Ordinary Meeting of Takeley Parish Council
held on Wednesday, 1st July 2015, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.
Present: / Cllr Pat BurnettCllr Jackie Cheetham
Cllr David Daykin
Cllr Trevor Allen
Cllr John Green / Cllr Tricia Barber
Clr Richard Cheetham
Cllr Linda Steer
Cllr Geoff Bagnall
Clerk Jane Heskey
Asst Clerk Jane Bridgeman
Apologies: / Cllr Carol Pratt, Cllr Sue Sprules, Cllr Tina Domigan
Visitors: / Natalie Sullivan - Morrells Green resident, Martin Peachey - Community Speed Watch, District Cllrs Howard Ryles, Jim Gordon, & Derek Jones
15/141 / Welcome and apologies
Vice Chairman Cllr Geoff Bagnall opened the meeting welcomed members and visitors, and received apologies as above. / All note
15/142 /
Declarations of Interest
/ All note15/143 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council meeting 3rd June 2015, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Vice Chairman, Cllr Geoff Bagnall. / All note
15/144 / Matters arising from the minutes
Item 15/128 Fields in Trust membership. TPC had questioned why the membership fee had doubled in price since last year. FiT had provided a response and explained that the increase was necessary to provide a better service, and added that there will not be a further increase for 2016 for parish councils. / All note
15/145 / Open Forum
District Cllr Jim Gordon reported:
Cllr Gordon has joined the Licensing & Environmental Health Committee and Performance & Audit Committee. He is currently gathering information and researching for his new post.
He will be attending a public meeting on 9th July at Braintree town hall with the Essex Police & Crime Commissioner Nick Alston.
The questions he will raise will be:
· Why do we not have a better police presences considering our close proximity to Stansted Airport?
· UDC make extra contributions towards the police service in Essex , how is this money being spent?
TPC have asked if they could have feedback/updates from the Highways Ranger Team.
District Cllr Howard Ryles reported:
Cllr Ryles has joined the Economic Development, Tourism, Housing (affordable) & Planning committees.
Planning permission on land west of Bellstock, Molehill Green has been deferred until a site visit has been made.
Natalie Sullivan - Dunmow will be voting on their Neighbourhood Plan, do Takeley have a Plan? TPC are discussing the need of a Neighbourhood Plan for Takeley at the moment.
District Cllr Derek Jones reported:
Cllr Jones has joined the Standards & Enforcement Committees.
There is a perception that UDC Enforcement Team have lots of problems that do not get resolved. A meeting is planned with Planning, Legal and Enforcement teams to discuss a way to move forward.
TPC raised a question on parking around the perimeter of the airport, this issue will be taken up by DC Jim Gordon as a policing & security query and reported back. DC Dereck Jones also has concerns regarding the lack of a footpath which will enable residents to walk to/from the airport safely. / All note
15/146 / June 2015 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for June 2015 were table & agreed.
TPC noted a complete bank reconciliation with an imbalance of £270 which has now been attributed to an unmarked cash payment into TPC's account for a payment in relation to Priors Green Community Hall.. / All note
15/147 / ROSPA Play Safety Inspection 2015
TPC agreed the invoice payment for £241.20.
The inspection results will be reported on the August agenda. / All note/
15/148 / TPC Planning Report & Recommendations 24/06/2015
(previously circulated)
TPC approved:
UTT/15/1780/HHF Endova, Takeley Street
Brief Description: Demolition of garage & erection of single storey side extension.
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/14/15/1618/FUL Silverdale, Takeley Street
Brief Description: Proposed demolition of existing dwelling & erection of 2 detached dwellings with new vehicular access.
Recommendation: Objection
UTT/15/1587/HHF Taylor’s Farm House, Takeley Street
Brief Description: Proposed single storey orangery
Recommendation: Support
UTT/15//1549/HHF Constance Cottages, 1 Dunmow Road.
Brief Description: Retrospective application to erect a summer house.
Recommendation: Objection
UTT/15/1657/FUL Land west of The Chalet, Dunmow Road
Brief Description: Proposed erection of electricity substation & associated boundary treatment.
Recommendation: Objection
In addition it was noted that:
Land West of The Chalet - works is underway on this site despite permission not yet granted. The Clerk has spoken to UDC Planning & Enforcement regarding protection of the perimeter hedge/trees. It has been agreed that the hedge will be retained & a chain link fence will be erected behind the hedge which will provide the required extra security for the site. / All note/
15/149 / Planning Appeal APP/C/1570/W/15/3006725 re UTT/14/2306/OP
Land west of Canfield Road, outline application, with all matters reserved except access, for development of up to 211 homes.
Following refusal of the application by UDC, the developer Gladman Development LTD & Takeley LLP has launched an appeal.
TPC has submitted further representations to the Planning Inspectorate 22/6/15 as agreed 3/6/15 (emailed to members).
TPC approved a report from the joint meeting of Gt Canfield PC & TPC reps on 10th June 2015, and subsequent action as follows:
§ CGPC & TPC have jointly obtained 'Rule 6' status for the appeal inquiry to be held in Jan 2016. This will enable the councils to view and comment on documentation/actions between all parties between now & Jan. 2016, and allow the PCs to cross exam at the appeal inquiry.
§ TPC received an update re funding for expert support, Statement of Case, and appeal timetable.
§ A fund of £7k has been put aside to pay for consultant & legal fees (£5k Takeley PC, £2k Gt. Canfield PC). Residents of Hope End are willing to make a contribution to funds.
§ A Planning Consultant will be appointed to prepare a Statement of Case which must be submitted by 14th August.
§ GC & TPC to meet with UDC's Planning Consultant to gain a better understanding of what we need to focus on.
§ An update will be given at the August TPC meeting. / All note/
Aug mtg
15/150 / Clerks Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report:
Community Project Grant: Contact District Cllr Jim Gordon to apply. Grants from £100 up to £3500, any constituted group can apply.
Bullocks Farm - Due to a changes in Govt policy ECC must update their Local Waste Plan which is now subject to further consultation. Bullocks Farm is a preferred site for hazardous waste. A response is required by the 30th July.
TPC agreed that the Planning Committee should coordinate the response in order to meet the deadline.
TPC Councillor Vacancy: 1 application has been received and a 2nd is expected. This will be determined at the August agenda.
New Councillors Pack: EALC provide a pack at a cost of £17.00. The Clerk will order 1 pack to be kept for reference at the Station house and will also circulate a link for an online copy to all councillors. / All note/
15/151 / Station House Lease
The lease is ready to be signed. The Clerk has raised some questions regarding back dated rent, utilities expenses and up to date maintenance.
An update will be given at the August meeting. / All note/ Clerk/
Aug mtg
15/152 / Old School House
Chelmsford Diocese has now provided a valuation for the building but is yet to provide evidence of the Title and any covenants that would apply. This is on the basis of 'market valuation' . TPC will request the same valuation for the car park area from ECC. TPC are still trying to set up a meeting with the Diocese to view documents. / All note/ Clerk
15/153 / Uttlesford FoodBank
(previously circulated)
After a recent meeting with the Foodbank Co-ordinator, Alan Hawkes some concerns have been raised over security. Cllrs have requested a visit to the Dunmow Community Hub to observe the operation. TPC will also ask if one time slot a week is adequate.
Asst Clerk will contact Alan Hawkes to coordinate. / All note/ Clerk
15/154 / Highways & Transport
Potholes: maintaining a running list of items raised with ECC Highways.
Priors Green: TPC has received a complaint regarding parking problems on Priors Green, specifically on Honey Road & Bennett Canfield. TPC has not had a recent update from the residents group. The results from a survey carried out in 2014 revealed that a consensus could not be reached. TPC had recommended that double yellow lines be painted at junctions to deter parking near junctions/roundabouts that obscure sightlines.
ECC Minerals & Waste: Andrew’s vehicles are still causing problems re-speed limits and behaviour. Vehicle registrations are being obstructed by dirt. There are further concerns regarding the damage they are doing to our roads. Information will be fed back to the Enforcement Officer for Minerals & Waste. A question has been raised previously as to why contractors for Stansted Airport cannot use the airport roads. There is apparently weight restriction at the Coopers End roundabout which prevents HGV vehicles from using it.
Verge Cutting: A letter of complaint was sent to ECC from TPC regarding the recent poor standard of cut and the lack of a cut to hedges and trees. The response back has requested that TPC report each individual location and specific details. Cllr David Daykin has asked when we can instruct our own contractor to carry out this work? ECC has previously declined this offer and not confirmed if this is currently an option.
Cllr Trisha Barber left 9.40pm
Takeley Street Traffic Calming: The scheme has been awarded funds to complete the whole project. Cllr Geoff Bagnall proposed that a letter of complaint be sent to Chief Exec of ECC David Finch, Cabinet Member Rodney Bass & ECC Susan Barker regarding the lack of a start date despite numerous requests from TPC, this was 2nd by Cllr Trevor Allen and agreed by TPC.
Buses, Route 301: Asst Clerk attended the recent Bus Passenger Area Forum. Changes to the service from ECC will be agreed by April 2016 and implemented within in 5-7 years. ECC are looking at alternative transport solutions that will work in conjunction with the service the commercial bus companies provide. There have been changes to route 301. The bus will no longer call at Stansted Airport or travel through Takeley. This is due to road changes at Wendens Road which would have extended the running time of the 301 route and could not be accommodated within current resources.
The Clerk will write to ECC to object to the cancelled service for Takeley and ask if school children that use this service have been considered. / All note/ Clerk
15/155 / ECC Winter Salt Bag Partnership Scheme 2015/16
TPC agreed to continue to participate in the scheme. / All note/ Clerk
15/156 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground Report
Clr John Green reported:
Recreation Ground: Equipment in good order and area tidy. North side fence is damaged in places and the ground is scorched and black from the recent fire of the last remaining picnic table. The rubbish bin is also missing.
Sports Field: New lock is on the front gate. Cllr John Green will ensure that there is a clear access to the meter box and check the perimeter fence.
Criminal Damage in the Recreation Ground. The Clerk has spoken to Essex Police regarding the recent fire and all the reports from the last 18 months have now been linked. TPC agreed:
· Not to replace any equipment until the cause of the damage is dealt with.
· Chairman to write a letter to the local paper requesting help from local residents stating how much has been spent refurbishing the ground and how the recent actions of a small group has taken away facilities from younger children and families.
· Youth Club to request a visit from Essex Police.
· A sign to be erected notifying the public that the area is regularly patrolled.
· An article will be placed in the next issues of the Grapevine & Newsletter notifying residents of the recent damage.
· A revision to the current bylaw will be added to the August agenda for discussion.
· TPC authorised payment for the struts and bin mounts to be removed. / All note/ Clerk
15/157 / Village Services
Dog & Waste Bins: A Cheque has been received from Little Canfield Parish Council as payment for the additional bin collections on Priors Green (6 bins).
Strimming: The June cut has now been completed. Morrells Green is looking very good. / All note
15/158 / Other Reports
Uttlesford Association of Local Councils AGM - Clr Jackie Cheetham reported:
- ECC & BT gave a presentation re broadband provision. Takeley will get fibre optic broadband. Residents need to request that their service providers move them to a faster system. Clr Cheetham requested a notice be posted in the next Newsletter including a link to Superfast Essex website.
Clr Cheetham was appointed to the represent the association on the STACC Committee & will be attending future meetings.
Oak Trees: New Oak trees are now ready to be plant, this will be added to the August agenda.
Jacks Lane: UDC has erected site notices either end of the lane regarding a 6 week consultation giving people the opportunity to make comment. Cllr Geoff Bagnall will give an update from Highways & Euan Kennedy in August.
Local Policing: A letter of complaint was sent to Essex Police Commissioner Nick Alston re-lack of Police presence. The Commissioner will be attending the next public meeting in Braintree town hall on the 9th July, details will be circulated to the full council.
Stansted Airport Pick Up/Drop Off : As of 1st July a reduced fee of £0.50 will be given to residents within a 5 mile radius of the airport when using the drop off/pick up point. / All note/
Aug mtg
15/159 / Non Agenda List
TPC noted the report. / All note
The meeting finished at 10.45pm
THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on