Program Chair Meeting Minutes
5/3/16 1:30-3:00pm ECC Room 181
In attendance: Holly Rodriquez, Natalie Coots Lindenberg, Leah Gualtieri, Leticia Flores, Pete Miles, Vickie Maheu, Sam Phu, Marie Doerner, Kathy Hornik, Kimberly McIntyre, Corinne Layton, Lydia Hammett, Ann Marie Holzknecht, Donna Namdar, Linda Osborn, John Bromma, Richard Weinroth, Carlos Cortez, Jim Brice, Cat Prindle, Beth Hayes, Marilyn Biggica,
- Approve minutes from 3/22/16-
Goal is to post them on the website.
- President Cortez is providing lunch and will attend meeting
- Strategic Plan approved via email vetting process.
- Need to have a Chair of Chairs Election. Preferably before the end of the year.
- Kathy Hornik- Access Technology- Follow up and handout-
When programs buy books for students, please buy a copy for DSPS. The Access Tech will ensure there is an electronic copy available for students.
For students who must buy their own book, student needs to furnish DSPS with book. - Highlights of 2016
- Jim Mahler attending Program Chair meetings- Recommend continue inviting him to 2nd meeting of each semester
- Internal Calendar is very useful- Need to work on updating it including Advisory meetings
- President attending meetings at least once a semester. Maybe 4th meeting of each semester
- Opportunities for Growth 2017
- 11 month work with stipend and release time for Program Chairs would allow work to proceed all year long. Also, a full day retreat before the beginning of the school year would set the stage for a well planned out year.
- Orientations are part of the new SSSP services. President suggests the possibility that the orientations be held and earn FTES. It would be great for Faculty to run the orientations so that rapport with students could begin earlier.
- Need counseling for ESL, CTE and other underserved programs
- PIO office needs to know what programs need
- Web content hard to change- faculty need more input regarding content
- Suggestion from President- Mini-Shows-
Programs, Classified, Counseling could put together 15-20 minute presentation that highlights their work/history/scope of program - Onboarding for Program Chairs- Need to determine how to train new chairs. The elections are in February so there is a window Feb-June, but need release time/stipend/ something to make the transition smooth
- Website needs editing- Process needs to be defined- Does is go through Dean? PIO office?
- Need more materials for recruiting students – hand outs There is a struggle to get handouts
- Suggestion- maybe there could be a drop box where fliers are housed so faculty can have access to fliers for their students
- Suggestion- Need a Point person delegated for each department to cover the website problems/changes
- Discussion- Need a 21st century brand to become a professional organization.
Currently the Marketing Department has the PIO, a web developer and one other contract person.
A new contract will soon start – Social Media Specialist
The budget is just $45,000. The office has many responsibilities.
This department will move to the newly renovated West Suite-
Joining the marketing team will be 2 new outreach coordinators and hopefully student ambassadors - Point of interest- School schedule costs $200,000. Currently our sister colleges, Mesa, Miramar and City have their schedules printed out of the District Office. Maybe SDCE should have a similar process.
- Point of Interest- New Committees
- Marketing Advisory Committee
- ARC- Enrollment Management, Admissions and Recruitment, Completion