PRESENT:G. Geoffrey Longstaff, Chairman
Whitey Eckstein, Secretary/Treasurer
Tim Donihi
Colonel Charles H. Gibson
Lon K. Howell
William R. Miller
Brindley B. Pieters
John A. Williams
Airport Counsel
ABSENT:Clyde H. Robertson, Jr., Vice Chairman
STAFF PRESENT:Larry A. Dale, President & CEO
Bryant W. Garrett, VP Finance & CFO
Jack Dow, VP Operations & Maintenance
Diane Crews, VP Administration
Andrew VanGaale
Ann Gifford, Executive Secretary
Krysty Kress, Southeast Ramp
Keith Robinson, OSI
Kevin Spolski
Roger Phillips, StarPort
Marty Sinker, StarPort
Jim Kriss, AVCON
Robert “Sherman” Yehl, City Manager
Chairman Longstaff advised the meeting had been duly advertised.
Motion by Board Member Howell, seconded by Board Member Gibson, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on December 6, 2005.
President Dale advised of corrections on Page 9 change from Anderson & Little to Anderson & Associates; and Page 10 and 11, Items B and C, effective dates corrected from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2006.
Corrections accepted by makers of the motion.
President Dale advised he thought there had been a motion regarding fund raising, but he had taken it as a Board directive to report.
Discussion ensued.
Chairman Longstaff advised there had not been a motion, just a request for information to be reviewed and brought back to the Board.
Chairman Longstaff suggested a report be made in the President’s report.
Motion passed.
President Dale reported on the following:
1)RAC Concession
a)1-year term extension
b)RFP in 2007
Discussion ensued regarding a request from OSI to extend the RFP to 2007, keeping a level playing field, and rates charged. There had been no time for the two Presidents to meet and discuss concerns on both sides.
Discussion ensued.
Larry Gouldthorpe briefed the Board regarding how the RFP was done, rates, domestic and international, rental of terminal and ready return space, as well as how they came to a level playing field.
President Dale advised the Authority did a RFP five years ago for five rental car agencies and we got four at that time. This RFP expires in May 2006. OSI wants to have maybe six. They are looking at remodeling counter space for six. They have requested to extend this RFP for another year. If we do this and someone has been waiting to respond to a RFP, we may be placing ourselves in legal jeopardy.
Discussion by Counsel advising you would not have to put out a RFP for the extension. The existing five RACs would need to agree to the RFP.
President Dale advised when 911 happened we had two RACs who were supposed to build QTA facilities and they have not done so. They are in material breach at this time. Avis has begun construction of their facility, but Hertz has not even picked up their permit from the City. Both RACs should have done it within the first year of the RFP, but we worked with them because of 911. Both RACs have been paying the rent on the land but neither facility has been completed.
Counsel advised you could arguably still enforce that requirement, hold them in breach, not extend, or terminate them.
Discussion ensued.
Discussion by Board Member Pieters regarding his concern about extending the original RFP and what would happen if a RAC cried fowl.
Discussion regarding seeking agreement from all RACs for the extension.
Discussion by Board Member Miller regarding legal issues, logistical issues regarding space on the physical facility, and timing required to put out a RFP. He advised he did not understand why this did not come up in November or December to allow time to address the issues.
Discussion regarding construction and expansion of counter space allotted for RACs.
Board Member Pieters recommended Counsel work with Staff and OSI and work out the issues.
Counsel advised he had the time to work with Staff and OSI.
Larry Gouldthorpe advised they had done an informal poll and all had agreed.
The item was requested to be brought back to the February Board Meeting.
2)Verizon Cellular Tower
President Dale advised Laura Bellflower was in attendance regarding the proposed Verizon cell tower that the Authority had indicated opposition to. The City had disallowed a previous request from Verizon to construct the tower. SAA gave its opinion on safety of such a tower in close proximity to the Airport. The tower was proposed to be constructed near ACE Hardware on a twenty by twenty foot piece of land. He advised of his concern about student pilots who might be “scud running”.
Board Member Howell advised he was concerned about what will stop them from putting towers all around the Airport.
Laura Bellflower, attorney representing Verizon, was introduced and asked to come to the podium.
Ms. Bellflower advised it seemed that the Chairman and Mr. Dale did not get the letter she sent requesting to be on the February agenda to make a full presentation to the Board. She advised the issues raised to the Board in May were inconsistent with what they would like to present to the Board at this time. She had thought the Board Meeting was on the 10th of January. She advised she would be asking the Board to reconsider its opposition to the tower. She advised she had not been allowed to make a presentation at the DRC meeting and had requested an opportunity to make a presentation to the Board in February.
Discussion by Counsel regarding making sure just what the City wanted from the Airport. The Authority would not be making a decision on this project.
President Dale advised he had written a letter to the City expressing our opinion and reluctance to having a tower constructed so close to the Airports primary runway.
Discussion continued regarding safety.
President Dale advised for the record Ms. Bellflower was never not allowed to make a presentation at the DRC meeting referenced.
Discussion regarding what transpired at the DRC meeting.
Discussion by Board Member Williams as to what action the Board needed to take. The City has not asked us to do anything. No decision was made by this body, we simply expressed an opinion.
Ms. Belflower advised she was not asking the Board for a decision, she only wanted to make a presentation to the Board.
Board Member Donihi advised as a pilot his decision would not change.
Chairman Longstaff advised he thought Ms. Belflower should be given an opportunity to make the presentation.
Chairman Longstaff welcomed and introduced Commissioner Randy Morris.
Commissioner Morris advised Verizon representatives might want to submit their new material in writing to see if there was substantial change and determine whether or not it met conditions for a presentation.
Chairman Longstaff requested that Ms. Belflower submit information to President Dale and the Chairman, Staff and Counsel would determine if it comes to a level to conduct a presentation at a future date.
3)Sponsorship policy
a)Sponsorship report October 2004-December 2005 (attached)
President Dale presented a report (copy attached) regarding Board Member Robertson’s directive on sponsorships for last year (October 2004 through December 2005).
Diane Crews outlined the report.
Discussion ensued.
Motion by Board Member Howell, seconded by Board Member Gibson, to leave the program as it is in the budget for the time being; allow Staff to look at requests individually; and keep the Board informed.
Discussion regarding placement of a new line item in the next budget next fiscal year.
Board Member Williams advised Diane Crews is very active in the community, and he would trust her judgment in choosing which activities to sponsor.
Discussion continued.
Board Member Eckstein advised he did not think it was right for the Airport, which is owned by the City of Sanford, to duplicate what the City has already done, and asked if Staff would be conscious of those.
Board Member Howell advised the City is the City. This is the Airport.
Board Member Williams advised he understood Board Member Eckstein’s position, however, the Airport gets different returns when we support an activity as the Airport.
Chairman Longstaff advised the Board has confidence in the President and Vice President to make those choices.
President Dale advised he would have no problem contacting Board Member Eckstein, the Chairman or any other Board Member if or when he thought there might be a concern.
Board Member Howell advised then President Dale should call all Board Members.
Board Member Miller advised he understood Board Member Eckstein’s concern and he was asking for nothing more than that Staff be judicious in these matters.
Question called.
Motion passed.
4) Volunteer Airport Chaplain
a)Position Description (attached)
President Dale requested approval of appointment for the position description for Voluntary Airport Chaplain, and appointment of Dr. James Hammock, Pastor at the Compass Community Church, which is a non-denominational church, as the first Airport Chaplain. He advised there may be some small expenses to reimburse, but nothing major, and no salary or benefits attached since it is a voluntary position.
President Dale introduced Dr. Hammock.
Discussion ensued.
Motion by Board Member Miller, seconded by Board Member Williams, approving the position description presented (attached), and further approve appointment of Dr. James Hammock as the first voluntary Airport Chaplain.
Motion passed.
5) Jack Dow – Orlando Sentinel Article
a)Airport Memorial Committee
b)PV-1 Ventura
President Dale advised a very nice article had been run in the Orlando Sentinel about Jack Dow, the Airport Memorial Committee, and their newest aircraft PV-1 Ventura. He further advised Jack Dow is to be commended for the outstanding job he has done in leading the Airport Memorial Committee and securing aircraft for the Memorial Park. A copy of the article was included in Board Member folders.
6)Land Acquisition Building Demolition
President Dale advised he had been getting calls from other people who wanted to buy the houses the Airport acquired in its land acquisition project. Much as we would like to, we cannot just give these buildings away. There is a great deal of liability to the Airport from cradle to grave. He recommended that the Authority follow FAA guidelines and demolish the buildings.
Discussion ensued.
Motion by Board Member Eckstein, seconded by Board Member Williams, to authorize staff to follow FAA guidelines and demolish the buildings.
Motion passed.
7)FAC Conference February 8, 2006 in Tallahassee
President Dale reminded Board Members of the FAC Conference on February 8, 2006, in Tallahassee. There are rooms reserved for ten people and room in the Citation to fly to Tallahassee early the morning of the 8th and back to Sanford mid-day on the 9th. Anyone desiring to attend the conference was asked to contact Ann Gifford.
President Dale advised the Third Annual Aircraft Emergency Drill & Training Exercises were scheduled for all day on Tuesday, February 7, 2006, which presents a conflict with the February Board Meeting, and asked if the Board would allow a change of date for the February Board Meeting to February 14, 2006, at 8:30 a.m. Anyone interested in participating in the exercise was asked to contact Jack Dow.
Commissioner Morris advised he would be unable to attend on the 14th.
Discussion ensued.
There was consensus from the Board to change the date of the February meeting to February 14, 2006, at 8:30 a.m.
President Dale advised this is the last meeting for Ann Gifford who has been employed with the Airport Authority for twenty years. Ann will be retiring February 3, 2006, just a few days before our next board meeting.
Board Member Miller advised in 1992 when he came on the Board the Authority offices were in an old wooden building on Mellonville Avenue. He advised the Board thanked Ann for her service and wished her the best.
Colonel Gibson advised he concurred.
8)Unauthorized Solicitation of SAA Legal Counsel by outsiders
President Dale advised of solicitation of Counsel by a tank farm contractor. He asked the Board to work with him and when people called he would be the one to authorize them to speak with Counsel.
Discussion ensued.
Counsel reported on the following:
1)RFP for ground transportation to be discussed later in the agenda.
2)Hotel lease items, cash deposit, builder and milestones would be reported in February.
Larry Gouldthorpe, President, TBI, reported on the following monthly passenger statistics:
Overall-1% from the same period in 2004
Total 20051.651 million
Discussion regarding 16 gates at MCO, which are being vacated by Delta. Other airlines must now make up that revenue.
Mr. Gouldthorpe advised we do not have a residual cost structure at Sanford.
Discussion continued regarding Creative Host’s Budweiser Tap House in the International Departure area, and a slots meeting with international carriers in February.
Commissioner Morris advised on behalf of the BCC if there was anything he could assist with he would be glad to do so. He advised he had been watching and admiring the progress of this Board and Airport. He had always wanted to serve and be a part of that.
Discussion regarding Commissioner Morris’ achievements especially in the area of transportation in the region, state and nationally.
Chairman Longstaff introduced and welcomed City Manager, Sherman Yehl.
Chairman Longstaff advised he had received a letter from Ann McGee, President of Seminole Community College, advising Larry Dale had completed his law enforcement program and was elected by his peers as their class leader. He congratulated Larry Dale and presented a badge to him on behalf of the Board in recognition of his achievements, which included having the highest grade point in the class.
- Consider renewal of AVCON Contract for one additional year, under the same terms and conditions, effective January 14, 2006
On January 14, 2003, the Sanford Airport Authority entered into a three-year contract with Avcon, Inc., for engineering consulting services, with two (2) additional one (1) year option terms. The current contract will expire on January 13, 2006, and Avcon’s President, Sandeep Singh, has indicated that he is willing to exercise the first of the 1-year option periods and continue the contract for another year under the same terms and conditions. Staff recommended renewal of the annual contract with Avcon, under the same terms and conditions, for one additional year, effective January 14, 2006.
Staff recommended approval.
- Consider renewal of Hoyle Tanner & Associates (HTA) for one additional year, under the same terms and conditions, effective January 10, 2006.
On January 10, 2003, the Sanford Airport Authority entered into a three-year contract with Hoyle Tanner & Associates, Inc. (HTA), for engineering consulting services, with two (2) additional one (1) year option terms. The current contract will expire on January 9, 2006, and HTA has indicated that they are willing to exercise the first of the 1-year option periods and continue the contract for another year under the same terms and conditions. Staff recommended renewal of the annual contract with Hoyle Tanner & Associates, Inc. under the same terms and conditions, for one additional year, effective January 10, 2006.
Staff recommended approval.
- Consider approval of Lease No. 2005-30 with MARC P. DAETWYLER for Building No. 303, located at 2850 Aileron Circle (residence).
Staff recommended approval of Lease No. 2005-30 with MARC P. DAETWYLER for Building No. 303, located at 2850 Aileron Circle (residence). The lease term is for one (1) year, effective December 1, 2005. The annual rate is $8,700.00; the monthly rate is $725.00.
- Consider approval of Addendum D to Lease No. 2003-05 with AVION JET CENTER, LLC for Building No. 333, located at 1604 Hangar Road (hangar).
Staff recommended approval of Addendum D to Lease No. 2003-05 with AVION JET CENTER, LLC for Building No. 333 located at 1604 Hangar Road (hangar). Addendum D extends the lease term for five (5) additional years, effective January 18, 2006, with the following rate schedule:
Year 1Effective January 18, 2006
Bldg. 33314,834 sf @ $5.41=$ 80,251.94
Monthly=$ 6,687.66
7% sales tax=$ 468.14
Total=$ 7,155.80
Year 2Effective January 18, 2007
Bldg 33314,834 sf @ $5.57=$ 82,625.38
Monthly=$ 6,885.45
7% sales tax=$ 481.98
Total=$ 7,367.43
Year 3Effective January 18, 2008
Bldg. 33314,834 sf @ $5.74=$ 85,147.16
Monthly=$ 7,095.60
7% sales tax=$ 496.69
Total=$ 7,592.29
Year 4Effective January 18, 2009
Bldg 33314,834 sf @ $5.91=$ 87,668.94
Monthly=$ 7,305.75
7% sales tax=$ 511.40
Total=$ 7,817.15
Year 5Effective January 18, 2010
Bldg 33314,834 sf @ $6.09=$ 90,339.06
Monthly=$ 7,528.26
7% sales tax=$ 526.98
Total=$ 8,055.24
- Addendum C to Lease No. 2003-01 with Donald and Laura Nolette for the property located at 299 Rudder Circle (residence).
Staff recommended approval of Addendum C to Lease No. 2003-01 with Donald and Laura Nolette for the property located at 299 Rudder Circle (residence). Addendum C extends the lease term for one (1) additional year, effective January 1, 2006. The annual rental rate is $9,300.00, an increase of $300.00; the monthly payment is $775.00.
Motion by Board Member Donihi, seconded by Board Member Williams, to approve the Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D and add-on Item E.
Motion passed.
- Consider approval of request for proposal (RFP) and contract documents for the grounds transportation concession for demand transportation at the Airport, as approved at the December 6, 2005 Board Meeting
President Dale advised at the December 6, 2005 meeting, the Board approved the implementation of a ground transportation concession at the Airport for demand transportation, and authorized staff to proceed with the associated competitive bid process. Accordingly, staff has worked with counsel to develop two documents, the Request for Proposal (RFP) and the contract [attached]. Staff recommended approval of the RFP and contract for the grounds transportation concession for demand transportation at the Airport.