Terminology - Get a Clue!
Complete the puzzle using the clues shown below.
1. Where I hold my thermometer.
3. What kills my germs.
6. What you use to see my eardrum.
11. What I get after eating very spicy food.
13. What I get when my kidney droops.
14. What I get when I drink lots of water.
15. Surgery that took my sister from B to DD.
17. When I get this I can't dance.
18. What my grandma told me I would get when my feet get wet.
2. It only takes one of me to change a light bulb, but the light bulb really has to want to change.
4. What I get when my white cells go away.
5. The part I burn when I lay out in the sun.
7. This makes a hole in my chest.
8. What I get when I have a cold.
9. What happens when my bones aren't hard any more.
10. What I get when I don't floss.
12. What I get when I see a hot movie star.
16. What I get when I pull a muscle.