You are the pastor of a modest sized church in a community of 15,000. You have just discovered that the treasurer (a single mom with two young children) was stealing offering money. Whenever cash was given, she would keep some of it and cover the theft with cheques received from other donors. She would give the donors receipts with the full amount of the donation on the top copy, and then alter the church’s copy to a lower amount. When you discovered the fraudulent activity, the treasurer begged for no one to be told and promised to return within six months all the stolen money (about $17,000). She said she only did it to pay her rent. When you asked her how she even thought of doing this, she said she learned this trick from the previous treasurer (who now lives in another town).

You are not sure about accommodating her request to not tell anyone. You would like to show grace and forgiveness. But you are worried about the church’s income being mis-reported on tax forms. On the other hand, if you involve any authorities, Family Services might remove the treasurer’s children. And if you tell the elders or the congregation, there will likely be repercussions, and you doubt that the entire board could keep anything like this in confidence. You wonder about recovering the money. You doubt she can repay the stolen funds. The one person you confided in suggests you pursue the previous treasurer. Or at least confront him tofind out how much money was involved.

In your Bible and theology classes, what have you learned that could apply to this situation? Which of your seminary courses speak to this situation? What would you do?



  1. What are the issues contained in this scenario?
  1. Treasurer was stealing money from the church offering.
  2. The church’s record-keeping and tax receipting processes contain errors / cover-ups.
  3. Treasurer needs help in her personal distress (financial, ethical, social? parenting?)
  4. Treasurer wants to keep the stolen money a secret.
  5. Money handling by the previous treasurer was also a problem.
  6. The pastor needs to straighten out Canada Revenue financial issues (fraud/ embezzlement/mis-reporting, record-keeping problems)
  7. The pastor also faces the personal dilemma about how to offer grace and forgiveness without overlooking any legal responsibilities.
  8. With whom should the pastor handle/share this personal information so that he in not overwhelmed or tempted to do something inappropriate?
  1. Issue C: How to help the treasurer.
  1. From scripture knowledge and theology courses.
  • 1 Peter 4:8 tells us “to be fervent in our love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins.”
  • From 2T1213 Christian Theology – “God is love” is a preeminent truth of our faith, and should guide my actions as pastor.
  • On the other hand, the example of Daniel in scripture encourages me to act with the highest integrity, and not be swayed by pressures or temptations.

b. From 2T2311 Christian Ethics (Dr. Rob Blackaby):

  • Dr. Blackaby reminded us that 1 Cor 16:14, which tells us to do everything in love, was an instruction issued to a church that was rampant in sin, from behaviours to attitudes. In my attempt as pastor to do things correctly and to right previous wrongs, maintaining my own moral compass of loving others with all of my words and actions will guide me as the pastor in sorting and prioritizing my own actions and decisions.
  • The pressure to cut corners or keep some things quiet would feel extreme to me. To do the right thing is likely to trigger a cascade of painful consequences for numerous people, and for the entire church itself. But the temptation to use 1 Peter 4:8 (“love covers a multitude of sins”) to give myself the freedom to overlook wrongs may violate my responsibility as a leader to act with Godly character.
  • ACTION: Call the elders together and inform them that we want to act in love, that we want to help this single mom treasurer, and that everything will be done with integrity and complete openness with relevant authorities. The act of having this meeting will serve as the beginning of demonstrating to all such a commitment.

c. From 2C1221 Biblical Counselling

  • The treasurer’s handling of things, and her vulnerable personal circumstances make it clear that she would benefit from personal counseling.
  • ACTION: I will encourage her to seek counseling and suggest to the church elders that we cover a significant portion of the cost.
  • ACTION: However, I will also communicate to the treasurer the situation will be resolved in a proper manner, without secrets. Dr. Siang-Yang Tan in Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspectivewarns against keeping secrets of any kind in relationships.

d. Etc. – Comments and actions from other courses.

  1. Issue F: How to correct theCanada Revenue financial issues.

a. Comments from scriptural knowledge and theology courses. (similar to above)

b. Commentsand actions from other seminary courses taken.(similar to above)