“Aim High and Reach For The Sky!”
Please share ideas from PAC Facts with other parents.
Thank you!
· 1,2,3, Read!
Fluent readers are better able to identify unknown words and comprehend text. Moreover, children enjoy being successful in reading, and that helps them develop positive attitudes toward reading and about themselves as readers. Activities that are focused, intensive, engaging, and authentic will give many children a boost in reading. Try this routine. It only takes 10 minutes each weeknight!
1. Choose a poem for each week.
2. Read to your child. Read the poem aloud to your child several times, pointing to the words as you read. You are modeling fluent reading!
3. Read with your child. Read the poem aloud several times with your child. Choral reading is a very supportive way to introduce new text. Don’t be concerned if your child misses a word or two.
4. Listen to your child read. In this step, your child reads the poem several times to you! Offer lavish praise! Like musicians and athletes, readers must practice to achieve fluency.
Check out this website for fun and silly poetry: http://www.gigglepoetry.com!
· District Title I Parent Policy- All Title I parents in the Vigo County School Corporation received the final copy of the District Title I Parent Policy during the Parent-Teacher Conferences. All parents had been given a draft copy during the 2004-05 school year with the instructions to provide feedback to the building principal or Title I Coordinator before the end of the school year. This year the final document was distributed. Mrs. Sarah Pies, State Title I Consultant, reviewed our district policy and approved it. Annually, this document will be updated. Please prepare feedback to be discussed during our final PAC Meeting for this school year. The final meeting will be held on April 27, 2006 at 6:00 P.M.
· Thank You, Again!- Title I certainly appreciates the efforts of the Parent Advisory Council to share monthly information with other parents. Through the PAC Facts publication and the Parent Advisory Council, Title I parents have been better informed. Again, thank you for your assistance!
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”
-Henry Ford