(4)crayons, box of 24 count
(3)disinfectant wipes
(12)glue sticks
(2)markers, dry-erase, (black or blue)
(1)markers, washable (box)
(1)ream white paper
(3) tissue, boxed
(1) plastic school box
(1) 1 inch notebook
(1) zipper supply pouch
1st Grade
(4) composition books
(2) crayons, box of 24
(1)disinfectant wipes
(12)glue sticks
(1) handwriting tablet
(1) marker, dry-erase (black or blue)
(4)pink erasers
(1) plastic school box or zipper pouch
(4)pocket folders with brads
(1)scissors, pointed
(3) tissue, boxed
(1) ream of white copy paper
2nd Grade
(4) composition books
(2) crayons, box of 24
(1)disinfectant wipes
(12) glue sticks
(2) markers, dry-erase, (black or blue)
(2)pink erasers
(1) plastic school box or zipper pouch
(1) scissors, pointed
(3) tissue, boxed
(2) highlighters
(1) ream white copy paper
(1) Ziplock baggies, hi-liters
3rd Grade
(5) composition books
(1) crayons, box of 24
(2)disinfectant wipes
(2)earbuds or headphones
(1) Ziplocbaggies(Hancock/gal;Narvaiz/qt;Marrs/gal)
(12)glue sticks
(1)reamwhite copy paper
(1)map colors, box
(2) markers, dry-erase, (black or blue)
(1) notebook paper (wide rule), package
(48)pencils, (#2 – no mechanical)
(1) bottle of glue
(1)zipper pouch
(8)pocket folders with brads(2 red, 2 yellow 2 green 2 blue)
(1) scissors, pointed
(2) Jumbo Book Covers
(3) tissue, boxed
(6)composition notebooks
(1) crayons, box or 24
(1)disinfectant wipes
(1)glue, bottle
(12)glue sticks
(1)map colors, box
(1)markers, box
(2)markers, dry-erase (black or blue)
(1)notebook paper (wide rule), package
(48)pencils, (#2 – no mechanical)
(1) pink eraser, (1 large or pkg. of pencil top erasers)
(1)ream of white copy paper
(1) plastic school box or zipper pouch
(3)plasticpocket folders with brads
(1) scissors, pointed
(3)tissue, boxed
(2)yellow highlighters
(1) package red pens
(6)composition notebooks
(1) crayons, box or 24
(1)disinfectant wipes
(2)glue, bottle
(12)glue sticks
(1)map colors, box
(1)markers, box
(4)markers, dry-erase 4 pk. (black)
(2)notebook paper (wide rule), package
(48)pencils, (#2 – no mechanical)
(1) plastic school box or zipper pouch
(4)pocket folders with brads
Atleast *1 RED & *1 BLUE
(1) scissors, pointed
(3)tissue, boxed
(2)yellow highlighters
(1)package of notecards 3x5
(1) ream of white copy paper
(3) packs pull up diapers
(1) large box baby wipes
(4) wipe refills
(2) gallon size zip lock baggies
(2) changes of clothes (sock & shoes)
(2) lg. containers of Clorox or Lysol wipes
(4) lg. Kleenex
(1) nap mat or yoga mat
(1) lg. backpack
(1) ream of white paper
**NO TOYS AT SCHOOL. All supplies will remain at school
*This is the Lubbock ISD’s genericschool supply list. Please check with your campus to see supplies specific to your campus.