H:\Diane misc\CC Agency summaries and contact REVISED July 14, 2014
Name/Title Agency / Program Address Phone (973)
Joseph F. DuffyPresident / Secretariat for Catholic Charities
(Serves as part of Bishop’s senior staff; oversees operation of all Catholic Charities agencies & services; serves as Diocesan Director for CCHD and ORB) / 777 Valley Road
Clifton, NJ 07013 / 777-8818
x278 /
Scott Milliken
Executive Director / Dept. for Persons w/Disabilities
(Services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the Diocese; group homes, supervised apartment programs, adult training center, volunteer programs, spirituality programs) / 1 Catholic Charities Way
PO Box 2539
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438 / 406-1101 /
Joseph F Duffy
Executive Director / Straight & Narrow, Inc.
(Residential and outpatient drug/alcohol counseling, medical detox, intoxicated driver resource center [IDRC], methadone maintenance, housing for persons with HIV/AIDS, Family Success Center & child care) / 508 Straight Street
Paterson, NJ 07501 / 345-6000
x6233 /
Diane Silbernagel
Executive Director
Buby Jacob
Associate Executive Director & CFO
Ana Schreiner, Director Community Support & SSVF Services / Catholic Family and Community Services (CFCS)
(Emergency services [rental, utility bill, & temporary shelter assistance], , aging services, adult & child day care, group home teenage boys, housing assistance, immigration assistance, day program and respite services for adults with disabilities, counseling, residential school for children with behavioral disabilities, disaster assistance, Transportation assistance,and Early Intervention and Special Child Health Services, Supportive Services for Veteran Families) / 24 De Grasse Street
Paterson, NJ 07505 / 279-7100 ext 21
ext 26
ext 20 /
Delia Rosario
Site Director / Hispanic Information Center of Passaica division of cfcs
(Services in Passaic for youth, elderly, emergency services, foster parent program, addiction counseling) / 186 Gregory Avenue
Passaic, NJ 07055 / 779-7022 /
Lee Ann Cianci
Site Director / Hope Housea Morris County division of cfcs
(Counseling, substance abuse treatment, IDRC services and supportive housing assistance and case management for HIV/AIDS clients. Supportive services for seniors, Chore and Fix It programs, food pantry) / 19-21 Belmont Avenue
Dover, NJ 07802 / 361-5555
x126 /
Deacon Robert Head
Site Director / Father English Community Center a division of cfcs
(Summer and after-school programs, preschool and child care, food pantry/clothes closet / furniture & household furnishings, ESL) / 435 Main Street
Paterson, NJ 07501 / 881-0280 x517 /
Rev. Raimundo Rivera
Luis Arias
Associate Director / Migrant Ministry
(Through strong parish partnerships provides for pastoral and social service needs of migrant workers and their families throughout the Diocese) / 18 Church Street
Suite 215
Newton, NJ 07860 / 862-264-0947
973-818-0075 /
Fr. Edward Lambro
Dir., Development & Public Relations / Public Relations & Development
(Directs development efforts of the Secretariat for Catholic Charities as well as public relations efforts) / 777 Valley Road
Clifton, NJ07013 / 523-4456 /
Visit us on the web at: 1-800-494-3292