Hispanic Women’s Council
is honored to host
Sonia Sotomayor
Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Embassy Suites, 1000 Woodward Place, NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Justice Sotomayor will give remarks to the members of
the Council starting at 6:00 p.m.
Cost to attend is $20
Prepayment is required; press the PayPal button labeled “Justice Event”
Deadline to receive payment is April 1, 2016
Please arrive no later than 5:15p.m. to sign-in and be seated by 6:00p.m.
No on-site payment and no entry after 6:00pm.
Important: If you purchase tickets for guests, HWC must have their name(s) to facilitate registration. Email their names to HWC at: