productivity Plan + Environment as a Driver of Growth

Work is just beginning on the LA / LEP Productivity Plan which will replace the LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan. The three LNPs have written to Councillor Osman at Somerset County Council offering to help support development of the Plan. A reply was received from Tracey Lee (CEO at Plymouth City) stating that they will ensure that the three LNPs are fully engaged. A meeting is being held between the three LNPs and the LEP in December to take this forwards. The Board agreed that it is critical that the definition of ‘productivity’ is correct and that this issue should be raised in upcoming meetings.

·  SJ, Mark Robins (rep Somerset LNP) and Kat Deeney (rep Plymouth LNP) to meet the LEP in December and ensure engagement with the Productivity Plan.

7.  Campaign / Comms Plan for 2017

SG provided a brief update on Comms Plan for 2017 including the Devon and Somerset LNP Naturally Healthy campaign and asked for support (and where possible funding) from their sectors. Board signed off the Plan, including the proposal for Board members to provide a blog. MA noted that the DESWG meeting on 8th June 2017 could be linked with World Oceans Day. Agreed that the next conference should be held in 2018.

·  SJ to send Board members an overview of the Naturally Healthy Campaign in order that Board members can promote amongst their sectors.

·  Board to send ideas for blogs to SJ

·  HB to approach Chris Packham regs the 2017 Spring Lecture (note that this is now on hold – Dieter Helm being contacted)

8.  Business rep on the Board

The Board thanked Lewis Jones (LNP Board Business rep) who has retired from SWW and stood down from the Board. Suggestions were made as to possible replacements.

·  SG to discuss with Stephen Bird.

·  All to send through ideas to SG.

9.  AOB

·  SJ to circulate FWAG’s soils / flooding paper to the Board for sign off before making available on the web.

·  HB’s Brexit presentation to be placed on front page of website (is currently on the Board pages)

·  Future update on the Woodheat ESIF bid

·  Link to DCC Budget consultation to be sent out with the minutes

Next meeting: TBC via Doodle Poll.