
Some notes about your new Seaskin drysuit.

The suit may look “dusty” this is French chalk (pure talc) that we apply to the inside which aid donning the suit and prevents any possibility that the fresh glue will stick to its self.

When you try the suit on there is a chance that the inside particularly the boots and braces ends may be damp. This is fresh water from when the suit was inside-out in the test tank. Sorry!

The seals will have been sized according to your measurements. In the warmth and comfort of your living room you may feel they are too tight, DO NOT CUT THEM at this stage. We strongly recommend that your dive them first. Out doors standing in a cold wind they will feel different. Latex neck seals can be adjusted by trimming to the rings provided, consult the user manual for details of and other techniques for adjusting the seals, try them first. If you are not used to neoprene neck seals, they are worn “inverted” i.e. tucked down inside the smooth rubber against your skin. Run your fingers round inside to make sure there are no tucks or folds not visible from the outside (failure to do this is a very common cause of suit leaks). You are looking for at least a 7cm overlap.

When you first try on the make sure you can perform all movements required to do whilst diving. The suit should be cut just big enough for you to do these but small enough to give the least possible internal volume. We have allowed enough room to wear a Seaskin 250gsm Thinsulate undersuit under a Nova membrane, and a 150gsm Thinsulate under an Ultra compressed neoprene. Like a new pair of jeans or leather jacket the suits can feel a little stiff and the folds stick out, they soon relax and hang more naturally.

Check the valves are still tight for your first few dives as the material tends to compress leading to a potential leak. Note adjustable dump valves MUST be in the depressed position when tightening or they may be damaged.

Use the right tools to fit the inflation hose to your first stage, if in doubt ask. Spanner size is Imperial 9/16th AF.

Now down load the Drysuit User Manual from the website .

There is no need to register your suit for a warrantee, as we have your details. If you have any problems or concerns call us.

If you have not used a drysuit before make sure you obtain the appropriate training from a recognised agency. Improper use or misuse of a drysuit could result in serious injury or death.

Enjoy your future dives and please send us some photographs, if you let us use them on our website we will send you a free gift.


Richard Hurdman.