PO Box 17000 Stn Forces
Kingston On K7K 7B4 / / Centre de Formation pour le Soutien de la Paix
CP 17000 Succ Forces
Kingston On K7K 7B4
4640-1 (OIC UNMEM)
July 2017
References: A. DCDS Direction for International Operations 2/2001 (DDIO 2/2001);
B. CMP Instr 20/04 Administrative Policy of Class A, B and C Reserve Service
1. Summary. The Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC) has been tasked to deliver a United Nations Military Expert on Mission (UNMEM) course to those who are currently slated to join select United Nations missions. The aim of this instruction is to provide all designated persons with the essential information pertaining to the UNMEM to be conducted at PSTC, CFB Kingston. The UNMEM will meet the current Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials (CPTM) and UN Specialized Training Materials (STM) dictated for all deploying personnel.
2. Students should note that they must meet the following pre-requisites to participate as a candidate on the UNMEM Course:
a. Be qualified Standard First Aid level C with AED;
b. Hold a valid civilian driver’s licence and DND 404;
c. English language profile of “BBB” or NATO Level 2; and
d. Be fit IAW current physical fitness standards.
3. Dress. Dress for the entire course will be CADPAT (TW) or Arid (if issued). Participants are required to bring the appropriate environmental clothing, suited to the weather, such as rain gear and cold weather clothing, as practical portions of the training are conducted outdoors in the training area. Only DND issued/approved footwear will be worn. Desert and Jungle Boots, if issued, may be worn if the member is within 120 days of their deployment date. Wearing of UN/NATO or other mission insignia will only be authorized during pre-deployment training exercises while at PSTC.
4. Operational Equipment. Commanding Officers of tasked units are responsible for the administrative screening and preparation of their personnel. This includes the issuing of all required kit for the mission area. UNMEM participants, who are to attend UNMEM Delta training, as indicated by CJOC, are expected to arrive with their entitlement of operational personal protective equipment (PPE including helmet, webbing/Tac vest, Frag vest, Ballistic Eyewear, gloves and respirator). PSTC will provide the weapons and EIS (magazine, sling, etc.) when needed. All personnel attending UNMEM should refer to Annex A of this instruction for clothing and equipment requirements. PSTC will not conduct liaison with the ASU Kingston for kit issue. ASU Kingston will not provide kit to non-Kingston personnel either on permanent or temporary issue.
5. All trainees will be quartered at CFB Kingston on the Vimy side of the base. Trainees should bring an alarm clock and padlock for their individual room locker to secure personal kit, as neither is supplied. They are also required to bring their own towel and personal hygienic accoutrements, as these are also not supplied. UNMEM trainees will eat at the Routledge All Ranks Mess (building B-4) also on the Vimy side. All members are expected to utilize rations provided by the base and should not submit a claim for meals other than those required enroute to Kingston. Units are not required to book accommodations and rations for personnel attending training in Kingston. This is PSTC’s responsibility. Members from Kingston-based units may eat in the Mess at public expense as part of the training, but will not be provided with quarters.
6. In the event of scheduling problems resulting in trainees missing a designated meal hour, to include the visit to CJOC, a claim may be submitted upon return to the member’s home unit and documentation will be provided by PSTC attesting to the circumstances.
7. Pre-course Administration. The DCDS Directive is available to all commands and units, and provides clear direction about screening, preparation and training of individuals selected for operational deployment outside Canada. PSTC is not staffed to undertake pre-deployment administration. UNMEM participants are required to complete (DAG) IAW the DDIO at their home unit. The member’s home unit is responsible to confirm that all administration is complete in accordance with deployment standards.
8. Parent units are responsible to make travel arrangements and ensure their personnel arrive in Kingston and report for duty NLT 2000 hrs prior to the first day of training. On the first training day they are to report at 0750 hrs, to PSTC Orderly Room, building VA-12, 2 Cambrai Ave on the Vimy side of the Base (See Annex B).
9. Trainees will bring their travel order claims to PSTC (with return tickets as necessary) for the in-clearance on the first day of the training. PRes personnel shall have a copy of their route letter and will turn this over to the UNMEM Course Warrant Officer during in-clearance.
10. Pre-course Training. The Reading Pack for Module 1, United Nations Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTMs) must be read prior to the first day of the course. CPTM 1.8 may wait until Day 3, but it is essential that candidates pre-read CPTMs 1.1 to 1.7 in advance and be prepared to discuss the material. The Reading pack can be accessed at: (attach link).
11. Transportation. Movement of personnel to and from Kingston is a home unit responsibility. Parent units are reminded to ensure that each individual travelling to Kingston for pre-deployment training is in possession of a travel order claim. This claim should reflect parent unit financial coding as directed by the manning directive and should have return or onward travel arrangements completed. The finalization of claims is NOT a PSTC responsibility. It is recommended that personnel arriving by air connect from Toronto (Pearson International) to Kingston (Norman Rogers Airport) utilizing commercial airline connections. Furthermore, it is a parent unit (not PSTC) responsibility to book flights to and from any non-PSTC UNMEM programs. All return flights should be booked with cancellation/change insurance, as PSTC may direct further training be conducted depending on identified deficiencies or weaknesses observed during training.
12. Finance. All financial accounting for UNMEM participants is a home unit responsibility. Home units are to arrange and budget financial support to members. Members should take all necessary advances to cover travel expenses to and from the training center. Cost for travel and training will be paid by the home unit who can recover the cost from the Support to Deployed Operations Account (SDOA). PSTC covers rations and quarters for all UNMEM trainees.
13. Sourcing, Screening, and Selection. Though some pre-deployment screening may remain outstanding when training begins, individuals should only commence training provided eventual deployment is a reasonable certainty (i.e. they have, or are expected to, DAG GREEN).
14. Parent units must ensure they provide an ETA message for each student by e-mail to the PSTC Ops WO, (see para 21 for contact numbers/addresses). Ensure ETA messages for students indicate the following information:
a. Name, rank and service number;
b. Military occupation;
c. UIC;
d. Gender;
e. Language (English, French, or Bilingual);
f. Student contact information (mailing address, telephone/fax, and e-mail);
g. Confirmation of student’s current DND 404 and DDC;
h. Confirmation of student’s Standard First Aid expiry date; and
i. The course serial they are attending.
15. Upon arrival at CFB Kingston. UNMEM participants are to obtain their room key (booked by PSTC) from the Base Accommodations Duty Centre, Bldg B-37, located on Craftsman Blvd. (see map at Annex B). In-clearance will occur at VA-12, 2 Cambrai Ave on the first day of training. All trainees will arrive the first morning in combat uniform.
16. Travel to and from CFB Kingston. Parent units are reminded to ensure each individual travelling to Kingston for training and briefings are in possession of a Travel Order Claim. Students must bring the Travel Claim into PSTC on the first day for in-clearance. The finalization of claims is not a PSTC responsibility; they will be finalized either upon return to unit or once in theatre. Members should take all necessary advances to cover travel expenses prior to arriving at PSTC. Neither CFB Kingston nor PSTC provide pickup/drop off at local terminals. Taxis should be utilized for transportation from/to local bus, rail and air terminals. If the parent unit approves travel by POMV, the trainee must report this to the UNMEM Course Warrant Officer during in clearance. Base Transport provides a base taxi service (loc 5337) during normal work hours (0745 – 1600), which trainees may use for military related requirements during administration periods.
17. End Training Travel. End training travel should be booked after 1800 on the last day of training. All training days at PSTC are scheduled to end no earlier than 1700. To ensure that training is complete, trainees will not be allowed to travel before 1800 on the last training day. In order to prevent any confusing situations, home units should advise PSTC as to when the trainee will be departing Kingston following completion of training via the initial ETA message.
18. Trainees will bring their travel order claims to PSTC (with return tickets as necessary) for the in-clearance on the first day of the training. PRes personnel shall have a copy of their route letter and will turn this over to the UNMEM course Warrant Officer during in-clearance. A completed Personal Emergency Notification (PEN) form with local area contacts, if applicable, should be prepared in advance as it will speed up the administration process. PSTC is strictly a training facility; it is not mandated to complete pre-deployment screening, administration, or medical preparations. Documentation that students should bring to PSTC is Military ID card, a travel order claim (with return tickets as necessary), Standard First Aid level C with AED, and proof of driver qualifications (Civilian Driver’s Licence, Current 404 with DDC and Safe Backing). Arrangements for Special Passports and visas will be the responsibility of the student’s home unit. Any further questions regarding passport/visa documentation should be directed to the CJOC Mission Desk Officer. Furthermore, if members have had administrative or medical appointments organized by their parent units, they should bring hard copies of them with their deployment message.
19. Reporting by PSTC. The qualification AIME is awarded upon completion of the UNMEM course and is valid for 36 months. The qualification will not lapse while deployed. Military observers, who have not deployed within twelve months after the completion of the course, must update the AIME qualification by attending both first aid and Theatre Mission Specific Training (TMST). Notwithstanding the currency of this qualification, military observers must have TMST prior to deployment; the Peace Support Training Centre will determine this training on an individual basis.
20. Emergency medical or dental requirements are to be immediately reported to the course WO. During working hours all sick/injured persons will report to the base hospital. The Kingston General Hospital will be used in the evenings and on the weekends.
21. Non-Training Related Guidance. Any questions not related to training are to be directed to CJOC J1 Personnel.
22. PSTC Contacts. If any training-related questions arise.
a. Postal: Peace Support Training Centre
PO Box 17000 Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 7B4
b. Telephone (613) 541-5010
(1) OC Alpha Squadron – ext. 3169
(2) UNMEM Course Director – ext. 5755
(3) UNMEM Course Deputy Director – ext. 4597
(4) PSTC Operations Warrant Officer – ext. 8143
c. Fax: (613) 540-8124
d. Email: Operations Cell: +OPS@PSTC@Kingston
e. PSTC Duty Officer - +1-613-329-5913.
f. For general enquiries and first line for emergency, contact the Course Deputy Director at (613) 985-3090.
g. Information from the Army Lessons Learned Centre is available from their web site http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/lessons-learned-centre/lessons-learned-index.page which in turn can link to other mission related web sites. Army Lessons Learned on all missions is available on a CD-ROM disc held at all bases and most units in Canada. The most recent report on Lessons Learned can be found on this disc as well as geographic data on all the mission areas.
h. Other information related to peacekeeping is available from the UN Home Page at www.un.org.
i. CJOC mission information can be found at http://intranet.mil.ca/en/organizations/cjoc/index.page.
23. Deployment Liaison. Administration, travel details and training contacts may be found within the DDIO 2/2001, or through the CFTPO.
Annex A – Kit List
Annex B – CFB Kingston Map