February 14, 2005, Minutes
Continued, Page 2
February 14, 2005 7pm Calais Town Hall
Attending: Cy Lamberton, Randy Fitch, Nedene Martin, Paul Hannan, Joshua Larkin, Peter Harvey, Wayne Morse, Dot Naylor and Rose Pelchuck. Bob Withey, Chair, was absent.
Selectboard Vice Chair, Cy Lamberton, called the meeting to Order.
Approval of the January 17th Meeting Minutes – on page 1, paragraph 4 change the last line to read as follows: Chad reported the Class 4 portion of Chapin Road (approximately 400’ to 500’) he will upgrade himself to B-71 Standards for Class 3 Roads but will not be asking the Town to change it to a Class 3 Road. Nedene Martin made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 4-0.
Approval of the January 24th Meeting Minutes – Note correct spelling of Floyde Fitch’s name. On page 1, paragraph 4, line 2 change to short-term interest (not short-term debt); paragraph 8, change third sentence to read as follows: Cy Lamberton made a motion to add an Article 2 in the Town Warning to expend up to $45,000.00 to be paid over four years for the purchase of a used excavator and trailer for ditching, culvert work and digging. Paragraph 9, at the end of line 2, insert “and to add a transition zone of 40mph northerly of the village for .28 miles”. Paul Hannan made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 3-0-1, with Randy Fitch abstaining since he was not at this meeting.
Approval of the January 31st Meeting Minutes – Note the omission of the word Use in paragraph 3, line 8 after the word Hours and on line 19, change the word conservation to conversation. Also in paragraph 3, line 24, delete the words “shall have keys to the building”. Paul Hannan made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 4-0.
Approval of Liquor Licenses – The Selectboard reviewed three liquor license applications from Chalice Community Venture, Inc. for the General Store of East Calais, Adamant Co-op, Inc. and Maple Corner General Store. Paul Hannan made a motion to approve these three liquor licenses. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 4-0.
Certificate of Highway Mileage – Cy Lamberton reported the results of the State Agency of Transportation, VTrans Mapping & GIS Unit recent re-measurement of Town Highway #44, Wheeler Road, on February 9, 2005. The results came in a letter dated February 9, 2005 from Johnathan Croft, AOT GIS Database Administrator for the VTrans Mapping & GIS Unit.
The results are as follows:
Maintained Section =1.24 miles (Class 3 Road)
Un-maintained Section =0.02 miles (Class 4 Road)
Total Highway Mileage for TH #44 =1.26 miles
The Change Certificate of Highway Mileage now reflects the above referenced distances as well as 0.60 miles at the beginning of TH #51, Chapin Road, which had been brought up to Class 3 Standards some time ago. Wayne Morse gave a presentation showing the Selectboard various maps of Wheeler Road and explained his interpretation of the road. Paul Hannan made a motion to approve the Change Certificate of Highway Mileage and will supercede the previously sent in report. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 3-1, with Nedene Martin voting against the motion.
Other Business – Paul Hannan reported the Task Force on Calais Dams Final Report is ready but a few minor things need to be looked at. Paul noted the committee would meet tomorrow, February 15, 2005, at which time Paul will give the report back to the committee.
Dot Naylor inquired about the list of town positions and expiration of terms and if the list was available. Dot also inquired about a fence that was suppose to be put up at the Casella Waste Management Depot in East Calais. Cy Lamberton responded that the people running the depot did not want the fence so it never got put up.
Nedene Martin asked Adelphia Cable about free hook-up of the Town Office Building for high-speed Internet access. Nedene discovered the Town Office is one mile from where the cable ends and 500 feet is the cut-off Adelphia provides to municipalities for high-speed Internet access. Nedene Martin also reported the Communities Working Together questionnaire needs to be filled out and the Selectboard agreed Nedene could fill in the requested information. As the Webmaster for the Town’s website, Nedene can now receive and answer e-mails. Nedene would like the Town to devise a policy as to the type of information she can dispense by e-mail.
Cy Lamberton reported he attended the Agency of Transportation meeting where the State discussed the implementation of a transition zone of 40mph on Route 14 in East Calais by the Recreation Field.
Tentative Agenda Items for the February 28th Meeting
Ø Town Invoices and Road Commissioner’s Orders of the Day
Ø Review plans for Town Meeting
Ø Task Force on Calais Dams Final Report
Ø Application for Moscow Mills Bridge repair
Ø E-mail policy for Webmaster
Randy Fitch made a motion to adjourn at 8:26pm. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Pelchuck
Selectboard Recording Secretary