Station 5 Eclipse Myths
In the spaces below describe how each civilization believed eclipses occurred and what they did to try and make it leave.
Jealous star
According to a Cherokee legend, the sun long ago grew jealous of her brother the moon because the people of Earth always looked at her with twisted-up faces and squinted eyes, while they smiled at his gentle light. The sun's daughter lived in the middle of sky, so every day, the sun stopped to visit her. Angry at humans for their ugly expressions, the sun began using these opportunities to send down so much heat that people began to die of fever.
The humans turned to the Little Men, who in Cherokee legend were friendly, magical spirits who dwelt in the forests. The Little Men said that the sun must die, so they turned one man into a rattlesnake and another into a fearsome antlered serpent called the Uktena.
The rattlesnake arrived at the sun's daughter's house to wait for her arrival. But while he was waiting, the sun's daughter opened her door. The rattlesnake accidentally bit her, killing her. When the sun came to see her daughter, she discovered her dead and began to weep, flooding the Earth with her tears.
Desperate to please the sun and stop the weeping, the people of Earth made an attempt to rescue the dead daughter from the land of ghosts, but failed. When they returned, the sun began to weep even harder. To distract her, the people began to dance and play music until she finally became happy again.
Use you Ipads to find one other myth and summarize below:______
During the total solar eclipse capture a short video (less than 1 min) of yourself, or you with others, doing an original dance inspired by the eclipse. As a reminder, avoid any kind of copyrighted music or materials in the background that would prevent us from posting your video. Share your video with us in this Flickr group or on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter by using#EclipseDance. Don’t forget to include a brief description with your uploaded image.
Plan a dance or activity now and write down your ideas to share with the other groups.