Employee Name: __________________________

Location: ________________________________




Please select the one choice that best answers the question.

1. The most common available personal protective devices are designed to prevent injury to:

a. head c. eyes

b. feet d. all of the above

2. Safety hats or helmets are needed on jobs where head injuries are possible from:

a. falling objects c. frying pans

b. moving vehicles d. none of the above

3. Goggles, face shields, and safety glasses will not protect you from:

a. flying particles c. glare and harmful light rays

b. forklifts d. irritant dusts

4. Gloves will help eliminate or reduce the chance of injury from:

a. cuts and scratches c. burns

b. excessive noises d. both a and c

5. Safety boots are worn to reduce the probability of injury of:

a. dusts c. excessive noises

b. falling objects d. none of the above

6. In order to reduce the chance of injury from excessive noises you need to wear:

a. gloves c. ear plugs or muffs

b. boots d. all of the above

7. The following tools can be used to reduce the risk of back injuries:

a. gloves c. good lifting techniques

b. proflex back belts d. both b and c

8. Which of the following is not true about fall protection?

a. OSHA states that you must limit your fall to six feet.

b. You should never work or climb above your tie-off point.

c. Harnesses and lanyards should only be checked annually.

d. It is an OSHA violation to hook two lanyards together.


1. If you wear a back support, you don’t need good lifting techniques.

a. true b. false

2. Back supports should be tightened at all times.

a. true b. false

3. Hard hats do not need to be worn in hard hat restricted areas when you are working a boom truck.

a. true b. false

4. Gloves can help reduce injuries other than cuts.

a. true b. false

5. According to our policy, safety boots are required only on the jobsite.

a. true b. false

6. Roll out is a concern when hooking up your safety lanyards.

a. true b. false

7. Fall protection is only required when you are working above the fifth floor on commercial jobs.

a. true b. false