The Ultimate Strategy

for Buying & Selling Houses

Creating a Free & Clear

Real Estate Money Machine

with Richard Roop and Dan Doran

Section 6

Funding & Raising Cash:

Buying Better than No Money Down

Section 6

The Ultimate Strategy™

Creating a Free & ClearReal Estate Money Machine

Funding & Raising Cash:

Buying Better than No Money Down

This Section includes:

1)Cash you may need when buying

2)How to fund your purchases

3)How to pay off your houses

4)What is a hard money loan?

5)What is a private investor loan?

6)How to find hard money lenders

7)How to find private investors

8)How to use your private investor’s money


  • How to Raise Millions in Private Money Over the Next 45 Days
  • 7 Ways to Raise Cash for Real Estate Deals without Banks - Part 1 of 2
  • 6 Ways to Collect Cash when Buying with No Money Down
  • 17 Ways to Generate Monthly Cash:How to Overcome Real Estate Cash Flow Challenges
  • General Disclaimer
  • Private Investor Flyer/Postcard/Letter – Example

Additional Resources

  • Maximizing Profits with Private Lenders
  • 7 Ways to Raise Cash for Real Estate Deals without Banks - Part 2 or 2
  • 17 Ways to Generate Monthly Cash - Million Dollar Coaching Call Replay
  • Equity Trust Company
  • Volume #2: Generating MonthlyCashWhileBuilding a Fortune

1. Cash you may need when buying

  • Down payment to seller
  • Paying off existing liens and encumbrances
  • Funds for rehab, remodeling or repairs
  • Closing costs to buy
  • Holding costs until sold or occupied
  • Collecting part of your profits in advance

2. How to fund your purchases

  • Borrow from the seller
  • The Ultimate Strategy
  • Borrow from private investors
  • Always plan to have at least a small first
  • Unless buyers down can fund the deal
  • Borrow from hard money lenders
  • Sometimes quicker and easier
  • OK until you get private money
  • You can replace them later with private money
  • Use your buyer’s cash down payment
  • Purchase deposit from tenant buyer
  • Down payment from contract buyer
  • Use your buyer’s cash from a new loan
  • Move your seller’s 0% money to seconds other properties

3. How to pay off your houses

  • Use the net positive income
  • Pay off 12-15% hard money loan
  • Pay off 7-12% private investor loan
  • Pay off 0% seller carry back loan
  • Use additional non-refundable purchase deposits paid monthly from tenant buyer
  • To pay off hard money or private money faster
  • Use buyer down payment or deposit
  • 3-5% down or more form tenant buyer
  • 5-20% or more from contract buyer
  • You can buy the note back from first position lender
  • Keeps seller in second position
  • Pay off 12-15% hard money loan first
  • Pay off 7-12% private investor loan next
  • Pay off 0% seller carry back loan last
  • Negotiate a discount for paying them off early
  • Use your buyer loan proceeds
  • Move your seller’s 0% money to seconds other properties

4. What is a hard money loan?

  • Collateral loan against high equity
  • Sometimes easier and faster than private money
  • Up to 70% loan to value (LTV)
  • May consider a second lien position
  • Not to exceed maximum total loan to value
  • May hold money back in escrow until repairs are completed
  • Should loan on value and not purchase price
  • Lender should be OK with owning the property in case of default
  • Loan fees of 2 to 10 points
  • Term is typically one year
  • May get 2-3 years
  • May charge you points to extend
  • May require a personal guarantee
  • Signing as trustee
  • When property is owned by trust
  • House is responsible
  • Signing as President
  • When property is owned by your corporation
  • All corporate assets are at risk
  • Best not to HOLD investments in a corporation
  • Use LLC or other
  • Signing personally
  • Added security for lender
  • All your personal assets are at risk
  • May require a credit check
  • Wants to make sure you are not a deadbeat
  • Lender may do their own appraisal
  • Could just do online research and a drive by
  • You can provide most current appraisal and comps
  • May charge you extra for this
  • Costcould be included in the loan fee
  • Lender may do all the closing paperwork
  • Could be included in the loan fee
  • Lender’s Title Insurance policy required
  • “For business or investment purposes”
  • They may prefer not to do owner occupied loans
  • Home Owners Equity Protection Act (HOEPA)
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Have valid policy at closing properly endorsed
  • Use an insurance agent

5. What is a private investor loan?

  • Collateral loan against sufficient “cushion of equity”
  • Up to 85% loan to value (LTV)
  • Investor probably does not what to own the property
  • No loan fees
  • You could offer 1% to investor if needed
  • You could offer 1% to a private money manager
  • Someone you hire to find and manage private investors
  • Term is flexible
  • Get 3 years minimum
  • Ask them
  • Shoot for 7-10 years
  • May require a personal guarantee
  • Only if they ask
  • Don’t offer it needlessly
  • It’s up to you
  • Are you willing to do whatever it takes to protect them?
  • Should not require a credit check
  • They are protested by:
  • Cushion of equity
  • Seller in second position
  • Income from the occupant
  • Lien against the property
  • In case of your default, they get
  • The property through foreclosure
  • All their principle
  • All accumulated interest
  • All collection, legal fees and any other lender disbursements
  • May require an appraisal
  • Follow federal or state guidelines
  • Lender may be happy with you value estimate
  • OK to provide list of comps
  • Use your resell price or contract price as the value
  • Paperwork is done for them
  • Use FNMA note and deed of trust
  • Can be done in houses – For experienced buyer only
  • Best handled by attorney or title company
  • You pay all the costs
  • Explanations in paperwork
  • No payments
  • Interest only payments
  • Special provisions to add
  • First right of refusal on the sale of the note
  • Substitution of collateral
  • Subordination agreement
  • Due on sale clause
  • Get the right to sell on a wraparound
  • Don’t let other assume your obligations
  • Lender’s Title Insurance policy may be required
  • Discounted when getting with an Owners Policy
  • Will you do it on all purchases?
  • Will you do it when pulling cash out of a house you already own?
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Have valid policy at closing properly endorsed
  • Update policy endorsements as required over time
  • If you replace or add a private investor
  • Use an insurance agent

6. How to find hard money lenders

  • Local REIA
  • Newspaper
  • Yellow pages
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Referrals
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Other real estate investors
  • Online research
  • TUS Membership Site updates

7. How to find private investors

  • Inner Game verses Outer Game
  • Outer game is the technical step by step process
  • Inner game is your “check up from the neck up” (Zig Ziglar)
  • Habits
  • Attitudes
  • Beliefs
  • Expectations
  • Create your program
  • So you can easily explain it o anyone and everyone you come in contact with
  • Example:“How to Raise Millions in Private Money Over the Next 45 Days”
  • Create a 60 second “elevator speech”
  • Examples:“How to Raise Millions in Private Money Over the Next 45 Days”
  • Build you information and credibility kit
  • What to include:“How to Raise Millions in Private Money Over the Next 45 Days”
  • Create your presentation
  • Deliver one-on-one
  • Deliver to groups
  • Deliver online
  • Print out and add to kit
  • Example:
  • Jake Jordan’s Presentation – use as example only
  • Michael Moulton’s Presentation – use as example only
  • Flap your lips to everyone you know
  • Do before advertising for cold leads
  • List of ideal prospects:
  • “How to Raise Millions in Private Money Over the Next 45 Days”
  • Indentify interested prospects and follow up
  • Meet with someone weekly
  • Create goals and milestones
  • Track controllable inputs
  • Number of postcards, letters or phone calls
  • Number of presentations

8. How to use your private investor’s money

  • Questions to ask:
  • How much do they have to work with?
  • Where is it tied up now?
  • When will it be available?
  • Is it in a retirement fund?
  • Are you most interested in income or growth?
  • Good to know:
  • Will they do land, mobile or modular homes?
  • Offer them a deal like this first and then see if they object
  • Do they want to get a higher return on deals where you need a second lien?
  • They will do it for more money
  • Smaller seconds may accrue interest with no payments
  • Offer payments if you wish to reduce your payoff obligation later
  • If you have a deal now, present your opportunity
  • I’m buying a house worth $220,000
  • I’m going to borrow $40,000
  • I’m will to pay my investor 9% secured by a first mortgage
  • If you were my investor you’d get $300 a month
  • Or offer principle and interest
  • Or offer to have the interest compound each month, or each year
  • Or offer simple interest for the term
  • Do you have any money you’d like to get 9 % on?
  • How long would you like to get that type of predictable return?
  • If you do not need cash now
  • “I’ll put you down as one of my investors and call you on my next deal”

Action & Implementation Plan






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How to RaiseMillions in Private MoneyOver the Next 45 Days

By Richard Roop

If you're being challenged by recent market changes... or struggling from a lack of cash... here’s a solution for you…

Raising and using private money can help you enjoy more profits in a slow, normal, hot or post-hot real estate market. I want to help you start buying more, holding more and flipping more houses... all without ever using any of your own cash or credit.

Many cities and counties across the nation have recently shifted from a hot or normal market to a more challenging slow or pot-hot market. This is especially true for regions like California, Florida, WashingtonD.C., etc. If you're having any trouble collecting cash when you buy, collecting positive cash flow each month or building long term wealth by capturing lots of equity, this article will give you the competitive and strategic advantage you want and need to achieve your financial goals as a creative real estate investor.

Dan Doran and I work one-on-one with hundreds of real estate entrepreneurs each month. One of the keys to some of our most profitable strategies (that are working best right now) is finding, nurturing and using private investors as part of your house buying operation.

The benefits of developing your private lender program and lining up dozens of investors eager to give you cash are substantial and significant:

  • First, you can begin buying more houses for 'all cash' at significant discounts... up to 70% off retail value.
  • Second, you can structure offers on houses that have lots of equity... receiving $20,000 or more of your profits in advance... in cash... on the day you buy... even if you plan on holding a property for many years.
  • Next, you can get back all the cash it takes to find, fix and occupy a deal so none of your money or credit is tied up in a house... allowing you to collect dozens (or hundreds) of 'free houses' each year for long term wealth accumulation.
  • Finally, you can turn many non-deals with no equity into super profitable deals with substantial equity by paying off existing debt at a discount... using private money.

Here are the steps to systematically raising private money:

1)Create your “program” so you can explain it to others

2)Write your 60-second ‘elevator’ speech

3)Build your info/credibility kit

4)Create your presentation

5)Flap your lips to everyone you know

6)Follow up on your leads

Understand lots of people that you come in contact have idle cash savings or retirement funds that are experiencing little or no growth. Offering double digit returns secured by local real estate is a great opportunity for them. Your private investors can enjoy higher profits … thanks to you. And you can make for money, thanks to them.

It’s quite simple…

1)Create your “program” so you can explain it to others

Private Lender Program – EXAMPLE:

  • I pay my private lenders 9% interest on a first lien. I prefer paying monthly interest only payments supported by the income on the property but I can pay principle and interest if needed. Interest only payments keep my lenders entire investment working and they make more money.
  • I pay my private lenders 11% interest on smaller second liens. I prefer to have their interest accrue with no monthly payments. My investor can earn interest on interest and I can avoid a negative monthly cash flow.
  • I prefer making no payments on a first or second lien when rehabbing a property that I expect to be sold and cashed out within 6 months.
  • I prefer my note payments are due on the 15th of each month allowing the properties income to help cover the payment.
  • My minimum investment is $10,000.
  • I am confident that I can payoff an investor early with 60 days advance notice by replacing them with another private investor.
  • I offer a minimum earned interest of 6 months in the rare case I pay off my investor in less than 6 months. Since they probably do not want their money back that fast I will attempt to substitute the collateral or reinvest their payoff into another property.
  • Interest begins on the day their cleared funds are received by my closing or escrow agent.
  • I will never pool funds together. If I need more than one lender to fund a deal I will give one lender a lien and the other lender a junior lien.
  • I will buy my lender title insurance when acquiring a new property. I may not buy a lender title insurance policy if I’m borrowing against a property I already own.
  • I always keep valid hazard insurance on all my properties and each and every lender on the property will be added to the policy as a mortgagee.
  • I will never accept private money from my lender until they have received an original promissory note and the security instrument (deed of trust) has been sent off for recording.
  • I will never pressure an investor to do a deal. It’s pass or play. If they pass I will offer it to my next lender waiting for a deal. If I cannot find private money I will use hard money lenders as a back up. I structure my offers taking into account the cost points and higher interest I might have to pay to a hard money lender. Using a private lender instead just increases my profits. If I can’t raise hard money or private money from my existing contacts then perhaps the deal is not really a deal.
  • I keep all my promises. If a lender wants me to sign personally I will do so since I am committed to take care of them first if anything goes wrong with the deal. However, I never offer to “guarantee” my lenders investment as that may violate federal or state rules and regulations related to securities. I prefer to sign as trustee or as president.
  • I follow state and federal rules and regulations related to offering securities and seek expert legal advice as needed.

Now create your own program using the example and ASK YOURSELF…

  • Will you pay simple interest or compounded interest?
  • Will you pay a higher interest for no monthly payments?
  • Will you do second liens, and if so, will you pay a higher rate?
  • Do you ever want to make quarterly or annual payments instead of monthly?
  • What day of the month will you pay all your notes?
  • What is your minimum investment?
  • How will you handle a lender’s request for early pay off?
  • How quickly can you respond to such a request?
  • Will you offer a minimum earned interest or prepayment penalty?
  • When will interest begin?
  • What will you do if you need two lenders on one deal?

2)Write your 60-second ‘elevator’ speech

How can you quickly grab someone’s attention and peak their interest about your private lender program? What do you say to someone you know or meet? Review these examples and then develop you own, brief script. Then practice it.

Example #1:

“I’m a professional buyer of single family homes throughout <area>. I buy and fix up houses and can offer my sellers call cash… plus a quick and easy sale. When I pay all cash I use private lenders. We make excellent profits helping our buyers and sellers and that allows me to offer a high rate of return to my private investors. Do you know anyone who might have cash savings, other investments or retirement funds that are not consistently and safely getting them a high rate of return?”

Example #2:

“My company is always looking to buy several houses each month throughout <area>. We can pay all cash and close within a few days if needed. When we pay all cash for houses, we use private lenders and pay them a very high rate of return. Do you have any idle cash or retirement funds that are not getting you a well-secured, double digit return?”

Example #3:

“We buy houses and when we pay cash for a house we use private lenders. We pay 9% to 11% on notes secured by local real estate. If you are not getting that type of predicable return on some of your money, I’ll be glad to get you the details. We could sit down sometime, whenever you like and show you how it works. Or I could send you some info. If it looks good just let me know how much you’re looking to invest and how long you can have your funds tied up. I’ll put you on my list and look for an investment opportunity that meets your needs. When I find one, I will call you. At that time you can pass or play. There’s no obligation.”

Example #4:

“I’ve been building my real estate investment company here in <area> over the last <X> years. We buy and sell a number of houses each month and can pay all cash quickly and easily. That’s because when we ‘buy houses cash’ we use private lenders. My private lenders can make 300 or 400% more money than they can get sitting in a savings account or in bank CDs. Do you know anyone that might have a retirement account or some other investment that is not paying a consistent 9 to 11%? That’s what I pay on notes well-secured with local real estate.”