Minutes of the Executive Meeting

Monday, April 11, 2016

Present:Mike Filip, David Bryson, Maria Hendrickson, Jennie Giles

The minutes from the March 7 meeting were reviewed and approved with the following amendments :

There will be 12 trees ordered for the Tree Planting Day and each of the classes from Grafton P.S. will plant one on Conservation Day.

Troy Gilmour has promised to deliver some wood chips – stay tuned.

David will install the remaining bird houses – south facing.

Mike has ordered bookmarks for the children on Conservation Day. He ordered 250 @ .88 cents each so we will have them for the future.

Update on FLAPpresentation . Although there was a poor turn out (only 11 people) because of bad weather, the presentation went very well and there were several prizes given out. Debbie Kilmer got some donations from the Canadian Canoe Museum and we were able to raffle them off.

CONSERVATION DAY – May 5, 2016. 2 Teachers from the Grafton Public School will conduct an Awareness Workshop for the students from 9.30-11.30 a.m. and an officer from the Ganaraska Regional Conservation will speak to them over the lunchtime. They will join in the shore cleanup and plant their respective trees in the afternoon.We don’t have a rain date yet.

TREE PLANTING DAY– May 7, 2016. Mike and David will pick up 12 bags of triple mix sort out the stakes and markers. Jennie will get snacks and water.

CHIPPING – This will be done before May 5th.

MEMBERSHIP DUES – A reminder will be sent out before the Tree Planting Day.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Maria said that after depositing the $3,500 that the township gave to NSA we have $6,866.93 in the bank. From this amount of course, will be taken the costs for the FLAP presentation, condolence flowers for Tom & Susan Groot, the annual spraying, printing costs and the Tree Planting Day.

Jennie will check with the township to see if our minutes can be archived so that they are accessible to NSA Members and the public.

The next meeting will be at 12 noon at Mikes house on May 9, 2016.