Match each definition with a word from the vocabulary list: Omen, carcass, scarce, bellowing, warily, voyage, abandoned, pry

1. ______when there is not enough of something

2. ______a sign or warning of things to come

3 . ______the body of a dead animal

4. ______shouting very loudly for a long time

5. ______to use a tool to force something open

6. ______when something is left behind

7. ______when you travel on the water in a ship or boat

8. ______In a manner that is not trusting

Write the word from the vocabulary list that best completes each of the following sentences: Omen, , scarce, bellowing, warily, voyage, abandoned, pry

1.Some people believe that a rainbow is a good ______, or sign of a future event.

2. Water is ______in the desert.

3. The dogs loud ______continued all night.

4. The bear ate the ______the rabbit's carcass.

5. The old man ______crossed the old, worn-out bridge.

6. Columbus took a perilous ______across the Atlantic in a small boat.

7. The empty house seemed ______.

8. Robby used a lever to ______open the box of nails.

Spelling Words: “Island of the Blue Dolphin” ch. 11-20

1.  Brackish

2.  reef

3.  shimmer

4.  gesture

5.  pierced

6.  harbor

7.  secret

8.  ledge

9.  tangle

10.  pelican

11.  enemy

12.  images

13.  necklace

14.  oval

15.  peer

16.  leeches

17.  broad

18.  admire

19.  wound

20.  scatter

Chapters 11 & 12

1. Karana left the island because she could not bear to live there alone another day; yet when she returned she felt happy. List four things that made Karana feel happy.





2. Karana had to build a house since she had burned all the houses in the village. Give three reasons why she decided to build her house on the headlands.




3. What did Karana use to build a fence?

4. Why did she build the fence before she built the house?

5. Describe the two (2) utensils that Karana made for cooking.

a) b.)

6. What are sai-sai? What did Karana use them for?

7. Why did she want to kill a sea elephant?

8. Read over the description of Karana's new house and fence carefully; then draw a picture to show what it looks like based upon the description in the book.

Chapters13 & 14

1. Read the description of the female sea elephant (cow) and the male sea elephant (bull). Then compare/contrast the two in a Venn Diagram. Show how they are alike and how they are different,

2. Why was Karana unable to kill the young sea elephant?

3. How did she hurt her leg?

4. What happened when Karana went to the ravine for water?

5. Why did she spend six (6) days in the cave?

6. Why did she decide to make the cave another house?

7. What did Karana find when she returned to the place where the sea elephants lived?


1. Where had the yellow-eyed dog come from?

2. How did karana get the dogs to come out of the cave?

3.What happened when the leader came out?

4. What did she do when she found the wounded dog?

5. What did Karana do when she left the house at dawn, and what did she find when she returned each day?



6. What did Karana decide to name the dog, and what does this name mean?

Chapters16 & 17

1. Why did Karana want to make her canoe smaller?

2. List five (5) steps to tell how she did this.






3. What kept karana from being lonely?

4. How are the fish in the sea cave different from those on the reef?



5. What do you think is the reason for these differences?

6. Why did Karana think that finding the sea cave was a great discovery?

7. Read the description of the devil fish, and draw a picture to match the description.

8. Nature has given all animals a natural defense. How does the devil fish protect itself from attackers?

9. Name three other familiar animals and describe the natural defense of each.




10. Describe the spear that Karana made in order to kill the devil fish.

11. Nature always gives us signs to let us know when the seasons change. What signs of nature let Karana know when spring began?

12. Make an open mind to show Karana's thoughts about Rontu.

13. What happened when Rontu encountered the other wild dogs?

14. Karana could have killed the attackers, but she decided not to help Rontu. Why?

15. What did Rontu do after the battle was over? What do you think that action means?

Chapters18 & 19.

1. Where did Karana get the birds that became her friends?

2. Why did she cut the tips of their wings?

3. What names did she give to her two new friends

4. What did Karana use to make her clothes?

a) skirt

b) belt

c) sandals

d) for her hair

5. How does the devil fish swim/

6. How did Rontu get caught by the devilfish?

7. Why are devilfish dangerous in the water?

8. How did karana save Rontu from the devilfish?

Chapters20 & 21

1. Karana created an illusion in order to keep the gulls away from her food. Explain how she did this and how it worked.

2. What are cormorants? Why did Karana kill them?

3. What did Karana discover in the cave that made her afraid?

4. Why did she move everything from her house to the cave at the ravine?

5. Karana wanted to make it look as if no one have lived in her house for a long time. Why do you think she did this?

6. Why did Karana leave Rontu in the cave at night?