Funeral sermon for a cattleman (a real cowboy) who did not attend church, but was a personal friend.

Funeral for a Cowboy

Daniel 6:14

Darius “…and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him….”

“He worked till his sun went down.”

We come today to this place of pain, a path worn smooth by use. It’s true; every human family must and does pass by the Valley of the Shadow. So, we seek to sympathize, strengthen, support, to encourage and care.

I’ve had a chance to work cattle, haul hay, fix fence, put in pasture, drink coffee with (name of deceased) I counted and called him my friend. I hope he did me the same turn. The things I say, I say with respect, honesty, and hope I’m not misunderstood.

When I thought of (name of deceased) I thought of:

  1. his pick-up truck – now some folks are fancy --- and Cadillac Sevilles. (name of deceased) was a hard working, heavy-hauling pick up truck (most likely with mud on the wheels, tools, barbed wire and hay in the back)
  2. there is nothing wrong and everything right with hard work. (it’s what makes new frontiers and a great country)
  3. a farmer and rancher who put it all on the line (deceased) wasn’t afraid to “hold ‘em” or ashamed to “fold ‘em” – successful.
  4. Jesus identified with a man like this – made a sweaty living!
  5. Was it mere coincidence he just got a new pick-up? The old one was worn out?
  1. corner post – now not one of those “slick, store-bought kind”. Hand hewn, individualist, and rugged, set deep, standing straight, and broadly-braced. Lots of other posts stood strong because they were securely attached to him. (Deceased) was strong for his family, “always there.” The common comment was that he was “like quail in a hay field, he would walk off from where roosted, but always fly home”
  2. nothing is as strong as gentleness and nothing is as gentle as real strength.
  3. (deceased) was sorta like that. He had a rawhide heart, he would hide his hurt but be sure there was a leather love for the fine woman who had walked across his heart and left pretty prints on his soul.
  4. So I think he’d want you to be strong, use memory like the strength of yesterday’s rain. Use imagination like the energy of tomorrow’s sun. Memory is a terrific friend make today’s adjustments.
  5. down-home denim – unpretentious, straight-forward
  6. guess a few cockle burrs in every bean field
  7. some knots in this pine, but was a pretty straight plank
  8. Good thing God accepts us like we are – makes us better – wish we could do the same for each other.
  9. morning meadow – laced with a sliver stream – wide open, friendly
  10. some friends like December stars, nice but cold, some like shadow, stick close by as long as the sun shines, step into the shade and they disappear. Some will “work you into their calendar” but then real friends don’t even check the calendar.
  11. (deceased ) was the kind of friend that felt good and would fit and sit well. His friendship
  12. Felt like the sun shining through a warm flannel shirt when you have to walk toward the wind.
  13. Felt like broken in boots that still look like your feet are in them even after you’ve taken them off
  14. Sat like a hat formed to comfort by the stains on the sweat band. His laugh would make your heart smile.
  15. It’s a worthy goal to be a friend like that.
  1. barn full of hay
  2. wonder how many bales of hay (deceased) put up?
  3. reckon the Lord made the shadows get shorter in the morning and longer in the evening to tell us something?
  4. Suppose the cycles of the seasons should speak to us? Spring: promise, hope, dare to dream and do, all paint smells fresh and every cloud wears a rainbow for a collar. Summer: growth, development, forward accomplishment. Fall: consolidate, preparation. The Winter: The icy finger of frost chokes out the chlorophyll and we see the frigid nudity of the stripped trees and the grass, all barren-brown.

What does it all say? Put up a barn full of hay! Be prepared! Winter will come.

How do I get my hay in? (Plan of salvation)

(I wrote a personal cowboy reading for this man I will share with you upon request.)