Example Goal Recording Format 2
Reference for format: NZSTA/Education Council Performance Agreement Template Section 1: Yearly Objectives and record of progress
Reference for content: ERO (2016) Effective School Evaluation p:30 An improvement journey with a curriculum focus
Goal / Indicators/Tasks / Evidence / Outcomes / Links to Standards/PS/CSCLead teachers and leadership team members to understand and respond to issues in student writing so that the numbers of students at or above NS increase by 10% whole school and 20% Maori and Pasifika students / Lead the analysis of end of year student achievement data and review of staff PLD learning.
Lead the collaborative identification of roles for addressing school target for writing.
Enable (resourced release time for this) further data gathering and analysis
- Observations of teachers/students (use of swivl)
- Talking with students (and teacher focus groups)
- Engage with sharing and analysis of writing samples across learning areas in syndicate groups
- Analysis of planning/teaching data
- Analysis and reporting from teachers –on-going
- Sharing writing samples
Engaged xxxxx to lead whole staff PLD to build staff pedagogical knowledge through coaching and critical reflection… (process has resulted in the development and use of writing progressions for students and for assessments-teacher judgments). Further writing samples analysed. Data used more to inform teaching. / Meeting minutes that identify issue, targets and individual staff roles in addressing targets.
Board reports –writing focus
Leadership team’s key findings from observations of teachers, teacher feedback forms, students work samples, plans for teaching. (Analysis shows varied practices across teachers learning areas and classes, deficit thinking evident at start).
Responses from focus groups including Māori, Pasifika members):
1)Students, 2) Teachers
3) Whanau 4) Leadership (analysis of group responses and changes to practices and PLD-student progressions)
Peer coaching focus notes
Texts for reference/PLD
Writing progressions developed in PLD.
Notes from assessment staff meetings. / Clear understanding of roles in addressing the issue-whole school approach
Teachers and students able to talk about writing-the teaching, purpose and the outcomes.
Improved NS data as in the objectives.
Role clarification and implementation of tasks on track.
Identified need for PLD support for facilitation of knowledge building.
Writing progressions adapted to our context, used with whanau group (who assisted in adaptation for students), especially samples of writing used by teachers and students for feedback. / Standards for the Teaching Profession
STP 1 / ☐ / STP 4 / ☐ /
STP 2 / ☐ / STP 5 / ☐ /
STP 3 / ☐ / STP 6 / ☐ /
Career Structure / Professional Standards
Professional Learning and development plans / ☐ / Culture / ☐ /
Career and personal development / ☐ / Pedagogy / ☐ /
Leadership development / ☐ / Systems / ☐ /
Partnerships & Networks / ☐ /