Lauren Power

Art I Lesson Plan

Lesson: Dia de los Muertos

Essential Questions

Art Objectives: / Define and create a pattern. Apply india ink on top. Scratch away to create a new design in the style of the sugar skulls in dia de los muertos. Look at and analyze the Hispanic holiday, determining traditions and purpose of artwork. Design a sugar skull that represents the student’s personal interests and family traditions. Use symbols to communicate ideas. Contrast the artwork of Dia de los Muertos with medieval family crests.
TEKS: / §117.52. Art, Level I.
1.A. Illustrate ideas for artworks from direct observation, experiences, and imagination.
1.B. Compare and contrast the use of art elements and art principles in personal and other artworks, using vocabulary correctly.
2.A. Create visual solutions by elaborating on direct observation, experiences, and imagination.
2. C. Demonstrate effective use of art media and tools in design, drawing.
3. A. Compare and contrast historical and contemporary styles, identifying general themes and trends.
3. B. Describe general characteristics in artworks from a variety of cultures.
4. A. Interpret, evaluate, and justify artistic decisions in personal artworks.
ELPS: / 1. A. Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English .
1. B. Monitor oral and written language production and employ self-corrective techniques or other resources.
1. C. Use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary.
1. D. Speak using learning strategies such as requesting assistance, employing non-verbal cues, and using synonyms and circumlocution.
1. E. Internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in speaking and writing activities that build concept and language attainment.

Interdisciplinary Goals

Cross-Curricular Connections / Social Studies- traditional Mexican holiday, geography, cultural studies
Science- wax resistance
Writing and Vocabulary Initiative / Exit Tickets

Lesson Activities

  • Warm-Ups:Define pattern and give an example. Practice drawing skulls/symbols.
  • Power Point: Dia de los Muertos festival, English family crests
  • Essential Questions: How is art used in the festival? How are symbols used in family crests?
  • Create a pattern using crayon. Fill the space and burnish to create a waxy surface. Wax will resist the india ink that is then applied and left to dry.
  • Show power point and example. Allow students to design a personal sugar skull that represents their family traditions and personal interests.
  • Students will use a stylus to scratch away the india ink to reveal the pattern underneath. Design will have free-flowing colors.


Exit Tickets:Why was sugar prevalent in the artwork of dia de los Muertos? What symbols are you using in your piece? What is the meaning? What art element are we working with?

At the end of the project, students will prepare an artist statement to present during critique. Students must also discuss peer artwork and progress. Grading will be done on rubric given at the start of the project.