22 March 2017 21



Wednesday, 22 March 2017

The President takes the Chair at 9.30 a.m.



386[*]MR RICH-PHILLIPS — To move —

That this House requires the President to table the PricewaterhouseCoopers report to the Audit Committee in relation to the second residence allowance used by the Members for Melton and Tarneit by Thursday 23 March 2017.

[Notice given on 21 March 2017 — Listed for 1 day]

359 MS BATH — To move —

That this House calls on Premier Daniel Andrews to respect the views of the 1,000 people who met at Heyfield on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 and keep his word that he will fight for every job to ensure that —

(1) the Heyfield Mill will stay open and its 250 staff will keep their jobs;

(2) the town of Heyfield and the surrounding areas, businesses and communities have a future;

(3) the thousands of businesses that rely on Australian Sustainable Hardwoods’ (ASH) products will also have a future;

(4) Australian-made, high-quality, hardwood timber products from Australian-grown, environmentally-sustainable and commercially-managed regrowth forests are not replaced by imported products; and

(5) over 7,000 indirect jobs and affected families in Victoria are saved from the flow-on effects of this disaster.

[Notice given on 7 February 2017 — Listed for 10 days]

385*MR BOURMAN — To move —

That this House —

(1) acknowledges the legitimate recreational pursuits of sporting shooters and hunters;

(2) recognises the contribution made to the economy and environment by recreational and sporting shooters in Victoria; and

(3) notesthat changes currently being proposed to the National Firearms Agreement wouldplace unfair conditions on law-abiding firearm owners who have already proven to abide by stringent regulations that limit the use of firearms in shooting sports, recreational hunting and pest control.

[Notice given on 21 March 2017 — Listed for 1 day]

387*MRS PEULICH — To move —

That this House —

(1) takes note of the matters surrounding the Audit Committee on second residence allowance pursuant to the Parliamentary Salaries and Superannuation (Allowance) Regulations 2013;

(2) calls on the Government to immediately amend those Regulations to provide that in addition to existing requirements, Members claiming a second residence allowance must have their home base within the electorate they represent; and

(3) calls on the Government to amend the Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Act 1978 to require claims for the second residence allowance to be disclosed annually in the Register of Interests.

[Notice given on 21 March 2017 — Listed for 1 day]

362 MR O’SULLIVAN — To move —

That, pursuant to section 33 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003, this House requires the Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than 27 November 2017, on the management, governance and use of environmental water in Victoria including, but not limited to —

(1) the assessment of the role of environmental water management in preventing or causing ‘blackwater’ events;

(2) how environmental water and environmental water managers interact with, and utilise, management tools such as carryover and whether the carryover of environmental water impacts on the availability of water for irrigators;

(3) consideration of what barriers exist to the more efficient use of environmental water and how these may be addressed; and

(4) assessment of fees and charges applied to environmental water and whether these differ from those imposed on other water users.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]



336 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes that, despite having the report since November 2015, only two of 35 of the Harper Review Recommendations have been implemented.

[Notice given on 27 October 2016 — Listed for 20 days]

339 MS BATH — To move —

That this House —

(1) acknowledges the —

(a) loss of, potentially, more than 1,000 jobs as a result of the complete shutdown of the Hazelwood power station;

(b) impact and stress felt by Hazelwood workers, contractors, local businesses and their families due to the loss of jobs;

(c) negative impact on the Latrobe Valley economy as a direct result of the closure of the Hazelwood mine; and

(2) condemns the Andrews Labor Government for —

(a) failing to fight for and negotiate a staged closure of the mine; and

(b) failing to action a State Government taskforce until the death knell and allowing unemployment in Latrobe City to rise from 7.3 per cent in December 2014 to 10.7 per cent currently, without providing any support.

[Notice given on 9 November 2016 — Listed for 18 days]

340 MS PATTEN — To move —

That this House —

(1) notes that —

(a) Victoria’s anti-discrimination laws continue to be strengthened by the Government to prevent discrimination on the basis of a number of attributes including gender, sexuality, age, status as a parent or carer, breastfeeding, religious or political conviction, employment activity andindustrial activity;

(b) despite these strong laws, discrimination still exists against a plethora of workers and companies on the basis of their profession, trade, occupation, calling or industry type, or membership to organisations; and

(2) requires the Economic, Education, Jobs, and Skills Committee, pursuant to section 33 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003, to inquire into, consider and report on, by no later than 3 October 2017 —

(a) what type of industry sectors are experiencing discrimination;

(b) what individuals are being discriminated against because of their profession, trade, occupation or calling;

(c) changes made in other jurisdictions across Australia to anti-discrimination laws in this area, particularly in the Australian Capital Territory;

(d) changes to Victorian laws so no individual or organisation is discriminated against based on profession, trade, occupation, calling or industry type; and

(e) any other matters the Committee deems appropriate to ensure that all Victorians, no matter their industry sector, are equal before the law.

[Notice given on 10 November 2016 — Listed for 17 days]

351 MR DAVIS — To move —

That this House —

(1) expresses its grave concern at the lack of influence afforded to the neighbouring community over the proposed height and density of the Andrews Labor Government’s planned intensification and overdevelopment of public land that was previously dedicated to public housing at the Markham Estate in Ashburton;

(2) recognises the legitimate desire of the local community to be consulted;

(3) recognises that the City of Boroondara is best placed to be the responsible authority for any planning decisions affecting the redevelopment of the Markham Estate;

(4) notes the Government intends to privatise the majority of the Markham Estate redevelopment, realising what have been described in government emails obtained under Freedom of Information requests as “super profits”;

and calls on the Minister for Planning to absent himself from any decisions relating to the proposed redevelopment of the Markham Estate.

[Notice given on 6 December 2016 — Listed for 13 days]

352 MS PATTEN — To move —

That this House calls on the Andrews Labor Government to legislate for the restoration of the powers of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to —

(1) conduct investigations and public inquiries as it deems appropriate;

(2) compel the production of information and documents; and

(3) enter into enforceable undertakings and issue compliance notices.

[Notice given on 7 December 2016 — Listed for 12 days]

354 MS PATTEN — To move —

That this House calls on the Andrews Labor Government to extend the use of medicinal cannabis to adults in line with the full recommendations of the Victorian Law Reform Commission, being —

(1) severe muscle spasms or severe pain resulting from multiple sclerosis;

(2) severe pain, nausea, vomiting or wasting arising from cancer, HIV/AIDS (of the treatment thereof);

(3) severe seizures resulting from epileptic conditions where other treatment options have failed or have intolerable side effects;

(4) severe chronic pain with the approval of two specialists;

and provide for the expansion of this as the medical research base develops.

[Notice given on 8 December 2016 — Listed for 11 days]

361 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes —

(1) the alleged shocking behaviour of certain attendees at White Night on 18 to 19 February 2017, who spat, swore and made obscene gestures at members of Victoria Police;

(2) reports from Police that this type of behaviour has become more common in recent years;

and calls on the Premier, Daniel Andrews, to ensure that those who undertake such behaviour are held to account for their lack of respect for, and attack on, those who protect us: members of Victoria Police.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]

363 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes the evidence provided on 15 February 2017 at the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s hearing into the 2015-16 Financial and Performance Outcomes, that—

(1) between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016 the number of prisoners in police cells were 200 or more on 239 days and —

(2) this high number of prisoners for such a significant period is a large drain on police resources who ultimately have responsibility for the management of these prisoners;

(3) this burden comes at a time when police are under enormous pressure with rising crime, and cuts to police numbers per capita; and

(4) this is double or more the agreed target of no more than 100 prisoners in cells at any one time.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]

364 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes the evidence given by the Corrections Commissioner on 15 February 2017 to the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s hearing in relation to the 2015-16 Financial and Performance Outcomes, that during the reporting period $194,000 in cost orders were made against Corrections Victoria for its failure to present prisoners to court on 245 separate occasions.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]

365 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes the evidence given by Chief Commissioner of Police, MrGrahamAshton, on 15 February 2017 to the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s hearing in relation to the inquiry into 2015-16 Financial and Performance Outcomes that the number of police per capita in Victoria was cut during the 2015-16 financial year.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]

366 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes —

(1) that the most recent data released by the Crime Statistics Agency Victoria for the year ended 30 September 2016 shows crime up by 11.6 per cent to 543,315 offences including—

(a) assaults and related offences up 12.6 per cent;

(b) burglaries and break and enter up 13.7 per cent;

(c) theft up 17.5 per cent;

(d) robbery up 21.5 per cent;

(e) motor vehicle theft up 31.1 per cent;

(f) attempted murder up 43.2 per cent;

(2) Victoria now has the unenviable reputation as the car theft capital of Australia;

(3) the crime wave engulfing Victoria is putting at risk Melbourne’s reputation as the world’s most liveable city;

(4) the concern of the community about the state of law and order in Victoria;

and calls on Premier Daniel Andrews and the State Labor Government to make community safety their number one priority to get the crime wave under control.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]

367 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes with deep concern the findings of the Auditor-General in the recent Report, Managing Community Corrections Orders, February 2017, specifically the fact that the number of high risk offenders on a Community Corrections Order has increased from 128 in 2014 to 3,180 in 2016.

[Notice given on 21 February 2017 — Listed for 7 days]

373 MS CROZIER — To move —

That this House takes note of the motion of no confidence in the Minister for Families and Children passed by the Council on 22 February 2017 and —

(1) further notes that this Minister —

(a) is the only Minister in the 58th Parliament to have had a no confidence motion against them moved and passed by the Parliament; and

(b) is only the second Minister in more than 20 years to have had a no confidence motion against them passed by the Parliament; and

(2) following more than 30 riots, millions of dollars of damage and a broken youth justice system occurring under her watch, calls on the Minister to resign.

[Notice given on 23 February 2017 — Listed for 5 days]

378 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes the contempt and arrogance of more than 20 Labor Members of Parliament who refuse to live in the electorates they purport to represent.

[Notice given on 7 March 2017 — Listed for 4 days]

380 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House condemns the Andrews Labor Government for its failure to keep police stations open and serving the community, and notes —

(1) the Whitfield police station has been closed for more than two years, despite the promise of then Police Minister Noonan that all single member stations would remain open;

(2) the temporary three month cut in opening hours to the Endeavour Hills police station now appears to be ongoing;

(3) the closure of the Balmoral police station for the last nine months; and

(4) the recent reduction of services from the Clayton police station because of its dilapidated condition.

[Notice given on 7 March 2017 — Listed for 4 days]

382 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —

That this House notes that under Premier Daniel Andrews —

(1) the number of preliminary breath tests was cut by 773,587 from November 2014 to November 2015;

(2) the number of evidentiary tests was cut by 2,746 from November 2014 to November 2015;

(3) the month of November 2015 saw a 50.3 per cent cut to the number of preliminary tests compared to November 2014;