November – December 2016 – Macbeth – Ms. Martinez – English 12

Advanced Writing Review II / Nov 1
Chivalry Essay DUE
Pre-Macbeth notes / Nov 2
Unit explanation
Read pg 295-309 & 340-347 take notes per packet. You will be quizzed on this Info
HW: Read Act I, sc 1-4
w/reading observation / 3 Chivalry Essay DUE
w/Late Pass
Reading Observation for Act I, sc 1-4 DUE
Listen to Act 1, sc 1-4
w/ active reading ?s
HW: Read Act I, sc 5-7
w/reading observation / 4
Reading Observation for Act I, sc 5-7 DUE
Listen to Act I, sc 5-7
w/ active reading ?s
HW: Article for Act I
Discuss Articles
HW: Read Act II, sc 1-2 w/reading observation / 8
Watch Act I
w/ active viewing grid
HW: Read Act II, sc 1-2 w/reading observation / 9 – Early Dismissal
Reading Observation for Act II, sc 1-2 DUE
Listen to Act II, sc 1-2 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Read Act II, sc 3-4 w/reading observation / 10 FLAG CHECK
Reading Observation for Act II, sc 3-4 DUE
Listen to Act II, sc 3-4 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Article for Act II / 11
Veteran’s Day
No School
Discuss Articles
HW: Study vocab, lit terms and Act I and II / 15
Act I – IIVocab w/lit terms & Comprehension Quiz
HW: Read Act III, sc 1-2 w/reading observation / 16
Reading Observation for Act III, sc 1-2 due
Listen to Act III, sc 1-2 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Read Act III, sc 3-4 w/reading observation / 17
Reading Observation for Act III, sc 3-4 due
Listen to Act III, sc 3-4 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Read Act III, sc 5-6 w/reading observation / 18 FLAG CHECK
Reading Observation for Act III, sc 5-6 due
Listen to Act III, sc 5-6 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Act III Quotes

December 2016 – Macbeth – Ms. Martinez – English 12

Act III Quotes DUE
Watch Act II & III
w/ active viewing grid & discussion
HW:Read Act IV, sc 1-3 w/reading observation / 22
Reading Observation for Act IV, sc 1-3 DUE
Listen to Act IV, sc 1-3 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Article for Act IV / 23 – Early Dismissal
Discuss Articles
HW: Read Act V, sc 1-3
w/reading observation / 24
Reading Observation for Act V, sc 1-3 DUE
Listen to Act V, sc 1-3 w/active reading ?s
HW:Read Act V, sc 4-8 w/reading observation / 29
Reading Observation for Act V, sc 4-8 DUE
Listen to Act V, sc 4-8 w/ active reading ?s
HW: Study Vocab, Lit Terms and Act III-V / 30FLAG CHECK
Act III-V Vocab w/lit terms & Comprehension Quiz
HW: Act V Quotes / December 1
Act V Quotes DUE
Chivalry Essay Reflection
Assign Macbeth
Take Home Essay
Due Tues, 12/8
HW: Shakespeare Plot Chart / December 2
Watch Act IV & V
w/active viewing grid
HW: Essay
Advance Writing REVIEW III
Advance Writing REVIEW IV
Macbeth Essay
In-Class Full Rough Draft Edit Day
(must be here to earn any writing pt credit)
HW: Finalize Essay / 7 – Early Release
Macbeth Essay DUE
Macbeth Packet DUE
Macbeth Flags DUE
Begin Neoclassicism / 8
Neoclassicism / 9
Late Pass Macbeth
Essay DUE


For the Macbeth Unit, you will be responsible for several items. Besides reading, you will respond daily to the progression of the play. For this you will complete daily reading observations, in class active reading questions, act quotes and act applications.

You will use this packet for the following:

Reading Observations:

On the day of each reading, you are to bring the following:

1)an observation about something from one of the scenes and why you found it interesting

2)a short quote from the text that you found interesting and a brief explanation why (and yes, you must copy the quote with parenthetical documentation – Act, scene, line – e.g. I, ii, 25-26)

3)a question you have about what is going on.

These will be checked off for completion at the beginning of class. Later they will be used as a way to jump-start class discussions. Use this as an opportunity to clarify anything that you find confusing in the text before you are forced to move on. This is your chance to impact what we talk about and how much you personally get out of this unit, so please make the most of it.

Although these will not be fully assessed for quality until the end of the unit, each day’s observation must be checked off when due in order for it to be assessed at the end of the unit.

Act Active Reading Questions:

During the class period when we are listening to the performance of the play, we will stop and discuss important issues. During this time, you are to answer the active reading questions with appropriate responses.

These will be checked off for completion at the end of each act and will be instrumental in preparations for the act applications and the final essay.

Although these will not be fully assessed for quality until the end of the unit, each act’s questions must be checked off when due in order for it to be assessed at the end of the unit.

This packet will be turned in and completely assessedwith your in-class essay on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2016.

On particular due dates, you will have the following on your own paper to submit:

Act Quotes:

Upon completion of each act, you are asked to select three (3) quotes that you think are significant in helping understand the following motifs:

nature of man (inherent human traits/characteristics)/manhood

views of fate (predestination vs making one's own)

views on life (& how this dictates the way one lives)

power (gaining it and the effects of having it)

By the end of the play, you must address all of these with at least 1 quote.

You will turn in the following for each due date, typed:

1)a copy of your quote and where it is found

2)a paraphrase of the quote (put it in your own, non-Shakespearean, words)

3)a paragraph on the context of the quote (what is going on?)

4)a paragraph on the significance of the quote (why is it important for your essay?)


MOTIF: Power

1) Captain – Act I, scene ii, lines 36-41

If I say sooth, I must report they were

As cannons overcharged with double cracks,

So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe.

Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds

Or memorize another Golgatha,

I cannot tell –

2) If I tell the truth, Macbeth and Banquo were like battle cannons that attacked their enemies with so much force that I don’t know if they wanted to just win the battle or commit a massacre

3) This is the still the beginning of the play. The audience is learning that Scotland is at war and that one of its chief warriors is Macbeth. The captain is reporting what he saw on the battlefield. He tells that Macbeth was the man who turned the tides in favour of the Scottish and that he was instrumental in the defeat of the Norwegians.

4) Here the captain’s report tells of the power that Macbeth is able to harness when called upon to do so. He is fighting for the Scottish which is lucky for them. The brutality he brings into war, however, could possibly foreshadow how violent Macbeth can be when trying to get what he wants and show dominance over others. He seems to have no conscience and will stop at nothing to win or gain power.

Act Quotes Due Dates:

Acts I - III on Nov 21, 2016

Acts IV - V on Dec. 1, 2016

Shakespearean Background

Read pages 295-309. In your notebooks do a 5-bullet summation of each of the following headings:

“The Renaissance: Historical Context” (p. 295-297) – 5 bullets

“Cultural Influences” (p. 298) – 5 bullets

“Renaissance Literature” do the following for the bullets:

One bullet from “Pastoral Poems and Sonnets” (p. 299)

Two bullets from “Shakespearean Drama” (p. 300-301)

One bullet from “The Rise of Humanism” (p. 302-303)

One bullet from “Spiritual and Devotional Writings” (p. 303-304)

One bullet from “The metaphysical and Cavalier Poets” (p. 304-305)

Macbeth Vocabulary

You are responsible for knowing ALL words on this page

Fill in the defs for the following TRAGEDY VOCAB from your pre-reading. (p. 340-347)



comic relief

tragic hero

tragic flaw





verse drama

blank verse


dramatic irony




Shakespearean “Antiquated” Vocabulary

The following words appear with great frequency in Shakespeare's plays. Learn these words; you will then find reading of the play is much easier. **”st” and “t” are often added to the ends of verbs, as in wilt (will), art (are), wert (were), etc. These verbs are not listed because the list would become virtually endless.


1.alas and alack—exclamations of dismay, like “oh not!”

2.anon—quickly, as soon as possible

3.ay and nay—yes and no

4.dost and doth—does

5.ere—before this time (pronounced “air”)



8.hath, hast, hadst—has

9.hence—from here; from this time on

10.hie—go; get you there

11.hist—sound made to get attention


13.marry—by the virgin Mary, a mild oath

14.naught—not; never’er—never

16.‘o—on; of



19.soft—wait a minute


21.thou, thy, thee, thyself—you, your

22.‘tis—it is

23.twain—split in two



26. ye—you

27. zounds—God’s wounds, a mild oath

Act I – Shakespearean Vocabulary Still Used Today

Definitions have been provided for the following vocabulary words from Macbeth. You will be tested on all vocabulary from this packet (including the antiquated words). These will be checked off at the end of each act.

For the vocab that is still used today, you will need to do the following:

Locate the line where it is said in the play.

Copy that line/sentence, in its entirety.

Create an original sentence correctly using the vocabulary word.

ACT I - Vocabulary

  1. brandish – wave in the air (I.ii)

Original sentence:

  1. plight – predicament (I.ii)

Original sentence:

  1. valor/valour – bravery (I.ii/I.v/I.vii)

Original sentence:

  1. corporal – bodilty (I.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. surmise – imagine, guess (I.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. rapt – absorbed in thought (I.iii/I.v)

Original sentence:

  1. peerless – unequalled (I.iv)

Original sentence:

  1. recompense – reimbursement (I.iv)

Original sentence:

  1. chastise – punish (I.v)

Original sentence:

  1. impedes – prevents (I.v)

Original sentence:

  1. chalice – cup (I.vii)

Original sentence:


On the day of each reading, you are to bring the following:

  1. an observation about something from one of the scenes and why you found it interesting
  2. a short quote from the text that you found interesting and a brief explanation why (and yes, you must copy the quote with parenthetical documentation – Act, scene, line – e.g. I, ii, 25-26)
  3. a question you have about what is going on.

These will be checked off at the beginning of class and later used as a way to jump-start class discussions. Use this as an opportunity to clarify anything that you find confusing in the text before you are forced to move on. This is your chance to impact what we talk about and how much you personally get out of this unit, so please make the most of it.

Act I, sc i-iii




Act I, sc iv-v




Act I, sc vi-vii




Act I – Active Reading Questions – To be done in class

Answer the following questions while listening to the appropriate readings in class. Use complete sentences. WRITE LEGIBILY!

Act I

1)What mood is established at the beginning of the play?

2)How does Scene 2 introduce the absent Macbeth?

3)How do Banquo and Macbeth react to the witches?

4)How do Macbeth and Banquo receive the news from Ross and Angus?

5)What images do Duncan's words in Scene 4 conjure up?

6)How is Lady Macbeth characterized in Scene 5?

7)What is the relationship between Macbeth and his wife?

8)What is the effect of Duncan's words in Scene 5?

9)What is the attitude of Macbeth's soliloquy in Scene 7?

10)Why is the topic of Lady Macbeth's womanliness raised again?

Act II – Shakespearean Vocabulary Still Used Today

Definitions have been provided for the following vocabulary words from Macbeth. You will be tested on all vocabulary from this packet (including the antiquated words). These will be checked off at the end of each act.

For the vocab that is still used today, you will need to do the following:

Locate the line where it is said in the play.

Copy that line/sentence, in its entirety.

Create an original sentence correctly using the vocabulary word.

ACT II - Vocabulary

  1. augment – increase in size (II.i)

Original sentence:

  1. entreat – plead for (II.i)

Original sentence:

  1. palpable – touchable (II.i)

Original sentence:

  1. prate – talk on and on (II.i)

Original sentence:

  1. repose – rest (II.i)

Original sentence:

  1. surfeit – excessive amount (II.ii)

Original sentence:

  1. consort – associate, cohort (II.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. temperate – calm, even tempered (II.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. undivulged – unrevealed (II.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. unruly – wild (II.iii)

Original sentence:


On the day of each reading, you are to bring the following:

  1. an observation about something from one of the scenes and why you found it interesting
  2. a short quote from the text that you found interesting and a brief explanation why (and yes, you must copy the quote with parenthetical documentation – Act, scene, line – e.g. I, ii, 25-26)
  3. a question you have about what is going on.

Act II, sc i-ii




Act II, sc iii-iv




Act II – Active Reading Questions – To be done in class

Answer the following questions while listening to the appropriate readings in class. Use complete sentences. WRITE LEGIBILY!

Act II

1)What is the significance of Banquo's talk with Fleance in Scene 1?

2)What is the significance of the dagger in Scene 1?

3)Describe Lady Macbeth's composure in Scene 2?

4)What is the effect of Macbeth's entrance after the murder?

5)How is attention focused on Macduff?

6)Why does Lady Macbeth faint?

7)Why are there unnatural omens during the night?

8)Why does Macbeth comment that he wishes himself dead?

9)How do Duncan's sons react when they learn of the murder?

10)What is the effect of the old man's talk & Macduff’s comments in Scene 4?

Act III – Shakespearean Vocabulary Still Used Today

Definitions have been provided for the following vocabulary words from Macbeth. You will be tested on all vocabulary from this packet (including the antiquated words). These will be checked off at the end of each act.

For the vocab that is still used today, you will need to do the following:

Locate the line where it is said in the play.

Copy that line/sentence, in its entirety.

Create an original sentence correctly using the vocabulary word.

ACT III - Vocabulary

  1. sundry – varied (III.i)

Original sentence:

  1. bounteous – generous (III.i)

Original sentence:

  1. dauntless – fearless (III.i)

Original sentence:

  1. incensed – angered (III.i)

Original sentence:

  1. jocund – merry (III.ii)

Original sentence:

  1. blanched – turned white (III.iv)

Original sentence:

  1. profound – very deep (III.v)

Original sentence:

  1. malevolence – ill feeling (

Original sentence:


On the day of each reading, you are to bring the following:

  1. an observation about something from one of the scenes and why you found it interesting
  2. a short quote from the text that you found interesting and a brief explanation why (and yes, you must copy the quote with parenthetical documentation – Act, scene, line – e.g. I, ii, 25-26)
  3. a question you have about what is going on.

Act III, sc i-ii




Act III, sc iii-iv




Act III, sc v-vi




Act III – Active Reading Questions – To be done in class


1)In Scene 1, how does Macbeth react to success?

2)How does Macbeth arouse the murders?

3)In Scene 2, is Lady Macbeth enjoying her new position?

4)Why does Macbeth keep his attack on Banquo a secret from her?

5)What is the importance of Fleance's escape?

6)How does Macbeth delude himself in Scene 4?

7)What is the importance of Banquo's ghost?

8)How does Lady Macbeth respond to Macbeth's outburst?

9)What is revealed about the conditions in Scotland?

10)What is the purpose of Hectate's interview with the three witches?

11)What is the purpose of Scene 6?

Act IV – Shakespearean Vocabulary Still Used Today

Definitions have been provided for the following vocabulary words from Macbeth. You will be tested on all vocabulary from this packet (including the antiquated words). These will be checked off at the end of each act.

For the vocab that is still used today, you will need to do the following:

Locate the line where it is said in the play.

Copy that line/sentence, in its entirety.

Create an original sentence correctly using the vocabulary word.

ACT IV - Vocabulary

  1. sear – burn (IV.i)

Original sentence:

  1. pernicious – destructive (IV.i/IV.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. gibbet – gallows (IV.i)

Original sentence:

  1. diminutive – tiny (IV.ii)

Original sentence:

  1. judicious – wise (IV.ii)

Original sentence:

  1. abjure – deny, renounce (IV.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. cistern – reservoir (IV.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. desolate – alone (IV.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. recoil – pull back in a startled manner (IV.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. redress – make amends for (IV.iii)

Original sentence:

  1. verity – truth (IV.iii)

Original sentence:


On the day of each reading, you are to bring the following:

  1. an observation about something from one of the scenes and why you found it interesting
  2. a short quote from the text that you found interesting and a brief explanation why (and yes, you must copy the quote with parenthetical documentation – Act, scene, line – e.g. I, ii, 25-26)
  3. a question you have about what is going on.

Act IV, sc i-iii




Act IV – Active Reading Questions – To be done in class