Revision No. 1
July 14, 2001
1. General.
The Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Good Templar Training School are the basic and over-riding rules governing the use, operation and management of corporation-owned land. They are supplemented by the policies, rules and decisions of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and officers as permitted by the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
2. Intensity of Camp Ground Use.
A. It is the policy not to lease camp grounds for additional cottage building purposes. The
REV. 1 number of cottages existing as of this date is 41. The purpose of this policy is to limit the density of population, the number of structures, and the cost of camp operations.
B. It is the policy to respect single family zoning; and, therefore, no cottage shall be constructed
or converted to a multi-family dwelling and no out-building shall be converted to living
C. It is the policy to limit the number of leased mobile home lots to not exceed the existing
number of 18. It is also the policy to limit the mobile home lot leases to a year-to-year bases.
D. The use of cottage and mobile home lots are further governed by the rules and lease
conditions found in the land leases, Rules of Camp Cleghorn, and Articles of Incorporation
and By-Laws.
E. All camp grounds, excepting the separate leased parcels, are available for the common use of
camp residents and their visitors by policy.
3. Operational Policies.
A. It is the policy to operate the common water supply system for the period of approximately
May 1 to October 1 of each year. Camp provided garbage and trash collection is limited by policy to the period extending approximately from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
B. It is the policy that all camp buildings and grounds, excepting the parcels leased for exclusive
use, be maintained by and at the expense of the camp. Parcels leased for exclusive use
REV. 1 include the 41 cottage parcels and 18 mobile home lots. By camp policy, pedestrian access
to and across exclusive leased lots must be allowed for camp residents and their visitors; but discretion and consideration of leaseholders’ privacy is expected.
C. Sub-leasing of mobile homes is prohibited by camp policy and lease terms.
D. The camp policy is to permit public passage on Camp road only.
REV. 1 E. Cutting down trees anywhere in the Camp, including leased lots, requires Board of
Directors’ approval, in accordance with the Camps official “Tree Management Policy”. Permission is also required for major pruning of oak trees because of serious disease problems with these trees. Our Buildings and Grounds Committee maintains contact with professional foresters and can provide helpful information on tree selection, planting and stump removal, as well as pruning and removal of trees.
REV. 1 F. The appearance of the Camp is everyone’s responsibility. We must all respect the needs
of the Camp at large and adapt our needs to those of common concern. In the event a lessee of any lot shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements on it in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Directors, after approval of two thirds vote of the Board of Directors, the Camp shall have the right, through its agents and/or its employees, to enter said premises and to repair, maintain and restore the property to an acceptable standard. The cost of such work shall be charged to the lessee.
REV. 1 G. All stockholders own Camp Cleghorn. Therefore, we are all responsible for the
enforcement of the rules; and for informing our families, guests and renters of our rules and for making certain that they are honored.
4. Camp Owned Buildings and Common Areas.
A. It is the policy to maintain all camp owned buildings in a safe, clean, and attractive condition.
Usage for the Fellowship Hall is restricted to camp planned activities; and rental to cottage owners and mobile home residents, subject to acceptance of requests acceptable to the camp secretary, compliance with rules, and payment of rental fees and deposits set by the Board of Directors.
B. It is the policy not to lease camp ground for tent-trailer camping purposes.
REV. 1 C. It is the policy to continue physical improvements to the shoreland areas of the camp to.
eliminate erosion, improve the appearance, and increase the common convenience of use, subject to all shoreland zoning requirements
REV. 1 D. It is the policy to maintain the natural characteristics of shoreland areas and woodland land
areas not leased for exclusive use, incompliance with local, county and state shoreland ordinances.
REV. 1 E. It is the policy to permit use of the former camp sanitary landfill site as a “dry marina” for
boat and boat trailer storage. Use is limited to and at the risk of cottage owners and mobile home lot tenants. This storage area is hidden from view and provides a convenient location to store boats and vehicles otherwise of a physical or aesthetic nuisance.
F. It is the policy not to permit camp owned common ground to be used between Memorial Day and Labor Day for the storage of privately owned vehicles or equipment except in the dry marina area. Designated parking areas on common camp grounds may be used only for automobile parking. All other storage on common camp property requires Board of Directors’ approval.
5. Policies, Guidelines & Administration for Building on Cottage Owners Leased Lots.
A. The safety of residents, their guests and the public shall be a major concern in granting
approval of buildings.
B. There shall also be a concern for the environment and for maintaining an overall pleasing and
appropriate appearance.
C. Camp interests are to be given first consideration over individual interests where there is conflict.
1. There is a willingness to move boundary lines* for individuals when camp land
can be used advantageously and without detriment to the camp. Where such lease boundary line* changes take place, an appropriate addendum should be made to the lease and recorded in camp records.
2. Moving lease boundary lines* between individual leaseholders will not be allowed; because of limited frontage, administrative difficulties, likely domino effects and possible adverse effects on future leaseholders.
* A distinction must be made between lot lines and lease boundary lines. Moving lot lines would require resurveying; moving lease boundary lines involves changing the description of the leased properties on the lease.
REV. 1 D. Any proposed building project will be given careful consideration in the approval, but
final decisions remain with the Board
E. Construction allowed in the past may not be acceptable in the present or future.
F. Construction allowable in one situation may not be appropriate and allowable in another situation because of terrain or other physical differences of the site.
REV. 1 G. Building on old foundations is not automatically acceptable. Zoning ordinances and
building codes currently in effect must be considered.
H. Structural additions to privately owned buildings extending existing perimeters or height; and material changes of grade of leased land are permitted only with prior plan approval by the Board of Directors of Camp Cleghorn.
REV. 1 I. Construction or installation of out buildings on leased land is not permitted, other than single
or two-car garages (one story) when approved by the Board of directors. An approved garage must conform to the house in siding, roof, color and general style.
J. Permanent structures shall be set back as a minimum:
8’ from the front lot line;
3’ from side lot lines;
REV. 1 15’ or the average of adjoining cottages whichever is less, from the rear (roadside)
lot line.
K. Permanent structures shall not exceed 25’ in height from ground level at the side of the structure which faces the road.
REV. 1 L Only non-permanent structures (e.g. porch or deck) may be built on the 8’ front lot line
setback, subject to the shoreland zoning ordinance.
M. Provisions shall be made for parking a minimum of 2 cars on leased lots.
N. Deviations from the guidelines set forth above which exist as of the date of their adoption by the Board of Directors shall be allowed (grandfathered). However, at any future date when structures are replaced or remodeled, the deviations may be reviewed by the Board of Directors and either allowed to continue or not continue an the Board’s discretion.
REV. 1 O. Written requests with an adequate description of the project, two dimensional drawings, all
elevations and lot grades shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Directors prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors, for action by the Board.
P. The Secretary shall advise the party initiating the request of the Board’s decision and of any provision made for oversight of the projects.
REV. 2 Q. Major construction projects may proceed only upon final approval of the Board of
Directors or the Executive Committee and will not begin prior to the day after labor day and cease the Friday prior to Memorial Day. The executive board has the ability to waive rule if necessary.
R. Any deviation from Board approved plans are subject to correction or removal.
6. Policies, Guidelines and Administration of Building Activities by Cottage Owners on Camp Property.
REV. 1 A. It is the policy to allow leaseholders to erect docks on the shoreline, stairways leading to the
shoreline, lighting fixtures electrical plug-ins and erosion control timbers, and to do minimal landscaping on Camp’s property between their front lot lone and the lake shore line, subject to state and county restrictions as well as Board of Directors’ approval.
REV. 1 B. All construction and alteration of grades on Camp land (between leased lot line and the lake
shore) require Board of Directors’ approval.
REV. 1 C. Leaseholders’ construction on Camp land (between leased lot line and the lake shore), even
though approved by the Board of Directors, shall be leaseholders’ responsibility at all times.
D. Construction shall respect all applicable building codes.
E. Construction shall assume that safety is a first consideration, recognizing that access to any property may not be exclusive to the leaseholder’s family and guests.
F. See O, P, Q and R under Section 5 above.
7. Policies, Guidelines and Administration for Mobile Home Owners.
A. It is policy to issue mobile home leases for periods of one year. Under no condition will permanent residency be permitted.
B. It is policy that the issuance of all mobile home leases shall be subject to lessee’s continuing
compliance with and observance of Camp rules and regulations relative to the leasehold
premises, the violation of which shall operate as a forfeiture of the violators’ rights as a
tenant; the lease shall be automatically terminated; and the lessee shall vacate the premises,
delivering up the premises peaceably and quietly to the lessor.
C. It is policy that quests of lessees shall be expected to be advised of these rules and
regulations by the lessee and any violation by a guest of any act prohibited herein shall be imputed to be the violative act of the lessee with its ensuing contractual consequence.
D. It is policy that all attachments extending the existing perimeters or height of the mobile home must have Board approval prior to construction.
E. Parking of cars, boats, or trailer on areas other than those which have been expressly designated and assigned by the Board of Directors is expressly prohibited.
REV. 1 F. Mobile home maximum dwelling space per lot is 1,200 square feet determined by outer wall
measurements including all attachments such as porch, deck and/or tool sheds.
REV. 3 G. Mobile homes in excess of 16’ wide or in excess of 70’ long are prohibited. Minimum size
requirement is 10’ wide and 50’ long. No mobile home in violation of these limits shall be allowed to remain in the park when ownership is transferred by the lessees whether as a gift or a bequest or a sale. Double wide homes may be considered in the future; but would require Board of Directors approval.
H. The minimum distance from the mobile home lot lines to any mobile home or any other building on the lot is ten feet – except all mobile homes and other building structures must be
placed with the front wall 15 feet from the near edge of the roadway for uniformity and for allowance for car parking off the road and in front of the Mobile Home.
I. All mobile homes shall be perpendicular to the front road with the front wall of the mobile
home fifteen feet from the near edge of the roadway. Odd shaped corner lots are an
exception in the placement of dwellings at angles other than perpendicular as scheduled on
lot plan.
REV. 1 J. Deviations from guidelines set forth above which exist as of the date these guidelines were