414 Pendygrasse Road

Saskatoon, Sk S7M 4M3

Phone: 659-7390 Fax: 659-2122

Principal: Mr. O. Fortosky

Vice-Principal: Mr. C. Doepker

Office: Mrs. D. Moroz/Mrs. T. Earl
Community Coordinator: Mrs. B. Kraus

Home Liaison Worker: Mrs. T. Fisher

Prayers and Intentions – Our Opening Prayer
Lord God, your Spirit of wisdom fills the earth and teaches us your ways. Look upon these students. Let them enjoy their learning and take delight in new discoveries. Help them to persevere in their studies and give them the desire to learn all things well. Look upon these teachers. Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience and endeavor always to bring the truth to eager minds. Grant that students and teachers alike may follow Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life, forever and ever. Amen

From the Principal’s Desk

Welcome to another year at St. Mark School. We hope that you had a restful and relaxing summer break. A special welcome to our new families that are joining our school community. We look forward to working with you to provide quality Catholic education for our children. As a school which approaches all subject areas from a Catholic perspective, we sincerely hope and encourage our parents and caregivers to be involved in their child’s learning. It is our goal to ensure that St. Mark School is a centre of learning, faith, and hope for our families and community. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher or the administrative team at the school. We wish you all of God’s blessings and have a wonderful school year!

Mr. O. Fortosky

Our Newsletter & Calendars are Going Online Only!

Please note that our newsletter is going online only! The first newsletter in September will be delivered by hard copy. After this, our newsletter will be delivered by email only on the first and third Friday of each month. If we are unable to reach you by email, you are welcome to find our newsletter at Click on “For Students and Families”, then “Schools”, then St. Mark. If you would like a hard copy of our newsletter, these will be available for pick up at the school office. Please have your child ask at the office for a copy of the newsletter. These will also be available from our display case which is located just outside of the school office. To ensure you receive the school newsletter by email, please ensure that the school office has your correct email address by sending a confirmation email to the office, including your child’s name to . The monthly calendar will be distributed via hardcopy on the last day of each month.


Parents and students are reminded that our school day begins at 8:45 a.m. It is important that your child is at school at the beginning of the school day or students miss important instructional time.

Prayer & O’Canada Begins Each Day
The beginning of each school day begins with a student or staff led prayer which is followed with the singing of O’Canada and the day’s announcements. Please be reminded that the telephone is not answered during this time we share together. You are welcome to leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.


At St. Mark School we have several students and staff with severe allergies that can be life threatening. Therefore, we are asking for your assistance in providing a safe environment for these students by not sending snacks or lunches that contain nuts, fish and egg products. In particular, a student in Grade Sixhas a life threatening allergy to milk.

As well, because of allergies, we ask that fur bearing animals such as dogs and cats not be permitted in the school. Several students and staff are also allergic and sensitive to scents such as perfume, cologne and scented deodorants. Thank you for your consideration.


Join us on Tuesday, September 15thfrom 7:30 – 9:30 a.m.

Speed Zone: Please remember that the 30 km/hr speed limit is now in effect and enforced from
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from September to June including statutory holidays.

FREE LUNCH – Friday, September 4

Thank you to Dawn Hauser and to Best Buy! They have provided a free hot lunch for all students and staff on Friday, September 4th. Thank you for this time together for all of the students to welcome the new school year in this special way.

No Microwaves Available at Lunch

Parents and students should note that microwaves for hot lunches are not available. Please plan your lunches accordingly.

St. Mark School Community Council Meeting

The St. Mark School Community Council holds meetings approximately once per month. The meeting will take place on Thursday, September 17that 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark School. This is an opportune time for you to become actively involved in making decisions which affect activities that take place in the school. Everyone is welcome. Babysitting is provided. We hope to see many of you there!

Doors Open to Students Before and After School Hours

Students should not enter the school before 8:30 a.m. and should not be entering the school after school hours. Supervision is available throughout hallways after 8:30 a.m. St. Mark is fortunate to have an After-School program therefore, our doors are kept open for those parents only to pick up their children.

Attendance - If your child cannot be at school or will be late please contact us at 659-7776 or 659-7390.

We all know that in order to be successful in school it is important to be at school. To celebrate good attendance we will be running a few incentives for the students to enjoy.

Monthly Perfect Attendance - Individual perfect attendance will be recognized with a certificate and chance to win a monthly prize draw. The classroom with the best attendance for the month will receive a Pizza Party for the whole class to enjoy. Appointments and family emergencies do not go against the student’s attendance. Perfect attendance for the year will be recognized at the year-end assembly.

Grades 6, 7, and 8 students are eligible to be part of the St. Mark Merit Award Club by meeting these criteria:

- Having perfect attendance. - Working to the best of your ability. – Positive behavior during breaks and lunches.

Students may apply for a Merit Award at the end of each month and can look forward to earning prizes and special privileges.

Earn 4 or more Merit Awards this year and be part of the special year end celebration. See Mrs. Fisher for applications.

Permission Form

Students returning to St. Mark will take home a permission form that includes parent permission for students to use the Internet at school, permission for students to attend field trips outside of the school including swim trips, permission for photos taken. New students to St. Mark will have completed this form at their time of registration. It is very important that this form be returned as soon as possible. Students are not allowed to attend these trips without a signed consent. The form gives permission for the entire school year. If you have concerns with any field trip, you may call the school and discuss your concern with your child’s teacher.

Student Data Verification Form

Next week, students will be bringing home a form called a Student Data Verification Form. This form shows you all of the information we have in our student database for your child(ren). PLEASE carefully read all of the information on this form, making any correction on the form by writing the change on the form. Return this form to your child’s teacher. It is important that we have at least one contact person on this form in the event your child is hurt and we cannot find you.

Band News

Welcome back to another year of band! I’m excited to work with my returning students, as well as meet the new musicians in grade 6!Your child should have received a band note, or will soon. Please take a look at it and hand it back in as soon as possible.
-Grade 7 and 8 students are invited to join Westside Winds, the after school band program on the west side of Saskatoon. Please discuss this opportunity with your band student.
If your student was in band last year but they no longer wish to be in band this year, I require some form of parent contact (note, email, etc.) to confirm this decision.

Band is a truly unique opportunity that lets students learn music in a community environment. They acquire not only important musical skills that will serve them well in whatever musical avenue they choose to take (even if it’s just that of the informed listener!), but also a number of important life and academic skills, too. I sincerely hope your child joins us in the band program this year! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Ms. Meaghan Haughian, band director

Westside Winds News

Westside Winds is the longest running after school Band program in the Catholic School system. This program is open to all Gr 7 & 8 Band students on the west side of Saskatoon. Registration forms will be handed out in Band classes beginning Sept 8. These completed forms are due to your Band teacher no later than September 23.

Let's get those registration forms in!!!

The Westside Winds Parent Information night is scheduled for Tuesday, September 22, 7:00 pm at Bethlehem School band room. All interested and registered parents are asked to attend this important and informative meeting about the Westside Winds Band program.Our first Westside Winds Band rehearsal is on Tuesday September 30.

Library Opening : I’m so excited to be back at St. Mark this year. I will be working closely with classroom teachers to support the exciting learning they are planning in their classrooms. We will continue to look at innovative ways to use books, technology and other tools to personalize learning for students. In the first 2 or 3 weeks of September, I will be working with all classes to help them to learn to use the library effectively and to make the best use of our new library search software. Following that, I will be starting my work with classroom teachers. Mrs. Davis, Teacher Librarian

Overdue Books: Last year, almost 400 books went missing or are overdue. To replace these books would cost $7620. Therefore, it is necessary for us to find lost books and collect overdue materials. For lost books, please contact Mrs. Davis for payment options. Each student who returns or pays for their missing book will have their name put in to a draw for a special treat with Mrs. Davis. Thanks for your help in checking for your child’s lost library book.

Library Citizenship: Library Citizenship: choosing to follow rules, take care of shared materials, and returning borrowed books on time. There are many students who are very good at returning books on time. This year, students who regularly bring their books back on time will have their names entered in a draw. From October to December, students’ names will beentered for a chance to winKobo Reader. A second and third draw will be made in March and June. Good luck to all!

Hand Sanitizing Units Throughout our School

Some of you may have noticed the hand sanitizers that are being situated throughout our school. This is part of a program put forth by Greater Saskatoon Catholic School to assist with the prevention of viruses. Parents and students are welcome to use the hand sanitizers anytime throughout the day. Thank you to Mr. Chomitzky and to Mr. Mvukiye for the extra care in keeping these units filled and clean and for the extra work they have been doing to ensure doorknobs, walls and all else are wiped down frequently to ensure germs are kept at bay.

For Your Child’s Safety – Technology Restrictions

Technology is an important part of our school with SMART board technology, computers, etc. However, there are a few restrictions to what technology can be brought into school by students.

  • Cell phones are allowed at school but cannot be used during school hours. We understand that communication before or after school is important for many families and that cell phones help in that regard. If a child needs to contact home or a parent needs to contact the school during school time (8:45 a.m. -3:00 p.m.), the school phones are accessible.
  • I-pods, MP3 players, and hand-held electronic games should not be taken to school. If a student brings such a device, it will be held by the teacheror at the school office and returned directly to a parent or guardian.
  • Photographs cannot be taken at school for numerous reasons including parental consent and legal concerns. Cameras should be left at home. Obviously, some cell phones have cameras built in but should not be used to take photographs at school. Unfortunately, this includes special events like Halloween.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Fortosky or Mr. Doepker at 659-7390.

Join Us at Parent and Tot – St. Mark School – Thursdays from 9:00 – 11:00

This free program is for families and their children aged 1 – 6 eyars. The program starts on September 17th and runs til June. Come for free play, stories, songs, craft and a snack in the first hour. Second hour has childcare for the kids so the parents can enjoy a warm coffee and support. Everyone welcome! For more information contact Betty Swerhone at 306-652-0906 or Kristina Bykowy at 306-659-7079 or . Or search us on Facebook!

St. Mary’s Clinic Available to You

Parents should be aware that there is a free clinic available at St. Mary Elementary School. Dr. Mehtar is

available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You may reach either by telephone at 659-7837 or walk in to the clinic at 327 Avenue N South.

Fairhaven Indoor Programs – Registration Nights – Registration for all community events for the fall season will take on Tuesday, September 8th from 7 – 8 pm at Fairhaven School and on Thursday, September 10th from 7 – 8 pm at St. Mark School. Please contact for more details.

Burger Day – Friday, September 25th – Mark Your Calendar!

The Grade Eight students are always excited to plan their year-end camping trip. To help alleviate the costs, they will be holding fundraisers throughout the year. On Friday, September 25th they will hold a hot lunch day for all students and staff. The lunch will consist of a burger, a bag of chips and a pop for $5.00. This lunch will be open to families and community as well. Hot lunch order forms will go home with all students on Monday, September 14th. They are due back on Friday, September 18th . Thank you for helping to support this Grade 8 fundraiser.

Parking Thank you to all who are using street parking when dropping off your children. To ensure the safety of your children, please talk to them about using the safety patrols and the “crosswalk only” when you drop them off at school. Remember that the parking lot is extremely hazardous and students should not enter it for any reason. Our parking lot is over capacity for staff use. We have staff members that have to use street parking. Please note that on occasion there will be parking attendants ticketing non-staff vehicles.

IAP Kids Plus Accident Insurance

We are again proud to make available the voluntary plan of the Student Accident Insurance. This coverage goes beyond the Plan the School Board purchases. Please see the brochure for more details. Thank you. See the information below.

Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance

Our school board is offering you the opportunity to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance provides protection against unexpected costs arising from accidental injuries. The program is especially valuable for families who:

  • do not have medical or dental plans,
  • have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or
  • have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.

Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance has a selection of plans to suit most budgets. Benefits include coverage for:

  • The full school year (September to September), 24 hours a day, while at home and in school;
  • Expenses that are often limited or not covered by private or group insurance plans, or Provincial Health Insurance Plans, such as ambulance, physiotherapy, private tutoring, counselling, and much more;
  • Injury-related dental treatment (including future dental treatment up to age 26);
  • Out-of-province or country emergency medical expenses.

If your address changes during the school year, your Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance plan is transferable from school to school, anywhere in Canada.

Insurance premiums for children are $14.50 or $33.50 per year, depending on the plan selected. A discountis available for families with 3 or more children. Adults age 20 to 64 can also be insured for $32.00 per year.

For more information or to apply online, please visit , or speak with a Kids Plus™ Client Service Administrator at1-800-556-7411.