Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) 2016-2017

Mrs. Nicole A. Shoulders

Room 248

256-428-8050 ext. 248

Planning 4th Period 11:03am-11:55am

“Make it an AMAZING day or not… the choice is yours”

Course Overview

This course is a study of the American republic from European contact/exploration in North America to the present. It is a social, political, economic, cultural, and diplomatic study of American history. The purpose of this class is to teach a course that will be comparable to a year-long introductory American history course at the college level. This will include factual material presented in such a way to encourage an analytical understanding of the course material; students will work with a variety of historical materials in the process of analyzing content and methods of “doing” history. By the end of the course, students will be prepared to take the national AP exam for college credit.

Our exam date will be: Friday, May 5, 2016, at 8:00 a.m.

Social Studies: Saturday Sessions

Location: Lee High School

[AP Government / AP US History]

  • Sat. 01/21/17—1st Prep Session
  • Sat. 02/18/17—Mock Exam
  • Sat. 04/29/17—2nd Prep Session

Course Objectives

The Advanced Placement US History students will:

  • Master a broad, in depth body of historical knowledge, while improving their reading and note taking skills.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology, by analyzing change over time.
  • Interpret, analyze, and evaluate primary source documents, including textual documents, letters, illustrations, photographs, sound recordings, film, cartoons, graphs, charts, etc.
  • Analyze and evaluate secondary sources by examining the author, their thesis, evidence presented, historical viewpoint, accuracy, and validity.
  • Use historical data, primary and secondary sources, to support an argument or position during class discussions and in essay papers.
  • Differentiate between historical schools of thought, understand how those schools of thought impacted the study of history, and detect bias in historical writing.
  • Create insightful thesis statements; organize facts, data, and analysis into concise outlines; and write Free Response and Document Based Essays that are rich in factual content and analysis.
  • Prepare for and successfully pass the Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam.

Course Expectations:

Assignments for this course will include, but will not be limited to, the following:

  • Read all assignments and take notes
  • Document Analysis
  • Analytical essay writing
  • Participation in discussion
  • Presentations on independent study topics
  • Completion of maps, graphs, statistical tables, etc.
  • Annotated outside readings
  • Completion of collaborative website design assignment
  • Fall Semester Project: Mini- Doc

Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to be knowledgeable of Huntsville district and Huntsville High School rules and guidelines. Students are expected to follow the posted expectations in the classroom.

  • Please note that cell phones are NOT allowed to be used during class time. If students need to use the phone they are more than welcome to use the classroom phone.
  • Students are more than welcome to drink water in class. Please be mindful this is a privilege.
  • Class disruption will NOT be tolerated. Students are expected to give Mrs. Shoulders their undivided attention once she is in front of the podium. Students are expected to be respectful to their fellow classmates as well as guests who may be in our classroom.
  • 4 Passes out per semester

Resources: Students will be provided additional resources throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to use the provided resources to help guide them through the course.

Primary Text

As this class is the equivalent of a college-level course, I cannot stress how important it is to keep up with assigned readings. Reading quizzes will be given periodically to ensure that students are staying on top of the assigned work. Our primary text for this class will be Henretta’s America’s History 8th Edition. (Henretta, Hinderaker, Edwards, Self. America’s History, Bedford St. Martin’s.)

Additional Strongly Recommended

Barron’s AP United States History 2nd Edition (Test Prep book, make sure it is the 2nd edition or later as it reflects the new APUSH curriculum) OR 5 steps to a 5 2017 Edition (either test prep book is fine)

A Pocket Guide to Writing in History, Mary Lynn Rampolla (does not matter which edition, I have the 2006 version, it costs $0.01 on Amazon)

Additional Texts: In addition to our textbook, we will be utilizing a number of additional readings including, but not limited to: scholarly research, political cartoons, maps, historical fiction, non-fiction, news articles, photographs, etc.

Furthermore, students will be expected to keep abreast of major current events using the internet, television, and print sources.


Assignments for this course will include, but will not be limited to, the following:

  • Notes from printed materials and lectures
  • Document Analysis
  • Analytical essay writing
  • Participation in discussion
  • Presentations on independent study topics
  • Completion of maps, graphs, statistical tables, etc.
  • Annotated outside readings
  • Completion of collaborative website design assignment

(We are going to make it! You are going to do great!)

All graded assignments are due on the dates assigned. Late papers must be accompanied by an approved excuse. Guidelines for approved makeup work can be found in the Huntsville City Schools Student Handbook. Students must make every effort to attend class. Checking out will not excuse you from an assigned paper or test. If an absence is unavoidable, it is the student’s responsibility to receive and complete any missed assignments.

Tests tend to be structured in a similar fashion as the national AP exam. On most tests, there will be a section of multiple choice questions that cover text materials and readings (interpretation, specific facts, names, places, chronology, laws, etc.); there will also be at least one essay question or short answer question that covers broad topics (ideas, philosophies, general movements, etc.).


Grading will be done in a category average format. In such format, the categories and weights given each are as follows:

Homework /In-Class Assignments (includes quizzes) 40%

Summative Assessments (projects, writing assignments, unit tests, chapter tests) 60%

If any student does not complete an assignment a “1” will be used as a placeholder in INow. The student has until the next test to make up a missing or late assignment. The highest possible grade that can be earned is a 70%.

1 day late=70%

2 days late=65%

3 days late=60%

4 days late=55%

5 days late=50%

6 days late=45%

7 days late=40%

8 days late=35%

9 days late=30%

10 days late=1%

Note: The percentages above reflect the highest possible grade that may be earned.

*This grading policy is subject to change based on any new district policy.

If there are any questions about grades, please contact or 256-428-8050 ext. 248

Semester Calculations

Semester 1: 1st 9 weeks 40% + 2nd 9 weeks 40% + Semester Exam 20%

Semester 2: 3rd 9 weeks 40% +4th 9 weeks 40% + Semester Exam 20%

All forms of academic dishonesty – cheating, copying, and plagiarism – will not be tolerated. The consequences of violating the district and school policy are outlined in the Student Handbook and may include a reduced grade for the assignment and a parental/guardian conference.

Progress Report: You will receive a progress reports at the nine week mark. It is the student’s responsibility to keep abreast of their grades. Moreover, a student can request an update of your grades at any given time.

Make up Work: Make-up tests are required to be taken within a week of the student’s absence; otherwise, a student will receive an unsatisfactory grade

Teacher Support:

I am always available to assist students with any questions before school between 7:30 am- 7:50 am. Assistance will be available after upon request. Students will be given extra support where there is a need.

Conferences: If a parent desires a conference, he/she may contact me at the email listed on the front page of this syllabus.

Materials needed by EVERYDAY:

  1. Writing notebook
  2. Computer
  3. 1-pen
  4. 1- pencil
  5. 1 inch three ring binder

Course Schedule

Below is an approximate schedule of the course breakdown for the year. The College Board splits our course across nine different historical periods, and in the chart below, each of those corresponds to one or more units of instruction. In order to keep up with the pace of the course, chapter readings should be done alongside course instruction if not in advance. NOTE: With potential hazardous weather, testing, school functions, and the like, this schedule may be subject to changes.

First Semester (August 3-December 16, 2016)
Unit / APUSH Period / Chapter(s) in Textbook / Approximate Time of Coverage
Unit One: Transformations of North America / Period 1 (1491-1607)
Period 2 (1607-1754) / 1-2 / 10 Days
Unit Two: British North America and the Atlantic World / Period 2 (1607-1754)
Period 3 (1754-1800) / 3-4 / 10 Days
Unit Three: Revolution and Republican Culture / Period 3 (1754-1800) / 5-8 / 20 Days
Unit Four: Overlapping Revolutions / Period 4 (1800-1848) / 9-12 / 20 Days
Unit Five: Creating and Preserving a Continental Nation / Period 4 (1800-1848)
Period 5 (1844-1877) / 13-16 / 20 Days
Second Semester (January 4-May 5, 2016)
Unit Six: Industrializing America: Upheavals and Experiments / Period 5 (1844-1877)
Period 6 (1865-1898)
Period 7 (1890-1945) / 17-20 / 20 Days
Unit / APUSH Period / Chapter(s) in Textbook / Approximate Time of Coverage
Unit Seven: Domestic and Global Challenges / Period 7 (1890-1945) / 21-24 / 20 Days
Unit Eight: The Modern State and the Age of Liberalism / Period 8 (1945-1980) / 25-29 / 20 Days
Unit Nine: Global Capitalism and the End of the American Century / Period 9 (1890-Present) / 30-31 / 20 Days

Curriculum Framework

There are four parts to the new AP U.S. History Curriculum Framework as established in Fall 2014. These parts include Historical Thinking Skills, Thematic Learning Objectives, The Concept Outline and the AP U.S. History Exam. To better understand the Curriculum Framework, please familiarize yourself with the following information:

A significant portion of the curriculum framework is devoted to the description of major themes to be explored in this course. These themes span the nine different periods studied in this course.

Theme / Concept Question(s)
Identity / How and why have debates over American national identity changed over time?
Work, Exchange, and Technology / How have changes in markets, transportation, and technology affected American society?
Peopling / How have changes in migration and population patterns affected American life?
Politics and Power / How have various groups sought to change the federal government’s role in American political, social, and economic life?
America in the World / How has U.S. involvement in global conflicts set the stage for domestic social changes?
Environment and Geography (physical and human) / How did the institutions and values between the environment and Americans shape various groups in North America?
Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture / How have changes in moral, philosophical, and cultural values affected U.S. history?

Final AP Exam

The national exam in May lasts three hours and fifteen minutes. The test is broken down as follows.

Format / # of Questions / Time / Percentage of Total Score
Section 1—Part A / Multiple Choice / 55 / 55 minutes / 40 %
Section 1—Part B / Short Answer / 4 / 50 minutes / 20%
Section 2—Part A / Document Based Question (DBQ) / 1 / 55 minutes / 25%
Section 2—Part B / Long Essay / 1 / 35 minutes / 15%

Multiple Choice: Questions will appear in sets of 2-5. Students will analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence; primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are also included.

Short Answer: Questions provide opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best; some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps.

DBQ: Students analyze and synthesize historical data; they assess written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence.

Long Essay: Students will select one question from two options; they will explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. history and develop an argument supported by historical evidence.

I look forward to an amazing school year with you and your child. Thank you in advance for sharing your precious gift with me! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email.

Mrs. Shoulders