Customer Service Excellence - Rolling Review 2014
Charnwood Borough Council – Neighbourhoods & Community Wellbeing Directorate
1.1.1 / We have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of our current and potential customer groups based on recent and reliable information. / CSN 03 UPDATED 14 Strategic AssessmentCSN 04 Sample Report of ASB Victim Diversity (age, gender, ethnicity, disability, vulnerability) (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 01 UPDATED 14 Charnwood 5-19 Community Profiles
SAR1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
SAR 13 - UPDATED 14 County Sports Partnership Accessibility Tool Kit
1.1.2 / We have developed customer insight about our customer groups to better understand their needs and preferences. / CSN 12 People Involved Form from Sentinel – capturing equalities data (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 04 Communications and Social Media Consultation Session Template (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
SAR 05 Impact Map Template FLIC (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
1.1.3 / We make particular efforts to identify hard to reach and disadvantaged groups and individuals and have developed our services in response to their specific needs. / CSN 190 NEW Hate Incident Action Group Paperwork
CSN 145 NEW 14 – Community Hub Feasibility Study
CSN 16 UPDATED 14 – Parkour – 1.1.3 CSN 16 UPDATE 14 Parkour - Diversionary Activities for hard to reach groups
CSN 188 NEW 14 Cambridge Street case Study - July 2014
CYP 06 UPDATED 14 5-19’s Delivery Plan 2013-14
SAR 06 Wild Card Uptake Breakdown Scrutiny Report Summer Holiday Programme (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 07 - UPDATED 14 Children’s Families Commissioning Bid 2014-2015
1.2.1 / We have a strategy for engaging and involving customers using a range of methods appropriate to the needs of identified customer groups. /
CSN 153 NEW 14 - Shortcliffe Park Skate Park Provision
CSN 194 New Community Safety Enagegment and Involvment with customers
CYP 65 NEW 14 Children and Young People's Participation Toolkit
CYP 05 UPDATED 14 BMB Consultation Feedback 2013
CYP 09 Positive Activities for Young People 201314 and 201415 Second Funding
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
1.2.2 / We have made the consultation of customers integral to continually improving our service and we advise customers of the results and action taken. / CSN 05 Improving Lives Community Survey (with justification for change from last year) (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 153 NEW 14 - Shortcliffe Park Skate Park Provision
CSN 188 NEW 14 Cambridge Street case Study - July 2014
CYP 11 You Said, We Did Presentation November 2012 (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
1.2.3 / We regularly review our strategies and opportunities for consulting and engaging with customers to ensure that the methods used are effective and provide reliable and representative results. / CSN 47 UPDATED 14 – Off Campus Service Delivery Plan
CYP 12 Charnwood Youth Council Evaluation Day 140813 (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 65 NEW 14 Children and Young People's Participation Toolkit
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
1.3.1 / We use reliable and accurate methods to measure customer satisfaction on a regular basis. / CSN 50 MTC Minutes Signing In Sheet and Template (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 02 Evaluations 5-19 Service Provider Event November 2012 Analysis (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
1.3.2 / We analyse and publicise satisfaction levels for the full range of customers for all main areas of our service and we have improved services as a result. / CYP 56 NEW 14 Face2Facebook results presentation
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
SAR 14 – UPDATED Fact Sheet Sport & Active Recreation 2013-2014
1.3.3 / We include in our measurement of satisfaction specific questions relating to key areas including those on delivery, timeliness, information, access, and the quality of customer service, as well as specific questions which are informed by customer insight. / CSN 52 Sanctuary Scheme Evaluation Form (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 13 PAYP Evaluation Form for Young Inspectors (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
1.3.4 / We set challenging and stretching targets for customer satisfaction and our levels are improving. / CSN 90 UPDATED 14 – Community Safety Partnership Performance Data
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You Said We Did
SAR 14 - UPDATED Fact Sheet Sport & Active Recreation 2013-2014
1.3.5 / We have made positive changes to services as a result of analysing customer experience, including improved customer journeys. / CYP 49 Customer Journey Map PAYP funding application and assessment (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 1- 4 - UPDATED 14 Various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/You said We Did
SAR 10 - UPDATED 14 Copy of Summer Holiday Activity Brochure 2014
2.1.2 / We use customer insight to inform policy and strategy and to prioritise service improvement activity. / CSN 13 CCTV Scrutiny Report (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 117 SROI Twenty Twenty (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 56 NEW 14 Face2Facebook results presentation
CYP 01 UPDATED Charnwood 5-19 Community Profiles
SAR 06 Wild Card Uptake Breakdown Scrutiny Report Summer Holiday Programme (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
2.2.1 / We can demonstrate our commitment
to developing and delivering customer -
focused services through our
recruitment, training and development
policies for staff. / CSN 162 NEW 14 - Mediation Training Assessment Log
CYP 23 Training and development opportunities for staff: Safeguarding (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 66 NEW 14 Children and Young People's Officer Recruitment and Selection
SAR 37 - CommunitySport&PhysicalActivityDevelopmentOfficer PS1(SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
2.2.2 / Our staff are polite and friendly to customers and have an understanding of customer needs. / CSN 191 NEW CCTV Customer Feedback
CYP 60 NEW 14 Safeguarding feedback from customers
SAR 49-53 NEW 14 - Staff Compliments
3.2.3 / We have improved the range, content and quality of verbal, published and web based information we provide to ensure it is relevant and meets the needs of customers. / CSN 193 NEW 14 - Charnwood Community Safety Team Phone App
CSN 89 Enviro Detectives Top Trump Cards (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 56 NEW 14 Face2Facebook results presentation
SAR 54 NEW 14 - Details of Cycle Rides 2014 - Media Channel website
3.4.1 / We have made arrangements with other
providers and partners to offer and
supply co-ordinated services, and these
arrangements have demonstrable
benefits for our customers. / CSN 94 Joint Action Group Operating Guidelines (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 91 Loughborough Off-Campus & Community Service Delivery Strategic Action Team minutes 6 June 2013 (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 06 UPDATED 14 CPfCF 5-19’s Delivery Plan 2013-14
SAR 23 UPDATED 14 - Sport and Physical Activity Commissioning Locality Proposal 2014 -15
SAR 24 UPDATED 14 - Sport and Physical Activity Commissioning Plan 2014 -15
3.4.2 / We have developed co-ordinated working arrangements with our partners that ensure customers have clear lines of accountability for quality of service. / CSN 96 Crime JAG Terms of Reference (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 124 Charnwood Together Board Terms of Reference (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 192 NEW CCTV SLA and Customer Reports
CYP 06 UPDATED 14 CPfCF 5-19s Delivery Plan 2013/14
CYP 58 NEW 14 Think Family Partnership
3.4.3 / We interact within wider communities
and we can demonstrate the ways in
which we support those communities. / CSN 102 Empowering Communities Scrutiny Panel questions to Neighbourhood Management Reference (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 145 NEW 14 – Community Hub Feasibility Study
CSN 182 NEW 14 – Community Heros Day
CYP 06 UPDATED 14 CPfCF 5-19’s Delivery Plan 2013-14
CYP 32 Empowering Communities Scrutiny Panel questions to CYP Service Reference (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
SAR 23 UPDATED 14 Sport & Physical Activity Commissioning Locality Proposal 2014-15
4.3.2 / We have an easy to use complaints
procedure, which includes a
commitment to deal with problems fully
and solve them wherever possible within
a reasonable time limit. / CSN 64 ASB Minimum Standards and online report form (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 184 NEW 14 – Community Trigger (Request for Review of Services)
CSN 193 NEW 14 - Charnwood Community Safety Team Phone App
4.3.3 / We give staff training and guidance to
handle complaints and to investigate
them objectively, and we can
demonstrate that we empower staff to
put things right. / CSN 185 NEW 14 – Councillor Training Plan
CSN 186 NEW 14 – Councillor Training PowerPoint Presentation
CSN 130 ASB Complaints training presentation (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 49 Silver and Gold Safeguarding Training presentation slides (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 63 NEW 14 Safeguarding Training Staff Mapping
4.3.5 / We regularly review and improve our
complaints procedure, taking account of
the views of customers, complainants and
staff. / CSN 116 ASB Student Patrols Briefing and Rota (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 42 Innovation report PAYP (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 43 Training session feedback to silver delegates (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 50 Safeguarding Incident Reporting Form revisions for DSO review (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
4.3.6 / We ensure that the outcome of the
complaint process for customers (whose
complaint is upheld) is satisfactory for
them. / CYP 43 Training session feedback to silver delegates review (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 64 NEW 14 Letter to Market Casuals
SAR 1- 4 UPDATED 14 various Customer Satisfaction/User Surveys/ You Said We Did
5.2.1 / We advise our customers and potential
customers about our promises on
timeliness and quality of customer service. / CSN 64 ASB Minimum Standards (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CSN 192 NEW CCTV SLA and Customer Reports
CYP 61 NEW 14 Worth-it Projects Decision Letter
SAR 14 Fact Sheet Sport a& Active Recreation (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
5.2.2 / We identify individual customer needs at
the first point of contact with us and
ensure that an appropriate person who
can address the reason for contact deals
with the customer. / CSN 57 ASB Risk Matrix (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 47 Example of out of office email message detailing Designated Safeguarding Officer Cover (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 60 NEW 14 Safeguarding feedback from customers
SAR 42 UPDATED 14 - Sport and Leisure Holidays Main Script
5.2.4 / Where service is not completed at the
first point of contact we discuss with the
customer the next steps and indicate the
likely overall time to achieve outcomes. / CSN 119 ASB Action Plan-Wordsworth Road (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 62 NEW 14 Payment for Thorpe Acre Judo Club
SAR 42 UPDATED 14 - Sport and Leisure Holidays Main Script
5.2.5 / We respond to initial enquiries promptly,
and if there is a delay we advise the
customer and take action to rectify the
problem. / CSN 120 UPDATED 14 – Community Development Grant
CSN 64 ASB Minimum Standards (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 48 Syston Rugby Club example of response to delay in service (SEE 2013 EVIDENCE FOLDER)
CYP 62 NEW 14 Payment for Thorpe Acre Judo Club
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