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The Observations about This Month
for July 2016
Welcome to the Observations about This Month, which link to those concerning “June”. The two dialogues offer more when they’re read together, so make sure to read both.
Scroll down for the Observations about This Month or click here for “June”s.
For earlier Observations, visit The Archives.
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Every month delivers its own vibes as well as those which emerge out of the year. This month brings a shift in the format, with both levels presented in one section.
This July’s Profile
each year / in 2016
Birth Number - what we’re here to be/become and exemplify (again) / 7 / 2023/7
M.O. - how we’re likely to arrive at that point / 14/5 / 100/1
Reality Number - the spiritual result of doing such things / 21/3 / 2123/8
“July 2016/9” asks us to become “7” twice
…. “7” appears at generic and specific levels. In “2016” - the Year of the Fire Monkey - these aspects may be telling. Monkey is a strategist - a natural planner and mover - positively-speaking (not only as a challenge). With this, we could see more mental or psychic energies (and events) entering our landscape. Energetically, “7” can encourage individuals to think and whir more than usual (and more obviously). It often finds people struggling to stay clear of mental chatter again and again. “7” can also bring more thought-based breakthroughs; discoveries that benefit all of creation. Either way, “7” can be a time of more head stuff and present great excuses for us to shift to the next level.
“7” can also help us to practically “get” whatever’s unfolding. I say often enough that “7” is a passive zone which can hold us back from going full speed. “7” denotes spiritual wisdom - a time of getting wise(-r) about life and how it works for us (personally). It doesn’t only relate to theoretical knowledge or constructs; it also helps us become practically aware. “7” precedes “8” (the period when we tend to act upon all we’ve learned). “7” often delivers clarity in ways that help everything fall into place (more). “7”, in this sense, is “3”s older sibling - another “Aha” moment that brings empowerment and clarity.
So, “7” - this “July” - is what we’ll become, step into and incidentally model for others. “7”, in this sense, is spiritual wisdom embodied; embracing what we know peacefully and well-rounded. “7” can present as the teacher disseminating insights - it highlights spirituality and becoming solid in that. “7” can see us reinforcing current stances or seeing our models radically overhauled.
Two “7” birth numbers present this month - in “July” as the 7th month and via this year’s profile. This hints at reinforcement - “7”, as the mind realm, could see us thinking a little too much. “7”, in excess, can find us overly-entrenched in what we know, assume, project, etc. This, in itself, can trigger war or tension (which is noteworthy given Monkey’s strategic nature). The Chimp doesn’t enjoy seeing its objectives thwarted (who does?!) - it is adaptable, however, and manoeuvres well. That’s all good news whilst integrity features but, “2016/9”s “July” could bring some of the opposite. “2023” signals that relating well will feature strongly, together with “0” (i.e. intangible rhythms). When people think too much, “0” can see them becoming (more) defensive or panicky. As a final mark, “0” promotes one’s spiritual connection, helping us to process underlying fears and faith issues. It often does this by presenting as not enough of what we’d been banking upon. “2” signals the world - the other on any level; our relationship with it; and our place or purpose. “3” often brings insights about people’s material, perceptual or active reality. “2023”, therefore, resonates well with “7” (our interactions often teach us practically). Remembering that “7” can foster notable learning, “July 2016” should reveal productive things.
“7” also speaks of spirituality - all numbers do, but “7” denotes time for sabbatical. The “0” in “2023” suggests more spiritual awareness. Both “0” and “7” promote the need to rebalance (more than usual). Both can increase the need to withdraw and process in order to respond productively. “0” and “7” can ask us to remember, focus upon and nurture our spiritual alignment. Together, these vibes can deliver double-checks about what we’re making Source (of anything) now. They also tend to teach us about inputs and outputs (i.e. how what we focus on or entertain tends to be passed on). “7” and “0”, therefore, tend to help us focus and channel more appropriately into the long-term.
We’ll become more “7” via “100/1” and “14/5”
…. with “100/1” reinforcing the Observations above. Monthly profiles are always interesting because either level can play out. This is why I discuss both dynamics - that specific to the month and the year. The Divine often uses a mix of both to assist us (as it does our full birth name and what we go by).
“100/1” is this month’s specific M.O. (the sum of “July”s “14/5” and “2016”s “86/5”). “100” signals self-development and -focus as factors that spiritually guide us. “100/1” suggests strengthening because two “1”s feature; the double “0”, a master number, could promote isolation. “1”, you see, can ask us to stand alone (i.e. more than we want to) and feel like a penalty zone at first. Ultimately, “1” symbolises spiritual leadership emerging out of moments that aren’t so “there”. As it plays out, “1” promotes a healthier level of independence and spiritual consciousness.
Ultimately, “1” guides us to our adult self with greater awareness, as a permanent stance. “1” can trigger the need for more spiritual leadership - informal or formal - possibly, taking a stand. An M.O. of “100/1” is likely to help us discover and channel more essential self than we had been. The double “0” reinforces such dynamics, possibly via more “nothing” manifesting in one’s world. “0” often asks us to relax, reconnect and become more faith-ful about whatever transpires. “0” often asks us to stop affirming the “bad’ and focus again upon light and what’s possible. “0” with “1” can, therefore, heighten the need to rebalance and process discomfort. Ultimately, “1” helps us to become stronger and more confident.
At times, “1” zones can manifest like destroyers that push the egoic self through rebirth. Like the chick inside its eggshell, “1” periods can require additional strength, focus and patience. “1” can see life presenting us with obstacles, headwinds and barriers - the physical sort or invisible. Such moments can find some people feeling more alone; surrendering hope; affirming, “I can’t!” Moments like these ask us to surrender/release all egoic rhythms and remember that all will be well. These comments are potent in this Year of the Fire Monkey, which has encouraged egoic myopia at times.
The above perspectives also resonate with the generic M.O. that appears every “July”. Going with the flow is a part of “14/5” (as is the review of models, plans, etc). “14/5” and “100/1” denote how we’ll become and exemplify more spiritual “7” this month. These vibes suggest that flexibility, forgiveness and release work will be key in manifesting “goodness” long term. “5”, you see, symbolises new developments, often unexpected, and how we assimilate them. Fluidity is another “5” rhythm - i.e. seeing past the immediate whilst honouring (all) self fairly.
“July 2016” brings the realities of “2123/8” and “21/3”
… repetition again - I’ve discussed “1” and “2” (above), so please revisit those thoughts. The two new vibes - “3” and “8” - are active dynamics (like the “5”, also above). “3” often promotes realisations that trigger spiritual healthiness. “3” symbolises outputs - creative, perceptual or feeling - and often asks, “What are you putting out ‘there’?” and “Is it up to par?”
“3” also promotes intuitive realisations and this year magnifies such things, too. “3” and “6” often reveal how life and Source support all of creation, all of the time. In times of challenge, “6” and “3” can manifest as “that” invisible voice insisting that all will be well. These numbers often usher in a louder sense of the Divine and are reinforced by Fire Monkey. As a result, “July 2016” could be a month of shifts, breakthroughs and acting on gleanings.
This “July”s reality numbers signal what will emerge as we become/exemplify more “7” via “100/1” and “14/5”. “2123/8” and “21/3” hint at the tangible results which emerge out of such things. “3” symbolises expression - essential or lower - and helps us embrace and channel more spiritual “me”. “3” can, therefore, feel like one’s “coming out”; a sense of greater freedom to be and do all one can. “3” can also encourage us to create more responsibly - or, at least, realise the merit in that. With “July 2016”s specific reality number being “2123/8”, such themes should reveal what “success” means (personally). “8” can help people ready themselves - it’s all about “you” (the physical and spiritual self). “8” regularly checks whether we’re genuinely embracing (doing and being) all that we’re here to. Together, realities of “3” and “8” speak of a phase of realising, experiencing and channelling essential self more. All up, this month’s Birth Numbers and M.O.s (above) speak of good stuff emerging for the long term!
Need some healing or help with the animals around you?
As strangers or family members, animals continually communicate about all sorts of things in all sorts of ways. If you’ve been dealing with and want help regarding living or deceased animals, get in contact. Sessions can be face-to-face, onsite, via Skype or email, and include an .mp3 recording. See the Inquiries & Feedback page for my contact details.
So, all up for “July 2016”?
Numerological emphasis, this month, falls upon “0”, “1” and “2” (so the focus is personal). These vibrations often hint at close experiences which play through one’s immediate reality. All numbers do this, but “0”, “1” and “2” especially (as the first three steps in any venture). “0”, “1”, “2” represent one’s emergence from “nothing”; representing essential self (more); and channelling this amongst others. As such, “July” (after “June”) could help us to forge paths more spiritually. If life focuses you back onto the basics of self, the needs of others and interfacing well, don’t be surprised.
“July 2016” also delivers three “3” vibrations and three “5”s. They’re not as high as the “0”, “1” or “2” tally, but they could still feature loudly. Despite any level of slowness or “not enough”, we’re likely to experience action, even spin. “3”, “5” and “8” are energetically-active and can pull people into busyness or “noise”. The two “7” birth numbers magnify this potentially, as “2016/9”s way of showing what really is “genuine”. If you’ve been unable to exercise or rest as you need to - relative to earlier times - “July 2016” might see that shifting.
And you personally?
We each have a profile that’s made up from our date of birth, full birth name and the date of our last birthday and, although I’ve outlined this month’s dynamics, I’ve not examined your situation specifically. Doing so can provide amazing insights about what’s been happening, recently or since birth. If life’s been challenging or mysterious, get in touch to see how I can help you (or click here).
To enquire about meditation or audio files, click here.
To read what’s been said about last month, this month, see the Observations about Last Month.
To revisit what was said about the dynamics of “June 2016” or earlier, see The Archives page.
Don’t forget to check out my courses;
and come back July 11th to listen to my Three D interview!
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